The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

$120 The East Island that was penetrated

However, the moment the Yamata no Orochi's attack broke out of the divine light barrier, the entire world where Dongdao was located seemed to have received some kind of stimulation.

The whole world trembled slightly, with wisps of brilliance splashing out, and in just an instant, it filled the entire world.

A series of looming rules emerged, crisscrossing each other, forming a huge net, and a terrifying force of suppression gathered, shrouding the attack from the Yamata no Orochi.


The space trembled slightly, and the Yamata no Orochi's attack collided with the suppressive force. It did not erupt into a terrifying shock wave as everyone imagined.

However, this does not mean that the power of the two is less.

From the slightly trembling, twisting, and even constantly collapsing space, as well as the rapidly disintegrating mountains and earth, we can know how terrifying the power of the two collides.

The most important reason for this situation is that the power of rules bursting out from the East Island world is not used to attack, but to suppress and neutralize attacks.

In other words, the suppressive force of rules bursting out from the East Island world is not a head-on confrontation with the attack from the Yamata no Orochi.

Instead, it uses the rules of heaven and earth to suppress the rules within it, and from the side, dispels the energy intensity contained in it, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing its damage to heaven and earth.

However, it is obvious that the power of rules that the entire East Island can mobilize cannot completely suppress the attack from the Yamata no Orochi.

After all, although in theory, any attack that does not exceed the intensity of Blue Star's essential rules can be easily suppressed.

However, that was when the entire Blue Star was covered by the rules of the Conferred Gods List and completely integrated into one body. It would naturally be easy to suppress those attacks whose intensity did not exceed the upper limit.

However, the fact is that there are many places on Blue Star that are occupied by the above-ground divine kingdoms of those gods, which are isolated from the list of gods and the complete integration of Blue Star rules.

This also resulted in the List of Gods not being fully activated and controlling all the rules of Blue Star.

The power of rules that it can mobilize is even greater than the power of humanity to leverage the rules of heaven and earth.

However, the current Pan-Human Alliance is also not completely integrated into one. It is basically a state of autonomy for each region.

Under this situation, the only humanitarian power that Dongdao, the original country and current region, can mobilize is the humanitarian power of Dongdao.

Under such circumstances, the rules that the power of humanity can leverage through the Conferred Gods List are naturally incomplete.

If it is a spirit with low strength, it can naturally be easily suppressed.

But facing a god like Yamata no Orochi, who is also an extremely famous god in the East Island, it seems to be a little weak.

Although, it can still suppress and reduce some of its power.

However, the damage it can cause is still extremely shocking.

Not to mention the extremely close live broadcast equipment and photographers.

But everything on the path attacked by the pillar of divine power was completely destroyed.

Whether it was mountains, rivers, or living cities that blocked the road, they were all destroyed.

This magnificent beam of divine power directly penetrated half of the East Island and reached the sea outside the East Island. Only then did it gradually dissipate under the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth.

Looking at the straight passage from Hongfu Mountain to the outer sea, everyone who watched this scene was collectively speechless.

"Well, doesn't it mean that after the power of the God List covers the whole world, it can leverage the rules of the world of Blue Star and suppress all gods that do not exceed the upper limit?

But, what is this situation? "

"What else could it be? It must be that Yamata no Orochi's attack has exceeded the upper limit of Blue Star rules."

"That's not necessarily the case"

As for the power of Yamata no Orochi, which exceeds the upper limit of Blue Star rules, some people agree, and naturally some people hold different opinions.

"Oh, what do you say?"

"It was said before that if the power of the God List covers the whole world, it can suppress gods that do not exceed the upper limit.

However, the current power of the God List does not cover the whole world.

There are many places in Blue Star that are blocked by the power of the gods. They are basically equivalent to the above-ground divine kingdoms of the gods, but they are not covered by the power of the God List."

"Uh~, that's true"

After everyone finished their discussion, they turned their doubtful eyes to Alliance Prime Minister Ren Huang, waiting for his answer.

"Indeed, the current list of gods does not integrate the rules of the entire Blue Star. It is inevitably a bit difficult to suppress the power of those gods.

But even so, basically, most of the gods have no way to escape the suppression of the rules of the Gods List.

Theoretically speaking, with the power of Yamata no Orochi's personality, he should not be able to compete with the power of the rules of the East Island world.

I just didn't expect that the eight heads of the Yamata no Orochi would be responsible for eight different rules.

Moreover, after the eight rules are unified, they will complement each other to a certain extent, causing the energy level of their attacks to rise rapidly again, directly breaking through the suppression of the current rules of heaven and earth on the East Island.

Fortunately, even those top gods may be able to break through the upper limit of the current rules of heaven and earth with the power they can exert.

However, they will also be greatly restricted


After a moment of silence, Ren Huang slowly explained.

At the end of his speech, Ren Huang's eyes even glanced at the former Prime Minister of Dongdao, now the director of Dongdao.

The meaning is self-evident. If it weren't for the Conferred God List prying the suppression and restraint of the rules of heaven and earth, the entire Dongdao might have been truly divided into two, or even collapsed and completely broken apart.

Unlike now, although a long passage has been opened.

But that is at most equivalent to digging a ditch from Hongfu Mountain to the coast.

After all, the Yamata no Orochi did not attack the land directly, but launched the attack a hundred meters above the ground.

The destruction suffered on the ground was just the aftermath of the attack.

Obviously, the Yamata no Orochi still had some concerns.

For the scene of the Conferred God List conferring officials at the beginning of the establishment of the Pan-Human Alliance, it left a very deep impression in the hearts of the gods.

That might is definitely not something that a single god can contend with. Even those powerful gods are only as powerful as the might of the Investiture of the Gods when it is fully unleashed.

Although it is not so easy to use the Investiture of the Gods with all its might, it requires the consent of almost all humans.

And considering the current situation of the Pan-Human Alliance and the division of power in each region, that is almost impossible.

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