As the will of the world, maintaining the operation and balance of the world is its greatest responsibility and instinct. Read

It is obviously impossible for the gods to strip away the rules. It will only increase the power to bind the gods.

Unless someone can integrate the rules of heaven and earth, and be in harmony with heaven and earth with a heart of great compassion, to a certain extent, influence the will of the world, and win a glimmer of hope for all living beings and gods.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible for the gods to transcend the rules and transcend heaven and earth.

Well, if all the gods work together and perform the transcendence at the same time, there is still a great chance of success.

After all, the rules of this world have almost been completely dominated by the gods. If they transcend together, they will almost account for more than 90% of the world's power, and there is indeed a great possibility of transcendence.

However, the price of their transcendence is the complete collapse of the entire world.

This may not be a big deal for those top gods.

But for ordinary creatures and those ordinary gods, it means losing the protection of the world and falling into the endless void world sea outside the world, which they must be unwilling to do.

Maybe the top gods don’t care about the ideas of those ordinary creatures, but they can’t completely ignore the ideas of other gods.

Those top gods are powerful, but after all, they have not transcended the current realm. If those weak gods want to hide, they don’t have a good way to do it with the protection of the world’s will.

Force is not possible, there is no common interest, and there is even the possibility of death. It is impossible to let all the gods transcend together.

If only one person transcends, it is equivalent to fighting against the whole world and all gods with his own strength.

Even this includes part of his own power, which is basically impossible to succeed.

Therefore, after reaching the limit, the gods of this world often hide their own rules, minimize contact with the outside world, and try to slowly cut off contact with the world and completely transcend.

Although they themselves know that this is basically impossible, they have no other choice.

And these many gods have occupied many rules and turned them into semi-private property, which will naturally affect the operation of the world in turn.

Even the rules they control are no longer operating in this world, such as those top gods who have formed their own world, enclosed their own territory, and are slowly isolating their own rules and connecting with the world.

Moreover, these gods are not only not subordinate to each other, but even restrain each other.

In this way, the operation of the rules of this world is already imaginable.

Otherwise, Yuan Meng took the rules of the chaotic world as the core and transformed things that have never appeared in this world.

Of course, there is a reason why Yuan Meng used the rules of this world as a representation to cover up the breath of the rules of the chaotic world.

However, this is a world beyond the chaotic world after all. With the world will of such a world, the degree of control over the world should have been reacted to long ago.

Whether it is a natural disaster, a human disaster, a low luck, a tooth stuck when drinking cold water, a pit when walking, or even a thunderbolt from the sky, there will always be many disasters and reactions.

However, none of these happened. Instead, it was not until Yuan Meng transformed John again and many days passed that disasters finally began to fall under the operating mechanism of this world.

Or to put it another way, the anti-virus program of this world has just started and started to use means to wipe out Tamir and John, two abnormal individuals.

As for Yuan Meng, except for the most fundamental and core spiritual consciousness, all his external souls, bodies, including the power system he uses, are all the native power and existence of this world.

Unless Yuan Meng exposes himself, let alone the world will that is being held back by the gods now.

Even if it is a normal world will, it is difficult to find his similarities and differences without specifically checking Yuan Meng.

The will of a world can certainly explore and operate everything in the world, but when it comes to each individual living being, it is impossible for it to explore inside and outside all the time. It mainly operates and balances the rules of the world.

However, Tamir and John, their core foundation is the rules of the chaotic world. What they do is to constantly analyze the rules of this world and integrate them into their core foundation.

This is basically prying the corner of this world. Under the operation of the rules of this world, they will naturally not be allowed to exist.

Although Yuan Meng's actions are also analyzing the rules of this world, he has not used them on himself. What he has used is always the power of the controller sequence of this world.

Therefore, the will of the world will ignore him.

Of course, if Yuan Meng disturbs the process trajectory of the world in large quantities, gathers a lot of people's hearts and minds, and develops in the direction of the protagonist of the world, it will inevitably attract the attention of the will of the world and is the easiest to expose.

Unless you can reach a very high level before this, or gather enough people's hearts and minds.

Only by using human hearts to fight against heaven's will and human morality to fight against heaven's will can we escape from the disaster of the world's will, or even eliminate it.

However, even if the world's will of this world wants to wipe out Tamir and John.

It is also because this world has many gods hindering the operation of the world, and it is difficult for a true catastrophe to occur.

Therefore, if this world wants to wipe out Tamir and John, the two abnormal individuals, it should use the human catastrophe to guide many powerful creatures to come and fight against them and eventually kill them.

However, the operation of the world has its own rules to follow, and the world will cannot directly guide those overly powerful creatures to come and kill Tamir and John.

Those who have turned into human catastrophes are mostly at the same level as them, slightly stronger, at most one or two realms higher, and Yuan Meng's transformation of them is enough to deal with them.

Of course, if the two of them are courting death and stubbornly approach those high-level beings, then there is a great possibility that they will be slapped to death under the guidance of the world will.

However, not to mention John who has left the manor, at least Tamir at this time is unlikely to encounter such a situation.

Because Yuan Meng had no plans to go out in the short term, Tamir, as his bodyguard, would naturally not go out either, and he would also have no chance to encounter beings that surpassed his limits.

For example, the being that came this time was at the same level as Tamir. If classified according to the level of Sequencers, it would be at the level of Sequence 8, which is also the second level in the extraordinary level of this world.

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