The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

56 The Illuminati, the neglected other world

In fact, the Titan King Kronos had already realized his arrival in this world long before Athena and the others came.

He had even secretly condensed and created a small Titan kingdom in the bottom dimension of the world. With just one opportunity, he could become a god again in this world and become the Titan Lord and Titan King of this world.

He could even take this opportunity to go a step further and climb the Mountain of Gods again in the future, or even drive Zeus off the stage and ascend to the position of the King of Gods again.

This is the help that those second-generation dandies have given to Kronos, the Titan King.

And this is the development route sought by the aristocracy in the Titan Church represented by John.

The other part, led by Yunlan, took the bottom route.

They founded the Illuminati, with the core theme of "I am in the dark, yearning for light; believing in light, I will be reborn", and began to develop among the slaves and civilians at the bottom.

Because these slaves and civilians were living in poverty, they began to regard the Illuminati's belief in light and rebirth as a support in their hearts.

Even without Yun Lan's deliberate propaganda, these slaves and civilians had already developed a devout belief, fabricated a Lord of Light who never existed, and believed in him devoutly.

After feeling all these situations, Yuan Meng naturally could not do nothing.

After all, there really is such a Lord of Light and Holy Light God on Blue Star.

Yuan Meng simply took his fundamental rules as the core and constructed the light sequence in this world.

As long as someone devoutly believes in the Lord of Light, they will gradually be guided down, and a part of the Lord of Light's power will continue to strengthen themselves, and eventually become a light warrior, or a light priest.

After reaching the limit, it will be transformed into an angel, a two-winged legend, a four-winged epic, a demigod angel, and a six-winged holy angel, which is similar to the level of a god.

Because slaves and civilians have a low status and are not valued by the high-level officials of the continent, they develop more secretly and faster.

After all, the number of slaves and civilians is the largest in the world.

Although the area occupied by the Illuminati in the same period of time is not as large as that of the Secret Demon Organization.

But the number of Illuminati is extremely large.

The number of ordinary followers of the Illuminati has grown to hundreds of millions, and there are hundreds of thousands of light warriors and light priests of different levels.

Even the angels of light also have thousands.

There is no way, the core light armor of the light sequence is originally very easy to upgrade.

Well, the so-called light armor is Yuan Meng's transformation of Yunlan's light titan body in secret.

It is originally very easy to upgrade, and the upgrade of the light sequence does not pay much attention to personal qualifications, nor does it matter how much energy you absorb.

What it values ​​is a person's belief in the Lord of Light.

The more devout the belief, the faster the strength will increase.

If one can reach the level of a saint, then it is not impossible to reach the level of a four-winged angel in one step.

As for the six-winged holy angel, it requires the Lord of Light to grant a ray of his own rule projection as a support before it can be truly achieved.

The Illuminati, which is developing so vigorously, will naturally be more powerful for the Lord of Light.

The heaven of light he secretly opened up is almost as big as half of the continent. The Holy Temple Mountain, the Gate of Heaven, etc., etc., are all there.

He is also waiting for that opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to become a god again in this world.

Of course, whether it is Kronos or the Holy Light God, their so-called secret opening of the world is just what they think is secret.

In fact, if it were not for Yuan Meng to shield them from the secrets, their little actions would have been discovered by the gods of this world.

After all, the main rules of this world have long been occupied by the gods, and any slight change in the dimension of the world rules will be discovered by them.

Yuan Meng combined the basic rules of this world and began to derive another set of rules that fit this world, which barely deceived the gods' perception.

The more local creatures practice and comprehend this set of rules, the more power and authority Yuan Meng can obtain in this world, and the easier it is to shield the gods' perception.

Of course, the reason why Yuan Meng can do this so easily is that most of the gods in this world focus their attention on the blue star.

Yes, that's right, as time goes by, the connection between the two worlds has not slowly separated, but has become closer.

There are more and more weak points in space, and the rules of the two worlds begin to affect each other.

Well, not only in the blue star world, there are many strange spaces, which give rise to all kinds of elusive weirdness.

Even in this world, there are many different spaces, in which all magical abilities and all extraordinary powers will be severely suppressed.

In serious cases, even all extraordinary powers will be exhausted.

The reason why there are not many such things in this world is that these different dimensions have been blocked and occupied by the big forces that know some news.

Although those different dimensions will suppress and consume extraordinary power.

However, they also reflect some rules of the Blue Star world at the same time, which has indescribable benefits for those epic and demigod strongmen.

Even if they have enough opportunities to comprehend a new rule in it, they can naturally rebuild their own practice system with this rule as the core, and they may not be able to become independent gods that have not appeared on this continent for countless years.

Therefore, once such a different dimension appears, it will be occupied by those big forces and the news will be firmly blocked.

Only in these years, whether it is the secret demon organization of the Titan Church, the Illuminati formed by Yunlan, or Qiao An and others.

They have gradually developed and started to contact the world's top forces, and then they began to obtain information in this regard.

Moreover, because the two worlds are more closely connected, the Blue Star World, which was originally known only to a few gods, is no longer a secret, but is known to all gods.

The Blue Star World, which is not inferior to this world, naturally attracted the attention of the gods at the first time, and they are constantly trying to descend into that world.

At this time, how can they pay attention to the affairs of the other world?

After all, they have already mastered the main rules of this world, and no matter how it develops, it will not escape their control in the end.

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