The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

78 Transformation, Realm, Control, Erosion

Stepping into the endless ocean of rules, various different perceptions kept coming to my mind.

Looking back at the network of rules that I had woven to separate the core of the Blue Star rules from the sea of ​​rules in the outside world and the dimension of the material world, it was really full of omissions and completely unsystematic.

My so-called division and coverage was just a joke, just what I thought.

In fact, the core of the rules of Blue Star has never been disconnected from the outside world.

However, Yuan Meng was not discouraged by this.

At that time, Yuan Meng's strength was indeed far from the perfect rules of the Blue Star world that had evolved for billions of years. It was understandable that he could not fully understand the operating mechanism of the Blue Star rules.

But now, it is completely different.

The infinite chaotic world evolved by Yuan Meng has reached the level of the Blue Star world, and even slightly exceeded it.

Although their forms are completely different, their existence essence is already comparable. Yuan Meng can naturally understand the various rules in the Blue Star rule ocean.

However, at this time, Yuan Meng had a different idea about the method of evolving the rule network and separating the core and the outside of the Blue Star rules to achieve the purpose of slowly eroding and analyzing.

And the origin of this idea comes from the Heavenly Dao and the realm of the Lord of the Realm opened up by Pangu.

Replace the Heavenly Dao with my Dao and usurp the authority of the rules of the world.

Moreover, with the gradual development of the Blue Star world and the continuous improvement of the cultivation realm, everyone's interest in Yuan Meng, the first person in cultivation, has also increased.

They don't know what realm Yuan Meng is in. They only know that he is very strong, but there is no specific one, so it is inevitable that they will have some ideas.

At least in the past two years, when Yu Zhiqing communicated with him, there were occasional language tests.

Although Yuan Meng didn't care, it was always good to have less trouble.

Unless he completely leaves the human society of Blue Star and looks down on all living beings from a high position as the Lord of Chaos.

Or modify everyone's memory, or change his appearance and live in a different identity.

Otherwise, such temptations will happen again and again in the years to come.

But Yuan Meng did not want to choose the method just mentioned.

Then Yuan Meng needed an identity that was shocking enough to everyone, but not too far away, to ensure his current life.

And Yuan Meng's choice was Pangu's Heavenly Dao Realm.

Of course, this does not mean that the realm Yuan Meng is showing now is the Heavenly Dao Realm.

After all, apart from Chaos, Yuan Meng did not open up other worlds.

Therefore, what he is showing now should be regarded as the Heavenly Venerable Realm, just slightly beyond it.

That is, it is at the stage of starting to replace the rules of Blue Star and become the Lord of Heavenly Dao.

This realm is also a very high realm for the gods and Heavenly Venerables who descended on Blue Star, but it is not beyond their reach.

After all, there are no fewer Heavenly Venerables descending on Blue Star.

Let alone Heavenly Venerables, the two are almost in the same realm, but Yuan Meng has found the way forward.

The gods nowadays are all arrogant and proud, and they don't think they are worse than the Tianzun in the prehistoric world.

They just don't have the right path. I believe that as time goes by, they will transcend little by little, and eventually they will catch up with many Tianzun.

As for the humans on Blue Star,

well, do they know what Tianzun is? They probably think that it is a realm that is stronger than the gods.

And with only more than ten years of development on Blue Star, some people are about to reach the level of Hedaochengshen.

They probably also think that although the realm of Tianzun is high, they will catch up soon.

Probably only when they achieve the realm of true immortals above the gods, they will suddenly realize that the realm of Tianzun is even higher.

In other words, the realm level that Yuan Meng chooses to show now is very high no matter which level it is, but it has not reached the point that is completely untouchable.

It is the kind of level that they can reach as long as they work hard.

As for the details, when they really want to catch up, it will take hundreds of millions of years and it will be difficult to reach, and then they will know the despair.

As for the path chosen by Yuan Meng, it is naturally the controller sequence he is using in the other world.

Of course, Yuan Meng will not be sequence nine, sequence eight, or even sequence one. There is no need for a little progress in cultivation.

So, for Yuan Meng, it should be called controlling the avenue, controlling the heaven and earth, and all spirits and things.

And now, he wants to control the core of the rules of Blue Star. This is not only for him to show his current strength, but also very important for Honghuang.

The reason why Honghuang has not been promoted to the level of the real Blue Star world is that it lacks the most core rule that cannot be understood.

The world and chaos are different after all.

The chaotic world can rely on integrating the different rules of the two worlds, and adding a little rule from the world outside the world, the sea of ​​​​the void world, to raise the world level to a level that is not inferior to the real Blue Star world, or even a little bit beyond it.

However, the real universe and the world that can evolve all living things cannot be achieved in this way.

And this requires Yuan Meng to thoroughly analyze the rules of one world to complete the last point of the prehistoric world.

When Yuan Meng controls the core of the rules of Blue Star, he will naturally master the mysteries in it, discover the lack of prehistoric world, and then make up for the last point of its lack and complete the final transformation.

After determining the next goal, the aura of Yuan Meng began to change rapidly, and a Taoist rhyme that controls the world and all things in the world began to permeate around him.

And within the radiation range of his power, the constantly running rules began to be quickly infiltrated by his power and were marked with his mark.

And these kinds of rules, after flowing to other places, did not escape Yuan Meng's control. Instead, they began to derive power belonging to Yuan Meng and corresponding to the rules with the power of the rules.

However, the power derived from these rules is essentially a level down, and it belongs to a secondary derived power.

Although it is still under the absolute control of Yuan Meng, it is much weaker to the corrosiveness of the outside world.

After these forces are generated, they will continue to radiate and flow outward like the normal forces generated by other rules.

Wherever these forces flow, the various forces in them will be eroded by Yuan Meng's power and marked with his mark.

Even the various rules in them will be slowly eroded by this power, but the speed of erosion will be different depending on the strength and complexity of the rules.

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