When the gods saw the Styx, their expressions changed slightly, and they turned around and looked deeply at the Lord of Scarlet, because they felt a breath similar to that of the Lord of Scarlet on the body of the ancestor of the Styx.

At this moment, the gods didn't know what happened

How could this be the method of transcendence that the Lord of Scarlet found?

It was clearly the Lord of Scarlet who betrayed the world of Ars and the gods, and obtained the method of transcendence from the foreign gods.

Even so many foreign gods descended on the world of Ars, and it might be that the Lord of Scarlet was covering up for the foreign gods.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why so many foreign gods descended on the world of Ars silently, and the gods did not find any traces.


No wonder the gods always felt that the power of the Lord of Scarlet was inexplicably familiar

Isn't that the power of the other world that the gods just discovered?

"Scarlet Lord, I didn't expect that you would betray our world for the so-called transcendence, willing to act as a lackey of the foreign gods, and help the foreign gods of that other world invade."

A powerful god, who has even reached the half-step supreme realm, glared at the Scarlet Lord with indignation.

"Huh~? How come I didn't know that you actually love our world so much?"

The Scarlet Lord, who had been smiling awkwardly, suddenly turned cold.

When the Scarlet Lord faced many supreme and creator gods, who were similar to or even stronger than him, he could pull out an awkward smile to deal with them.

But such an ordinary god, even if he was close to the half-step supreme level, was still the same as an ant to him.

What qualifications did he have to smile with him? What qualifications did he have to roar at him?

So, the Scarlet Lord's face turned cold instantly.

Afterwards, before the powerful god of the half-step supreme realm could react, he had already stretched out a hand and grabbed the god.

Many supreme beings and gods of creation had no intention of stopping the Lord of Scarlet. They all wanted to see what kind of means and power this god, who was only a powerful god before, would have after transcendence.

As for the powerful god who had reached the half-step supreme level,

the strong needed to be respected. Since this god ignored the majesty of the strong, he should be regarded as a pathfinder to test the depth of the Lord of Scarlet.


Seeing the Lord of Scarlet attack him, the powerful god of the half-step supreme realm changed his expression slightly, and then regained some confidence.

After all, he was about to break through to the supreme realm.

And the Lord of Scarlet was just an ordinary powerful god before.

Even if he has transcended now, it is just a promotion to a higher level. Even if he is stronger than himself, he believes that he should be able to resist a little.

At that time, the Scarlet Lord might have to face the siege of the gods. Even if he transcends, what does it matter?

Facing the crusade of the gods, he will surely fall here.

Perhaps by then, he can also obtain some of the Scarlet Lord's transcendence methods from them.

Even the Scarlet Lord who is not as good as him can transcend, he believes that he can definitely transcend, and even at that time, he will be more powerful than the current Scarlet Lord.

When thinking of this, the eyes of this god are full of fiery color

"Darkest moment!"

In an instant, there are countless shadows around this god, overlapping and shadowy, covering the endless void around it, all in the boundless shadows, evolving into a dark world.

Even the surrounding void is already being swallowed and assimilated by the dark power.

Including the time and space that has never stopped flowing from ancient times to the present, all stagnated here, trying to evolve a new time and space order.

"So strong! Even the void of time and space can't do anything to him. I'm afraid that even my full-strength attack can't break through that void."

A powerful god accidentally swept past here and immediately exclaimed in shock. Even the planet fragments that he had captured almost slipped out of his hands during the shaking.

The life on the planet fragments just felt that the shaking continent had calmed down, and just took a breath, but another violent vibration came.

Immediately, everyone was shocked and exclaimed loudly, looking for something to hide and hold on to.

"What is going on?

There has never been such a big earthquake on the planet Ars.

And what are those continental mountains that are floating away in the sky? Magic illusion, mirage, or are there really continental mountains flying away?"

Someone couldn't help but lie on his back on the ground, looking collapsed and asking loudly.

It's just obvious that the people around him are not much better than him, so they naturally won't answer his questions.

These people are naturally the ones who live in the center of the planet fragments. They only know that a big earthquake has occurred, but they don't know that the entire continent has been broken.

As for the gods who have captured the planet fragments, they can't see it.

Of course, not everyone can't see it. The stronger the strength, the more violent the mental fluctuations in this situation, and suddenly break through a certain limit, and they can see the scales and claws of the gods.

However, they are also the most unfortunate existence.

The consequences of looking directly at the gods are beyond their ability to bear. Those with low strength will explode and die, and even their flesh and blood will collapse little by little, eventually turning into a pool of sewage, or even turning into ashes and dissipating.

Even if one's strength is strong, facing the gods, the information pollution from higher dimensions will cause mental breakdown and physical alienation, turning into monsters polluted by the breath of gods, and some of them will become the followers of gods.

Then, on these planetary fragments, a bloody storm was set off, causing greater death.

Even on some planetary fragments, there are no living creatures, only some monsters with divine power and followers of gods.

However, the gods don't care much about these.

For example, this god, he was only shocked by the power shown by the half-step supreme god in the void.

As for the impact he accidentally caused on the planetary fragments, he didn't even bother to take a look.

After he finished speaking, a powerful god who passed by him accidentally looked in the direction he was looking.

Instantly, the god was also stunned on the spot

Naturally, his behavior also caused a similar impact on the planet fragments he had captured.

After a long time, the god said with emotion:

"Not only that, I am afraid that our attack will not only fail to break through that area, but will be completely eroded and assimilated by the power of the Darkest God Realm, which will in turn increase his power"

"Yes! He is no longer an ordinary powerful god, right?"

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