In fact, it was not only the emperor who expressed such emotion, but the rest of the people were also not much better, and were all extremely shocked and emotional. Google search reading

"Although this cannot restore the number of cell divisions, it can be used as a powerful weapon."

After the Military Minister of the Empire's External Defense Center came to his senses, his eyes immediately shone and he stared directly at the Dean of the Academy of Sciences.

Upon hearing the military minister's words, the emperor and other ministers' eyes lit up and they nodded excitedly.

With the specialness of the unknown energy, just a little bit of it can explode with such great power.

If it could be made into a weapon, it would not only be extremely powerful, but also very flexible and changeable.

No matter where it is used, it can be used.

Daily patrols, personal versions for small-scale applications, large-scale battles on large spaceships, gathering the power of everyone, mass versions for strategic strikes, etc.


It's possible, but we haven't found out its origin clearly. I think we should wait for some time and do some more research on it."

The dean of the Academy of Sciences pondered for a moment, then spoke.

After hearing what the dean of the Academy of Sciences said, everyone felt like a bucket of cold water was poured over their heads.

Only then did they remember that the source of this unknown energy and its specific situation were unclear.

How can everyone listen to it anymore? After it can restore the number of cell divisions, it becomes a little forgetful?

After everyone calmed down, the emperor took the lead and asked.

"Then do you have any clues?"

"There are some clues, based on the analysis of data transmitted by our detectors distributed within the galaxy.

The diffusion speed of this unknown energy is not static, but is constantly accelerating. Especially after covering a planet, it will get a slight improvement.

And its source should be here."

As he spoke, the president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences tapped his wrist lightly, and immediately a three-dimensional projection of the starry sky appeared in front of him.

I saw him reaching out to one of these points, and then he said:

"This is our planet, and the direction of the unknown planet is here."

His fingers slid and drew a straight line in the direction where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth spreads, and then he continued.

"According to us, for this unknown energy diffusion speed, and according to the latest research, we explore the observation data of this energy instrument, and then analyze it through our super-large intelligent optical brain

It should originate from near this galaxy."

His finger continued to slide, drawing a straight line in the starry sky projection in front of him, and finally pointed at a certain galaxy.


"Is this not a natural phenomenon in the universe, but really man-made?"

Everyone stood up and looked at the three-dimensional projection of the universe model, all muttering in low voices with ugly faces.

"I don't know, maybe it is, maybe it's not

However, according to the analysis of our Academy of Sciences, based on the distribution of the planets there, it is indeed very possible for life to be born, especially this planet."

The dean of the Academy of Sciences moved his finger, and a planet in that galaxy quickly enlarged.

Although the specific situation cannot be seen, it can be roughly seen that this planet is blue and green.

Seeing this, everyone still didn't understand that this should be a living planet, and their expressions instantly became even more ugly.

If this spreading unknown energy is caused by man-made causes, the consequences will be serious.

And if Yuan Meng, or other Hedao or gods, appear here, they will find that the planet they are referring to is a life planet recently covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and controlled by Yuan Meng.

At this moment, a report sounded outside the conference room.


"Come in!"

There was a slight pause in the discussion among the people present, and the emperor returned to his throne and spoke in a majestic tone.

Immediately, the door of the conference room opened quietly, and a soldier quickly entered, came to the middle of the crowd, and saluted the emperor.

"Okay, come back! What's the matter? Tell me!"

"Your Majesty, there has been a riot among the people."

As soon as these words came out, before the soldier finished speaking, the emperor had already stood up, stared at the soldiers below, and asked word for word.

"What did you say!?"

Since the empire unified the planet and began to march into the starry sky, although there have been some occasional turmoils, there have been none that can be called riots.

And now, during his term of office, something like this happened. Does that mean that he is not a qualified emperor?

In this case, his face will naturally not look good, and his tone will be cold and solemn!

In just a moment, the soldiers below were sweating.

However, he still tried his best to continue speaking in a relatively calm tone.

"Your Majesty, there is a riot among the people!"

"Breathe! What's going on? Tell me in detail."

After narrowing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the emperor suppressed the anger in his heart and regained his composure.

"Your Majesty, some people claim to have seen the gods, and they also say that this unknown energy, called the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, is the source of the power of the gods.

Brown Earth has become a place favored by the gods. A new god will surely be born. We call on everyone to believe in the gods and wait for the coming of the new god."

Although this is a cult, it seems nothing if it's just like this, right?

After listening to what the soldier said, everyone frowned.

Because the empire is rich in material resources and does not need to worry about life, many people feel empty inside, and it is easy to breed various cults.

The empire will deal with a batch every few years.

However, everyone did not directly scold, but quietly watched the soldier below, waiting for him to continue.

They believe that there must be a follow-up to this matter.

Otherwise, just doing something is not enough to report here.

Sure enough,

"When the city guards wanted to arrest them, those people openly refused to arrest them, claiming that they were servants of God and people favored by God, and the city guards had no right to arrest them.

Moreover, they also used some magical means to injure the city guards who arrested them.

Moreover, because of these means, they gathered a lot of people and started a large-scale worship ceremony, and those city guards were used as sacrifices by them."

"Huh~? Bold!"

The emperor of the empire heard this and slapped the armrest of the chair and shouted angrily.

"What's the situation?"

Someone asked.

"Many city guards were killed by them and sacrificed to the so-called gods.

Moreover, they also attacked the local government offices of the empire, killed the local governors, and announced that they were people favored by God and would establish the church kingdom of God on earth."

"Asshole! Send troops to suppress them immediately."

This immediately aroused the anger of everyone present, and the military minister stood up and roared loudly.

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