After destroying this alien civilization, all interstellar weapons, interstellar battleships, and those starry sky facilities, Zuo Mu looked at the hall again.

He wanted to teach the military minister a little more lesson, so that he would know that gods cannot be deceived.

However, the scene that appeared in front of him was a scene that shocked him.

I saw that in the hall full of technology, there were no aliens anymore, but they had all turned into monsters with deformed bodies.

At the same time, there are many aliens who are gradually transforming into human bodies.

At this time, they were all kneeling and praying loudly and devoutly towards his projection.

"Is this~?

grass! I actually forgot about this."

Zuo Mu slapped his forehead and violently restrained the power fluctuations emanating from his body. He felt regretful in his heart. He had just destroyed the interstellar facilities of this civilization, but he had forgotten to restrain the divine power fluctuations.

After being transmitted back through this monitoring equipment, the aliens who had been watching them were actually infected by divine power and turned into a group of deformed monsters and some descendants of gods.

Then this is nothing but revenge.

The scene in the hall where the Minister of Military Affairs was located made Zuo Mu have no intention of taking action again.

Well, judging from this point alone, the purpose of the Minister of Military Affairs has been achieved, and Zuo Mu will indeed not take action casually anymore.

I just don’t know if this is what the Minister of Military Affairs wants.

All interstellar facilities, interstellar battleships, interstellar weapons, including countless monitoring satellites, etc., were all destroyed by Zuo Mu.

Zuo Mu took another step forward, with immeasurable divine light blooming all over his body, and a golden halo formed by faint merit was projected behind his head.

Those are some of the humanitarian merits he has gained over the years by helping the development and construction of human civilization and expanding territories.

However, in the development of human civilization so far, it has not encountered any life or civilization that is evenly matched or even threatened.

It can be said that it has been a smooth journey, which is why those of them who grew up in the first place helped the development of some meta-human alliances in the beginning.

But after that, it really doesn't help much. At most, it is just to establish an interstellar teleportation array when a living planet is discovered.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for them to obtain much humanitarian merit.

Being able to form a faint halo of merit is due to his accumulation over the years, and the reason why he has never used merit to understand the rules and practice.

Well, he would never admit it. He wanted to keep his merits and show off in front of those alien beings.

It's a pity that until now, he has never seen even an intelligent alien life.

But now, we have finally encountered an intelligent alien civilization.

Moreover, it is an alien civilization that has been able to sail within this galaxy. Zuo Mu will not let go of this opportunity.

He wants to use his most glorious and majestic side to leave the deepest impression on this alien civilization and conquer this civilization.

In just a moment, Zuo Mu had arrived outside the Brown Earth Star. The overwhelming divine light poured down from the sky and enveloped the entire Brown Earth Star in an instant.

The brilliance of the divine power bloomed by the gods does not necessarily follow the law of linear propagation.

Therefore, at this moment, all the Brown Earth Stars could see the figure standing in the sky as long as they raised their heads.

"God, God!"


Everyone who saw all this could not help but murmur in a low voice.

As for those Brown Earth Stars who had been bewitched and joined various churches, they prostrated themselves on the ground and prayed devoutly.

However, there are some exceptions. One of them is naturally the emperor and his ministers.

They knew that because of this so-called god, the empire's military ministers, the president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and everyone in that hall were all transformed into ugly monsters.

They were naturally wary of it.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the power Zuo Mu released this time does not contain the power of rules.

In other words, don't look at Zuo Mu's shocking momentum.

However, those are just some sound and light effects, and do not contain much power, especially his fundamental power of rules.

Therefore, the emperor of the empire and many ministers who knew the inside story were still able to maintain their own sanity and feel conflicted.

Otherwise, within the entire Brown Earth Star, everyone enveloped by the divine light will be alienated and imbued with Zuo Mu's dependents.

Except for the emperor and the ministers.

There are also some people who resist and reject.

In other words, they are some deformed monsters and dependents.

And these are naturally distorted existences affected by Yuan Meng's power.

Because their power comes from Yuan Meng, they naturally resist and reject Zuo Mu, another god.

In their view, Zuo Mu was stealing the glory of the gods in their hearts. He was an evil god and an alien.

"O God! The evil god from outside the sky has come and is stealing your glory. Your people beg you to send down your power to punish this thief!"

Many people who were imprisoned or still on the move, many who were affected by Yuan Meng's power, looked at Zuo Mu's figure in the sky and couldn't help but pray devoutly.

Pray to their gods to send down grace and power to punish the evil god in their hearts who stole the glory of the gods.

Unfortunately, Yuan Meng did not respond. He did not care about the praise or belief of others.

No matter who or what exists, as long as they are still in this world, or as long as they are still in his system, they will definitely contribute to him. Why does he need the belief of others?

Moreover, Yuan Meng at this time could not accept their prayers.

Because Yuan Meng has entered the origin core of this planet.

However, because this planet has already given birth to intelligent civilization, their feedback on the origin core of the planet is much stronger than other planets.

Although due to the overall environment of the universe, it is impossible to give birth to the existence of heaven, humanity, and planetary will.

However, his resistance and rejection of foreign existence is far greater than that of other planets.

But Yuan Meng today is far from being comparable to the past.

Although the core origin of this planet resists very fiercely.

However, facing the force of Yuan Meng's countless star projections, he could only resist for dozens of breaths.

And this is why Yuan Meng tried to restrain his power, fearing that he would explode it directly.

Otherwise, let alone the power of the chaos, just the power of the planets he controlled in the Blue Star World.

It still only takes a thought to instantly crush the Brown Earth Star, including its core origin.

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