The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

32 Obsession plays the role of heaven, kindness plays the role of earth

As for why the strength of both sides is obviously not as huge as Hongjun imagined.

And the world opened up by Hongjun is about to be broken under the pressure of chaos?

That is because Hongjun has the three corpses incarnation.

And now, there is only one.

Sure enough, seeing that only one three corpses incarnation cannot suppress the world, the world is becoming more and more turbulent.

Hongjun, who was sitting cross-legged and suppressing the chaos, thought again, and another three corpses incarnation came out.

This three corpses incarnation did not stop after walking out, but stepped out directly without expression, and came to the world in an instant, and merged into the world in front of him silently.

And at the moment of entering the world, this incarnation of Hongjun has already bloomed with infinite mysterious light, which instantly spread throughout the world and illuminated the six directions and eight wastelands.

Between the whole world, the chaotic rules that were about to be chaotic to the extreme did not quickly stabilize under the illumination of this infinite mysterious light.

Instead, it became even more chaotic. A destructive atmosphere of the world about to be annihilated quickly rose in this new world.


The people who saw all this through the Dharma Eye looked at each other in bewilderment, wondering what Hongjun was doing?

"Heh~! Interesting"

And at this moment, there was a chuckle.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the person who laughed was the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God at this time was looking at Hongjun's Hongjun World, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

And the Destruction Demon God Luohou beside him was also looking at Hongjun World thoughtfully.

And when they saw the two people and their performance, everyone was slightly stunned, but they woke up in an instant, turned their heads and looked at Hongjun World again, and a sense of enlightenment gradually surged into everyone's hearts.

As time passed, the extremely chaotic rules of Hongjun World began to derive a true meaning of order, and in the extreme destruction, a little bit of the mysterious light of creation was also born.

Then, the true meaning of order instantly permeated the heaven and earth, and the extremely chaotic rules began to gradually return to order in another form.

In this way, the rules of the world began to operate in an orderly manner again as if they were a whole.

Moreover, the rules of the world in the world went from order to chaos, and then from chaos to order, which actually caused a certain transformation of the rules of the world.

The world that had become turbulent under the impact of the chaotic power outside the world actually had a tendency to stabilize.

At the same time, the point of the mysterious light of creation that was bred from the destruction had also spread to the entire world, making this newborn world begin to have vitality.

Countless fragments of rules, combined with the infinite spiritual energy of heaven and earth, began to transform into various embryos under the bred of the mysterious light of creation.

Magical weapons, rare treasures of heaven and earth, and even new born gods

Although these newly born beings are only in the form of embryos, they are still instinctively integrated into the various nodes of the operation of the rules of heaven and earth, assisting Hongjun in operating the rules of heaven and earth and maintaining the stable balance of heaven and earth.

The turbulent world, which had already stabilized a lot, is now more stable. The power of chaos impacts on the world barrier and it is difficult to cause obvious damage to it.

However, after this incident, Hongjun's two three corpse incarnations have also exhausted all their strength.

The two people seemed to have a telepathic connection

Well, they were originally one heart.

At this time, they looked at each other, and one of them had a cold and ruthless face, as if he was high above, looking down on the world, and the three corpse incarnations of obsession spoke directly.

"I am Hongjun, I will transform into Heavenly Dao, run the world, and Hongjun will not appear until the catastrophe comes."

Instantly, the incarnation of obsession, which had exhausted its power, gradually began to fade, and merged with the rules of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, and the Jade Disc of Creation that had previously merged into heaven and earth, and turned into the ruthless Heavenly Dao that ran the rules of heaven and earth.

Then, the remaining incarnation of the Three Corpses of Goodness, who had a kind look and loved the common people, followed the incarnation of obsession and spoke.

"I am Hongjun, I will transform into the Earthly Dao, run the world's reincarnation, protect the world and the common people, and the true spirit has a thought."

Similarly, this incarnation of goodness of Hongjun also gradually faded, and the rule power contained in it turned into a series of rule lights, radiating to the entire world, and finally merged into the world.

The will of the Earthly Dao and the power of the world's reincarnation began to emerge in this new world and started to run little by little.

"Boom! Boom!"

With the birth of Heavenly Dao and Earthly Dao, the entire Hongjun world was suddenly shaken.

A great truth that the universe is in accordance with the Way and the world is in order spread throughout the world, even beyond the world barrier.

The chaotic power outside the world stagnated slightly the moment it came into contact with this great truth.

Immediately, the boundless chaotic power quickly poured into the world barrier, was quickly suppressed by the Way of Heaven, and then was transformed into the innate spiritual energy between heaven and earth by the power of the Great Way of Reincarnation.

This caused the Hongjun world to quickly spread with thick innate spiritual energy.

At the same time, this new world was completely stabilized.

After all, the chaotic energy that impacted the world barrier was often swallowed up by the world barrier as soon as it approached it, and transformed into the innate spiritual energy in the world.

In this way, the surging chaos wave will naturally not impact the world barrier. With the suppression of the Heavenly Dao and the Earthly Dao, the world will naturally stabilize.

At this time, Hongjun exhaled a breath of turbid air and breathed a sigh of relief. The world was finally opened up.

But this is not over yet. Hongjun, who had just exhaled a breath of turbid air, continued to cheer up. As his thoughts moved, another figure walked out of his body.

And this figure is much more evil. The overwhelming evil thoughts spread to the surroundings. Endless desires are nurtured in his eyes. Selfishness, greed, jealousy, killing, etc., all kinds of negative emotions, are all gathered on him.

If there is someone beside him at this time, I am afraid that even a strong man in the realm of transformation will be eroded and assimilated by the monstrous evil thoughts and turned into a demon with monstrous evil thoughts.

Even the realm of Tianzun will be affected by his power.

However, it is precisely because he has all kinds of selfish desires and aspirations that his desire for powerful strength and a stronger realm far exceeds his obsession and good intentions.

And such an existence, in Hongjun's opinion, is the most suitable to do one thing.

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