The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

77 World promotion, planet evolution

As the golden light of merit fell, the aura of many people who had obtained the merit of the Heavenly Dao began to rise rapidly. Those who were not in the Dao Transformation Realm quickly advanced to the Dao Transformation Realm until they reached the middle and late stages of the Transformation Realm, and then they stopped their promotion.

The next moment, a circle of golden light of merit suddenly bloomed behind their heads, covering thousands of miles away, and even the entire galaxy.

The creatures under the cover of the golden light of merit only felt that their inner demons and doubts were gone, and their whole body and mind were clear.

And Yu Jiucheng, Zhao Le, the top existences of the Pan-Human Alliance, were themselves in the Dao Transformation Realm, and the amount of merit they obtained this time was also the largest.

Naturally, their cultivation realm was also improved even more, and even quickly climbed to the realm of Heavenly Venerable. All kinds of rules of heaven and earth, and the great principles of the great Dao, madly poured into their hearts, turning into a form of existence that they could understand, and making up for the lack of their great Dao fruit.

"Boom! Ka!"

The next moment, a tremor spread throughout the universe, and a strange wave rose in the universe.

This universe has seen something that has never happened before, and a parallel universe has been born.

Well, before this, there was no parallel universe in the Blue Star World

And at this moment, the essence of the Blue Star World began to rise rapidly, and in just a moment, it had reached the current level of the Ars World.

And, when the entire universe changed, the major life planets in the Blue Star World, including stars and other planets, were also undergoing drastic transformations.

Especially the life planets, they themselves are the nodes where the rules and origins of the Blue Star World operate, and they also have their own origin space.

At this moment, the origin space transformed, the planetary will belonging to the planet was born, and the planetary force field transformed into a barrier that is sometimes there and sometimes not.

Although, this sometimes there and sometimes not force field barrier basically does not prevent things from coming and going.

However, for some powerful beings that are not on this planet, they will suppress and restrain their cultivation on top of the control of the planetary will.

This is already the embodiment of a world.

However, because the Blue Star World is special, it is a galaxy universe, and there are no other material dimensional spaces.

Therefore, it has not completely evolved into an independent world, but even so, it is also a kind of alternative planet world to a certain extent.

And how many life planets are there in the entire Blue Star world?

It can be said that there are endless and immeasurable.

After all, the universe has been expanding and growing.

Life planets will naturally continue to derive.

In addition to life planets, other stars, planets, etc. have also evolved to varying degrees.

However, these planets are too desolate and lack the most core origin space.

So the evolution is not too perfect, but it also has the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even the secondary origin space.

The so-called secondary origin space, that is, the origin space force field of the life planet, constantly radiates outward, affects these planets and then produces them.

The birth of these secondary origin spaces may not give birth to intelligent life on these planets, but it is more than enough to give birth to life.

Gu Yao

Of course, this is not absolute.

The closer a planet is to a life planet, the greater the chance of giving birth to intelligent life, such as within the same galaxy.

In other words, as long as a life planet is born within a galaxy, all the planets in this galaxy, including the hot stars, will give birth to life, and even intelligent life will be derived.

On the contrary, the farther away from the life planet, the smaller the chance of giving birth to intelligent life.

It can be said that as long as it is out of the same galaxy, it is basically difficult to give birth to intelligent life, most of them are some unintelligent beasts, monsters and the like.

And this range is probably the galaxy where the life planet is located, and a circle of galaxies around it.

Planets within this range will also slowly give birth to life, but they cannot give birth to intelligent life.

Unless there is really a kind of existence that is destined by heaven, by chance, it will obtain the overflowing original power, which is possible to open up spiritual wisdom and give birth to wisdom.

Moreover, it will be difficult for the stars within this range to give birth to life. Even if there is, it is only one or two, and it is impossible to form a group.

And further away, it is the origin space force field of the life planet, and the boundary of the radiation range, even the birth of life is impossible, and it can only be called a mineral and resource planet.

And this range is also the largest, often with the life planet as the core, and the range of tens or hundreds of light years.

Although the planets within this range cannot give birth to life, they will attract and devour a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the rule dimension under the influence of the origin space force field of the life planet, and then form various spiritual minerals and resources.

And further away, outside the power radiation range of the life planet, although there is still the existence of heaven and earth spiritual energy.

However, that is a real barren planet, and even the minerals and resources in it are mostly ordinary items.

If it is just a simple technological universe, it may still be of great use, but for the blue star world where cultivation is popular nowadays, it is a bit useless.

Although, in terms of cultivation methods, even ordinary minerals and resources can be refined with a large amount of spiritual energy to turn them into suitable minerals, resources, spiritual materials, and spiritual objects.

However, within the radiation range of the power of the life planet, there are already many real spiritual materials as auxiliary to cultivation.

Why should they look for these ordinary minerals and resources that need a lot of heaven and earth spiritual energy to be repeatedly refined?

Moreover, the acquired refinement is not as good as the innate birth after all.

So, such planets and galaxies are truly barren lands for the current blue star world.

Of course, this is not unchangeable. With the operation of the rules of the universe, it is also possible for these barren planets to have rules and origin flow nodes, and then the origin space will be born and intelligent life will be derived.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will naturally refine it. After infinite time, even stubborn stones will turn into spiritual materials.

However, no matter what kind of planet it is, it will begin to give birth to its own planetary force field and slowly derive its own rules.

That is to say, all planets can be regarded as planetary worlds from now on.

It's just that some planetary worlds have prosperous life and civilization, while some planetary worlds are barren and lonely.

Moreover, if it is a normal world, over such a long period of time, as the number of living beings continues to grow, especially intelligent life, as they continue to grow and become stronger, more and more spiritual materials are needed.

The minerals and resources within the influence range of the life planet will eventually be slowly depleted, and the minerals and resources in the barren world will be able to play a role.

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