The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

$124 Chaos Derivation, a Despairing Gap

While Pangu kept thinking, an incarnation of his concept, or Pangu himself, once again descended into the chaos where he lived before, the prehistoric world.

Coming to the boundary of chaos, I carefully observed and felt the peculiarity of its interface with nothingness.

After carefully feeling the peculiarity of the interface between chaos and nothingness, and after a long, long time, Pangu suddenly realized

The boundary between chaos and nothingness is not what he thought before. The two are in direct contact.

There is actually a mysterious force field barrier between the two.

In other words, the entire chaos is actually enveloped by a layer of force field, which can be called a chaotic force field.

However, the chaotic energy derived from Pangu was directly released from the scope of his power and submerged into the surrounding void.

In such a situation, even if the chaotic energy derived from Pangu could not be assimilated into nothingness or melted into nothingness, it would be completely submerged and lost in endless nothingness.

After understanding these and feeling the various characteristics of the chaotic force field, Pangu returned to the endless void again and began to derive a layer of chaotic force field with his own avenues and concepts.

With the derivation of the chaotic force field, Pangu was immediately separated from nothingness, or in other words, the chaotic energy derived from Pangu was separated from nothingness.

As for Pangu himself, at this moment, he was in a strange state, existing within the chaotic energy and chaotic force field he derived, and also existing in nothingness.

Even because of his state, he could actually feel the many chaotic air masses existing in the void at this time.


This was Pangu's first impression. It was dense and endless, just like the endless stars in that world, or even more than that.

And these chaotic air masses are also different.

Some chaotic air masses are filled with endless brilliance of the world, and the stars are intertwined with each other, just like a star cluster with twinkling stars.

For example, the chaotic air mass where the Supreme Prehistoric Tower is located looks like this.

Well, after the world that Pangu opened up was named Honghuang by many creatures in the world, there were some other worlds that were named Honghuang after Pangu's world.

Therefore, everyone added a prefix to their ancient world, most of which were their own names.

For example, Pangu's prehistoric world, Hongjun's prehistoric world, or Sanqing's prehistoric world, Ancestral Wu's prehistoric world, etc.

As for the prehistoric world where they were born, everyone calls it the supreme prehistoric world, or the original prehistoric world.

And just like the chaotic air masses where the supreme prehistoric world is located, there are also many chaotic air masses that are filled with the glory of the world.

However, the brilliance of the world in those chaotic air masses will appear scattered. Obviously, not many worlds exist.

Pangu is also aware of these chaotic air masses, or to be precise, the world within these chaotic air masses, and can come here at any time.

Obviously, those worlds also contain Pangu's legends and information, and no matter how many people master these legends and information, Pangu can come to them.

As for these chaos and worlds, even though Pangu did not come, he knew very well that they should also come to the blue star world, the chaos and world where the gods live.

And because of this, the legend and some information about Pangu spread into their world.

In addition, there are some chaotic air masses, which are hazy and lifeless, and Pangu has no sense of them.

Naturally, this also shows that these chaos did not have the birth of the world, let alone the arrival of the gods on the Blue Star.

However, for this countless chaos, in Pangu's current wonderful state, although he can sense it, he is completely unable to approach or even come to it, or even close to half of it.

Unless it is through those legends and information about Pangu as a sensory connection, this can cross the endless void and descend.

After adapting to his current strange state, Pangu began to derive his own chaotic energy within the chaotic force field.

This time, as expected, I was not assimilated and dissolved by the nothingness like before.

In an instant, endless energy of chaos emerged, filling the chaotic force field.

And as the energy of chaos became abundant and filled the entire chaotic force field, the chaotic force field also began to expand outward little by little, gradually becoming larger and slowly evolving towards the true chaos.

However, Pangu felt a little helpless as he felt the speed of the energy of chaos.

There is no way, the speed of the energy of chaos is really too slow.

Although every moment and every breath, a large amount of chaos energy will be derived, but if you want to evolve the vast and endless chaos, it seems to be a drop in the bucket.

It's like a heavy rain. If you want to fill a pond, it is easy. It can be easily completed in a short time.

However, if you want to use this to form a vast ocean, it cannot be formed in a short time. It will require accumulation over many years and a long time.

If you want to fill a planet or even the entire universe with this, how absurd it would be. Even if you don't consider its source and everything else, if it keeps pouring down, it will probably take endless years, right?

The same is true for the chaos derived by Pangu.

At the beginning, the chaos was just a small piece. In just a moment, it was completely filled with the chaotic energy derived by Pangu.

However, as the chaos continued to grow, the chaotic energy that could be accommodated naturally increased. The chaotic energy derived by Pangu was a drop in the bucket.

But Pangu didn't have any good way to deal with this. He could only rely on endless time to accumulate slowly.

As time passed, the chaos derived by Pangu became larger and larger.

However, in this desolate environment, the same thing was repeated day after day and year after year.

Pangu's heart inevitably produced a boring, lonely and lonely mood.

After feeling the chaos he had created again and comparing it with the other chaotic gas masses, Pangu could not help but feel a little desperate.

The difference was too big.

If we had to compare them, the chaos created by Pangu was now about the size of a solar system, while the endless chaos in the void was equivalent to a universe.

How many years would it take for him to truly evolve a chaos?


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