The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

102 Creation of skills, the truth in the illusion rules

If you just imagine some extremely powerful techniques, then it doesn't really make any sense. After all, the rules of illusion are illusions.

In the idealistic and illusory world, these techniques should be feasible. After practicing successfully, any technique will have the power to reach the sky and earth, pick the stars and the moon, and create the world.

However, in the real world, it is just some specious fantasies, which are pure nonsense.

But if you add the real rules of the small world, it will be another situation.

Some illusory and wrong techniques can be corrected to a certain extent under the real rules.

Of course, limited by the realm of the crowd and the degree of knowledge accumulation, the low-level techniques are still okay and can reach a very perfect level.

However, for the higher-level techniques, they are beyond the reach of the crowd, and most of them are still in the category of fantasy.

However, this is completely enough for the people who have just started.

What they lack now is not so many exquisite and profound methods.

What they lack now is the basic cultivation methods that lead them to the entry level.

As for the higher-level skills, they can naturally be supplemented in the years to come.

As time passed, a group of people began to slowly wake up.

And the people who woke up, while excited, also had waves of mental fatigue.

Various information and cognitions intertwined, and finally formed an effective operation law, which naturally could not be produced out of thin air. It requires a certain amount of power to promote the deduction.

And Yuan Meng will naturally not bear this consumption on behalf of everyone.

Therefore, after consuming a lot of energy, the people who woke up will naturally feel mentally exhausted.

After all, they are all adults, not to mention some soldiers, as well as some Taoist and Buddhist ascetics, who can be regarded as people with firm wills, and naturally do not lack the self-control they should have.

Therefore, the people present did not try to practice like Yu Jiucheng and others when they were mentally exhausted. Instead, they all began to meditate at the most basic level and slowly recovered their spirits.

Yuan Meng was not very interested in the next actions of the people. It was nothing more than practicing the skills they had obtained after recovering their energy.

In the small world with abundant spiritual energy, there are the most suitable exercises for each of them. Yuan Meng is not worried about their failure in practice.

At this time, Yuan Meng's eyes are already looking at the prehistoric world

The Buzhou Mountain, which is already majestic and suppresses the heavens, has become more powerful again and has also transformed into reality.

On the top of the Buzhou Mountain, there are three clear airs circling;

At the waist of the Buzhou Mountain, two groups of good fortune condensed;

At the bottom of the Buzhou Mountain, twelve groups of black and red evil spirits gathered, and waves of evil spirits rushed into the sky, which was terrifying.

In the extreme west of the world, there are also three groups of golden light looming

In addition, in the endless starry sky above the world, the sun's essence in the Sun Star gathered and turned into two giant eggs.

In the Taiyin Star, the Taiyin moonlight condensed

In addition to these obvious changes in the prehistoric world, the entire prehistoric world is also heavier and more solid, and has transformed into reality.

Especially the previously formed virtual heaven and Hades, which have grown greatly at this time.

Let’s not talk about Hades, which has only grown a little bit. For the Hades, which has already been formed, unless many Yin gods are born in it, it will not have much meaning.

The virtual heaven is different. It originally only formed a general framework of illusion.

But at this moment, the virtual heaven has been completely solidified, with jade buildings everywhere, standing on the endless auspicious clouds, and the holy land of immortal mountains everywhere, which is a blessed place for immortals and the residence of immortals.

"Hmm~! It seems that Ah Cheng and others have taught the skills in great detail.

Before these people entered the small world, they should have read a lot of novels such as prehistoric and immortal cultivation."

Feeling the changes in the prehistoric world, Yuan Meng murmured in a low voice.

Now the dimension of the prehistoric world is still too different from the reality.

No matter how ordinary people are in the real world, they are all innate sacred existences after their spirits enter the prehistoric world.

Their every move, every thought, will have a great impact on the prehistoric world.

For example, before, because of Yu Jiucheng and others, the ancestor dragon was born, and the netherworld and the illusory heaven were derived from it.

Including everyone this time, their minds reflected the prehistoric world through the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and not only did they obtain their own cultivation methods.

The prehistoric world also underwent many changes because of their thoughts and ideas.

This time, not only are there many people, but the source composition is also very complex. The main ones are soldiers, monks, and Taoists. In addition, there are people from other walks of life.

After all, the country's cultivation attempts, especially at this critical juncture, will definitely consider all aspects and conduct comprehensive attempts when selecting to see the impact on the cultivation of the method.

In addition to the source of everyone's skills

Well, that is, Yu Jiucheng and others, when explaining the cultivation method, they will definitely bring their own understanding.

And to be honest, where do their understandings come from? In addition to the book knowledge they have learned now, I am afraid that more of them come from various martial arts, fairy tales, and fantasy novels.

When explaining, they can't fail to mention the content of the novels, and may even mention the source of these contents bluntly.

Especially after hearing the source of the term "small world", it is even more impossible for the country not to consider the impact of these novels.

If it were in the past, when talking about the content of these novels, I'm afraid any normal adult would be dismissive of it, let alone the senior leaders.

But now that supernatural events have broken out, even if it is a small possibility, the senior leaders will not let it go.

Therefore, I'm afraid that most people who enter this small world have read many novels such as immortal cultivation and fantasy.

It is precisely because of this that when everyone's mind is reflected in the wild, many of their thoughts and ideas are captured by the wild world, and many strange existences are born.

Of course, in addition to this, when the cognition of the people derives the skills, the illusory rules that are finally produced are also a supplement to the wild world.

After all, in fact, these illusory rules that are finally produced are not completely illusory.

After all, it comes from everyone's understanding of the real world, and it also has the real rules of the small world as a framework. Even if there are still some differences, there must be many real rule fragments, and they are all similar rule fragments.

And these real rule fragments are enough to guide Yuan Meng in the general direction and save him a lot of time.

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