"Of course, all the farmers I led came here, damn, they are not farming anymore, who should I go to collect taxes?" The noble groaned lowly. "Soon, they will discover that all of this is a scam. They should be cultivated on the farmland by nature, and then hand in part of the harvest so that I can hire soldiers to protect them in the field. Look at this table in front of you, Farmers and nobles, on the same level as the prince? This world is really crazy, the end is about to come. After the meeting is over, we will all petition the prince, and we must not agree to such unreasonable demands of Saqiya."

"But you need her in the war."

"War is war." The nobleman stretched out his hands. "Politics is politics. Sakia is a woman. After she wins the war, she will get the reward she deserves. She will be made a knight. Maybe she will get a baron title, but that's it. A woman has to think about something. She is not of royal blood. Emancipating serfs, this kind of thing is really outrageous. Today, the farmers are given the status of free people, and tomorrow they will ask to see the nobles disrespect, and the day after tomorrow they dare to sit on the same table with the nobles. . No, this terrible thing has already begun. You are a demon hunter who knows how to use a sword. If a group of farmers suddenly come over and say to you to talk about how to use a sword, don’t you find it ridiculous?”

"Maybe..." Zelin agreed with uncertainty.

"If we have enough archers, we can reverse the situation." The single-frame glasses nobleman suggested. "Fujian is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the terrain is narrow, and there are enough archers to block Hensett's army on the narrow mountain road. And we also have a city wall, although it is a little low, but it is enough."

"For example, hiring an entire regiment of Livia heavy-stone crossbowmen?" the mayor of the dwarf asked.

"Gentlemen, we have a better candidate. The elves led by Iofis-Squirrel Party." Saqiya stood up and opened her arms. "That's why, there will be someone here who hasn't attended the meeting before. Everyone, please allow me to introduce Eofis to you."

This is a bomb dropped into the calm lake.

The people in the conference room stood up one after another, and they didn't seem to expect that the thin elf hiding their face in front of them was Eofis. The dwarves who attended the meeting also stood up, and the nobles around Zelin did the same. Philippa stood up and walked to Saqiya, seemingly ready to use magic to prevent possible chaos. After the demon hunter looked around, he also stood up, and then two guards sitting on the stone steps at the door stood up and looked at the conference hall.

Considering the drawing level of the wanted order, Zelin suspected that even if Eofis walked past them, no one would notice.

"Look at who you found? A murderous demon?!" The nobleman wearing a gold chain waved his fist angrily. "Guard, come and grab it! I thought you just found a group of elven mercenaries, but why is it a squirrel party!?"

Eofis walked behind Saqiya, indifferent to the surprise and protest of the humans and dwarves in front of him.

"A hundred of the best archers in the north will serve you, dragon slayer."

"It's one thing to let serfs get their freedom, but letting a criminal whose head is offered a reward by many countries in the north...This is too much!" The nobleman corrected the glasses that almost slipped from the bridge of his nose. "You killed my men, do you remember, spirit?!"

"If I don't kill them, they will kill me." Eofes said coldly.

"Please let me finish my sentence, gentlemen." Sakia raised her hand. "Eofis came to fight for me, I trust him, and I know he will definitely stay, just like all of you."

"The blood of betrayal is flowing in the elf's body! He is an elf and has been at war with humans for a century!" another human said loudly. "He can fight for you, or he can take a blow at a critical moment. With just one click, our defenses will collapse. Whether this war can be won depends on the archer, but you have to put your bet on the wanted criminal. Body?"

"But this will be the first time in decades that he has fought for us." Saqiya said calmly. "The Squirrel Party didn't understand peace in the past. They sacrificed for Nilfgaard. They have been betrayed and deceived. Now they have a new goal, a goal they can fight for. Ponta El Valley will be the first country where there is no need to worry about elves bows and arrows after leaving the city walls, and elves and dwarves will never live in minority settlements and reservations. Every race will live peacefully in the city. There is no need to be discriminated against and unfairly treated because of their natural origin."

No one speaks.

Everyone is listening to the words of Saint Dragon Slayer.

"In front of us, we have a war that must be won. Everyone knows what kind of opponent we are facing. It is an outstanding army, brave and well-trained, and will not be scared or disintegrated. They must be defeated. Annihilation can completely defeat Hensett's ambitions."

"I will be on the same line as Iofis. He will help us defeat the Kodwin people, not only for us, but also for their future. I assure you that if you are willing, they will be your firmest allies. "

"It's not easy to look at the elves with a smile on this skinny face, and I am not interested in being in love with the elves, but weapons with feces are also weapons." The dwarf shrugged. "I agree with the Dragon Slayer's words."

"Damn it, it's **** unsettling." The nobleman with the gold chain sipped. "But if it is necessary, then it is necessary!"

"I object." Prince Sdennis said coldly.

"For a better situation, just like the dragon slayer you said." Another nobleman said. "Damn it, just do what you say, for the future and for the destruction of Kodwin!"

Representatives of nobles and merchants echoed.

Prince Sdennis looked at them quietly and took a deep breath, but didn't say anything.

Seeing that no one else objected, Sakia held up the wine glass in front of him. "Let us toast to this battle for the future."

"To get rid of the Kodwin people who are sons of a bitch!"

Others also raised their cups. Saqiya drank all the wine in the glass.

When Saqiya fell, everyone was stunned.

The poisoned wine in the glass spilled all over the floor. Scarlen, the nearest to her, widened his eyes in surprise. A human nobleman was still praising the beer. Iopheus subconsciously threw the cup and drew the blade from his waist. The other guards also ran in, and a nobleman who was listening screamed. Wanting to escape, he was kicked back by the guard at the door. The few people at the table quickly threw away the cups in their hands, as if they were clutching a poisonous snake. But the first person who ran to Saqiya's side was Philippa. She uttered a spell, so that Saqiya who was still twitching and foaming at her mouth finally calmed down.


Philippa shouted loudly, and her voice suddenly calmed the chaotic and bewildered crowd. "It's all quiet, someone poisoned her. Eofis, let your squirrel party **** her to a safe place."

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty chapters of poisoning

"What's going on...?"

People looked at Saqiya who fell on the ground in shock, and the poisonous wine spilled from the cup turned dark green, sizzling like cold water poured on a soldering iron.

"Take her to a safe place, Eofis." Philippa stood up and shook her hands, as if worried about getting something on it. "Protect her with your life. Let's go to a quiet place first. I can only temporarily stabilize the situation, but the toxins are still eroding her body. Quickly, is there a safe and quiet place?"

"I know a place." Scarlen took off his wrinkled square hat and wiped sweat from his sparse eyebrows. "That was before the white knight Serchik was called to the battlefield. I promised that it was spacious, remote and independent, and it was very spacious, remote and independent. There was only one entrance. Just like the castle, just keep the entrance. , No one can get in."

"Then hurry up, we don't have time to wait!"

Scarlen waved to the guard at the door. "Hurry up, kid, bring the stretcher!"

"Devil hunter." Philippa turned to Zelin. "Check out who poisoned this place, aren't you the best at investigating the scene? After you find out what, wait for me in front of the house."

"Be careful of the king slayer, Philippa." Zelin directly stated his purpose. "I came to Fujian to find the Kingslayer. Last night, an assassin attacked Hensett's camp. I suspect the Kingslayer might be ready to act."

"I see." Philippa nodded.

The two dwarves who ran in moved Sakia to a simple stretcher with the help of Iofis.

"Prince Sdennis." Philippa looked at Sdennis, who was standing aside and silently guarded by the three nobles. "Please go to the room in the castle to rest first, and don't come out until all the dust has settled. The cup is in the hands of the dragon slayer, but it may have been sent to you. The king slayer is likely to start moving again. Now, during this time, I hope you will not meet anyone except me and this demon hunter."

"If that **** assassin wants to show up again, I will make him pay for the blood that my father shed." Prince Sdennis said fiercely.

"Although you can match Hensett in swordsmanship, don't think that you have become a master of swordsmanship in the north just because you have survived a duel."

Philippa persuaded. A few newly called dwarf guards ran to the door and pushed away the people who were surrounding them. The crowd gathered more and more, Zelin had never seen a crowd gather so quickly. Everyone was raising questions loudly to the people who came out of the conference room, and when they saw Saqiya who was unconscious on the stretcher, the crowd almost exploded. Had it not been for the dwarf's axe to have a certain deterrent effect, Zelin believed that people outside would definitely rush in immediately, questioning everyone present what was going on, and beating anyone who seemed suspicious with his fist.

"Well, Sorceress, I will stay quietly in the castle until everything calms down." Sdennis nodded. "I hope you can wake up my general as soon as possible. We still need her to command the war against Hensett."

"I will do my best."

After all, Philippa followed the dwarven guard and walked out. Everyone was yelling at the nobles who came out. When Philippa walked over, they closed their mouths again, because it is rumored that witches would easily turn them into frogs and then throw them into the cauldron. No reason is needed. After Philippa walked away, a whisper came out of the crowd again. The words witch and **** are heard by the demon hunter from time to time.

Soon, there were only a few dwarf guards left here, as well as wine glasses that were thrown on the ground at will, and the exquisite beer spilled all over the floor. If it weren't for the poisonous inside, Zelin would feel sorry for the wasted wine.

"Devil hunter."

A dwarf in a light red cotton coat walked in against the crowd. Zoltan looked at the messy conference room, walked over the wine glasses on the floor.

"Zoltan." Zelin didn't raise his head. He squatted on the ground and looked at the cup. It was a special cup that had fallen off from Saqiya's hand. "You missed an event that is likely to be recorded in the history book."

"I heard that someone poisoned Saqiya?"

"Yes, it's in the cup in front of you." Zelin stretched out two fingers, pinched the corner of the stone cup, and lifted it up. This is a special cup with a hollow stone ring on the outside as a handle. The user can put his hand in the gap of the stone ring, hold the wine glass firmly, and even make the cup stuck in the hand. This design comes from the dwarves who mined on the cliffs. They can use a stone pickaxe in one hand and a wine glass with one hand to drink. For artistic considerations, the cup is designed in the style of a goblet with mysterious runes carved on the periphery. The dwarves have no wizards, but the rune masters among them are also known for using mysterious powers, and this power has nothing to do with Chaos Magic.

"This kind of cup? How could it be?" Zoltan frowned and waved his hand. "This is a cup made by a master rune. No toxins can stay in it. It is impossible for anyone to poison it in this cup. This kind of cup was used to drink in underground mining. You know, there are some underground. The ore is poisonous, and the powder will float into the cup."

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