"He's in a safe place." It was Eofes who spoke. "I let my people protect him first."

"If the prince is not guilty, why should he hide in the room and dare not come out?!" another farmer shouted. "Let them come out and confront us!"

"What qualifications do you untouchables have to ask the prince to come out?!" A nobleman pointed at Love angrily. "If in the past, you should all hang yourself at the gate of the city to feed the crows! Don't think that this is a special time, you can be unscrupulous! You better roll back to the dunghill before we get angry, or you will all die!"

"Enough!" Eofes' voice overwhelmed everyone. "I will shoot the first person with a weapon, and then you will all have your heads to the ground! Give me back!"

There seemed to be people who wanted to argue. Two arrows shot into the open space between them with the sound of breaking through the air, and everyone immediately backed away a few steps. Even the nobles, their knight armor can't stop so many squirrel parties, let alone these excellent archers can shoot arrows into the gaps in their helmets.

"Devil hunter."

Seeing that the situation temporarily stabilized, Eofis turned to Zelin. "The matter here must be resolved, I can't suppress it for long."

"I'm going to find that slave." Zelin whispered. "I think I will soon be able to find out what's going on."

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine chapters have ears

There were very few people in the Faujian market, and the stall owners were also talking about what happened in the Three Fathers Castle. The dwarf miners stayed at their doorstep, sharing rumors they heard in different places. The mayor, city councillors, and mine owners were all anxiously staring at the riots in front of the Three Fathers’ castle, and calling mercenaries to protect their manor, no one would have the energy to care about the workers who were absent from work. On the right side of the Three Fathers' Castle, Zelin saw the young serf in the corner surrounded by several Squirrel Party fighters. The Squirrel Party knew the demon hunters, and they stepped aside, and then used their weapons to block anyone who wanted to approach.

"Willie of Aubrey."

The young serf looked up. "Who are you?"

"Devil hunter Zelin, come to investigate the poisoning of Saqiya."

"Did the noble hire you?"


"Except for the nobles, who can have the money to hire a demon hunter?"

This sentence is true. The serfs in Aden certainly have no money to hire demon hunters. Usually when Zelin accepts a commission in Aden, the lowest is a commission written by a knight. Aden was once the wealthiest country in the north and the place where serf uprisings were the most frequent. It was also the only place in the north where slavery remained, just like Nilfgaard. However, compared with the slaves of Nilfgaard, the serfs of Aden were willing to attack their masters with pitchforks and axes if they had the opportunity.

"It was the sorcerer Philippa who was treating Saqiya who hired me to come here. She wants to know who will be poisoned so that she can be prepared."

"Well...I don't like witches, but she is indeed saving the saint." The serf squatting on the ground stood up. "What do you want to know, Demon Hunter?"

"What do you know?" Ze Lin asked rhetorically. "Tell me everything you know."

With that, he drew out the rune of Yaksi Fayin. "Tell me the truth, I only listen to the truth."

"Half a month before the meeting, I was in the kitchen, mopping the floor with a rag, and then I heard the priest and the prince walking into the kitchen. I hid because I didn’t wear a hat, and I would be hanged if I saw the prince if he didn’t take off his hat. Death. Then I heard the prince talking with the priest. The false Taoist **** priest said that under the beautiful appearance of the saint, there is actually a cannibal beast."

"Pastor Oercon?"

"Yes, it's him. He deserves to be killed by Hensett."

"What else did you hear? I want to be complete."

"The priest said to the prince that he just needs to clean up the servants in the kitchen."

"But aren't you the one who pours the wine?"

"The wine for the saint was taken from a separate wine cellar. The prince ordered that the saint's wine should be served separately. As a result, the saint was poisoned. So I thought of what the prince and the priest said that day , The prince must have poisoned the saint!"

"Then why are you hiding here instead of protesting against the nobles with others?"

"When I walk out from here, the nobles will definitely buy the archers to kill me. They have money to buy any killers, and I don't want to die." Willie waved his hand. "If I die, those nobles will certainly not plead guilty."

"If necessary, would you like to go to the castle and identify Prince Sdennis?"

"If possible, I would definitely be willing. I swear by my mother's tombstone, I am willing to go through fire and water for the saint, five horses! The nobles just want us to die on the battlefield, so that they can hide in the castle and have fun. Only saints are true They care about us. These nobles hate the saint, so they want to poison her." Willie looked excited, and it seemed that he really admired Sakia very much. "Tell the sorcerer who hired you, Demon Hunter. Don't use anything sent by the nobles. Those must have been poisoned. You can go to Oercon. He must know what happened."

"But the dead can't speak."

The dead can speak. The necromancy of the sorcerer is a good way to interrogate the dead, but Oerkang's body is lost in the mist of demon spirits, even Philippa has no alternative. No one can find a recent body in that place, because there are corpses everywhere.

"There is also his home. There must be clues in his home. Don't all their nobles like to use secret letters to discuss conspiracies?"

"Do you know where the priest Oercon lived before?"

"I know. Just to the right of the gate to Lundulin Square, where the priests of Cliff Great previously lived."

Zelin filtered through the clues he had found in his mind, and then reached out a finger to Willie. "You stay here, stay here with the squirrel party. No matter who calls you except me, you don't want to leave, understand?"

The serf nodded vigorously, as if to knock his head off.

More and more people gathered at the castle, and everyone had heard about the peasants' accusation that Prince Sdennis had poisoned Saqiya. Many people who didn't understand what happened also came over, wanting to ask for an explanation. As a result, there were not many people beside the market, only Feilixia was still sitting on the wooden chair in the stall, reciting a summoning spell and a definition analysis of the spell with her head down. This was the place where Pastor Cliff preached before, but the pastors did not show up today. Zelin asked the people nearby and found the house that belonged to Oercon in the past among the rock houses.

There was no one in the house, and the dust inside proved that there have been no new residents here since the death of Pastor Oerkang.

"It's messy..."

Zelin frowned and looked at the chaotic ground. The ground was sprinkled with various books, notes, and papers. It looked like it had been looted. After the owner's death, people nearby ran over immediately to take up any valuable things in the room. This is not so rare, just like if a peasant woman dies her husband, she'd better take valuable things and leave as soon as possible, otherwise the locals will come over and divide up the things in her house. Because for others, the property of this household has no owner. However, this kind of thing hasn't been much less until nearly a hundred years. Some female warlocks stationed in towns are happy to accept such women and help them take back the stolen things.

Zelin squatted down and began to look for something valuable in the paper on the ground. Most of them are prayers, doctrines and legends of missionary sermons. There are also some personal diaries that record Oercon’s mission to Fojian. But soon, the demon hunter found a design drawing in a cabinet.

A design drawing of a rune cup.

Zelin quickly took out the poisoned cup he was carrying with him.

Although he had never studied designing and didn't know how to sculpt attacks, he found through detailed comparison that this design drawing was exactly the drawing of the poisoned cup!

Chapter 1840: The Pride of the Royal Family

This is a design drawing of the cup that poisoned Saqiya.

Zelin folded the design and put it in his jacket pocket.

Oerkang asked Toriel to create a special cup for him. This cup is very similar to other rune cups. It is a fake. When poisoned wine enters the cup, it will not react like other rune cups and cause others. Alertness. But Prince Sdennis was really involved in this murder? Like the serfs accused? He will not just listen to one side of the word, Oercon is likely to be involved in this matter, but it does not mean that everyone who has been with Oercon will participate in his conspiracy. Otherwise, people can use this reason to accuse everyone, even the entire Cliff Church in Fort Worth.

People on the street gathered in twos and threes, and they were all talking about Fjian with their acquaintances. The changes in the Three Fathers' Castle seem to have nothing to do with them, but it is also closely related to them. After all, if Hensett’s army came in during the civil strife in Frogn, or if someone really sold Frogn to Kodwin as the rumors said, then these dwarves might be forced to be displaced again or be Hanged on the square. There were also some dwarves who were not so calm, ran to the Three Fathers' Castle, and together with the humans, asked Prince Sdennis to come out and tell them what the human nobles were going to do.

"We can't wait any longer! The nobles are dragging time, they may have to slip away!" Love suddenly raised his fist. "Don’t forget, their castles have secret passages and secret rooms. Sdennis is likely to escape and make a deal with Hensett. Let Cordwin guarantee his throne. He will sell us and Upper Aden to Hen. Dorset!"

It's like dropping a stone in a puddle. Someone in the already restless crowd immediately responded to his words. The crowd of people who bowed their heads and talked suddenly awakened in their sleep. They raised their heads and looked at the nobles and knights standing in front of them, but still no one moved.

"You are lying, Love. I, Sigat, the brother of Serchik, the first knight of Aden, swear in my honor that no nobleman wants to sell the upper Aden area. This is the sacred territory of Aden. , The past, the present and the future are all." The young man dressed in dark red and brown fleece said loudly to Love. "All you want is revenge, Love, you just want to avenge the landlord, so you don't care about the truth. Have you all forgotten that Prince Sdennis is fighting against King Hensett at the negotiating table? "

"Every nobleman is a qualified actor, and he argues for his throne, not for us, and not for Aden." Love did not take care of Shigat, but turned around and faced the person behind him. People chanted. "As long as Hensett guarantees Sdennis the throne, he is willing to sell anything to Kodwin!"

Some voices of approval appeared from the crowd below.

"We must not let these damned nobles sell us to the enemy again in exchange for their peace! Don't think about it!"

Love ran over to pick up the butcher knife that had just been placed on the barrel. An arrow shot through his palm and nailed the palm to the barrel.

"Ah! My hand!"

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