"You are crazy, Buren, do you think the empire will allow a demon hunter to occupy the land as king? Do you think the emperor will send an envoy to make you a baron." Guksat narrowed his eyes. "You will only bring disaster to all the demon hunters. You will repeat the mistakes of Kyle Morkhan."

"Kelmohan’s fate was not because of ambition, Guksart, but because we had ambition but were not ready for the corresponding power. Otherwise, how could these **** warlocks meet in Lomugne and discuss the establishment of the Order? "Bren grinned, showing white teeth without canine teeth. "Only idiots think that the empire will reject non-human beings. No, the empire will reject all poor ghosts. Their mines are full of bankrupt slaves, all humans. There are slaves eaten by wild wolves every year in the lumber yard. It is not worth mentioning for slave owners. Rich robbers can become respected gentlemen, and noble ladies who have no money are not as good as prostitutes who can make money. The empire has changed a long time ago, and good people who keep themselves safe are regarded as Slaves were thrown into prison, profiteers and slave traders entered the city council and swaggered through the market, and this is the same in this world. I was thinking about the future of demon hunters, but you regarded me as a traitor."

"Your sophistry is meaningless. We will not do things that do not belong to us, nor will we take money that does not belong to us. We are demon hunters, that's all." Guksart's eyes were watching cautiously. The wind was blowing in the surrounding ruins. "Your plan is meaningless except to make the demon hunter a target of public criticism!"

"You were born human, but you have standard elves." Buren lowered his head and looked at the Moon Blade in his hand. "Fusov, the elf king of the south, must have a common language with you." Ah, since humans want Nilfgard's land, let them give it to them. I retreat to Martina, and they will definitely not take the initiative to attack. "Humans want Martina. For peace, I will retreat to Aibin. This land is wide enough for the two races to coexist." Since humans attack Aibin, I ordered all the elves Retreat to Towsonte, we don’t ask for too much land, show peace and tolerance, the empire will not make things difficult for the elves.’ Tell me, what’s the fate of the southern elves? Tell me, there are still non-humans in the south. Didn’t they go extinct a long time ago, only a few who migrated from the north to the vicinity of the Yaluga River are lingering."

"...Hand over what you stole and leave here. I don't care what you did in Ebin and Martina. You have nothing to do with the Demon Hunter, and you are not the Demon Hunter."

"Now you can say no." Buren flicked his sword, and his melodious voice echoed in the abandoned square filled with dust and gravel. "But in the future, I will be the demon hunter, and you are the country bandits who call themselves demon hunters. Of course I will hand over the stolen things, look at you, keep a sword, but don’t have the money to build a new weapon. In order to prevent the user from dying in the wild and causing the loss of weapons, we have to lock such magic weapon in the warehouse and dare not use it. What you lock is not a weapon, what is locked is your coffin. You want to slowly decay Rotten to death, but I won't."

"That's it? Come on, fight me upright! Raise your sword!"

"Your stubbornness will kill all the demon hunters in the south." Buren's eyes fell cold. "You are all like this. I want to ask you to stay. I will not kill you. I will let you know. Let all of you, all those who think I am a traitor, see and see who is right. Who can lead the demon hunter through this **** age of contempt."

Four men in common clothes walked out of the ruins. One of them had a distorted scar on his face, from the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose to the right cheek. He raised his crossbow and aimed at Guksat. The other person drew out the knife, with a belt tied to his chest, crossed into an X shape, and an iron plate was fixed at the intersection.

"Calm down, Ange, I didn't give an order, so I put the weapon back." Bren looked at the ambushers coming out around him. "Watch him, don't think about taking the initiative, you are not his opponents. Guksat, I give you two choices. Stay here and wait until four days later. You only have to leave here for half a step... I'm near the civilian square. There are more than a dozen good players, they are all fully armed, in the secret room of the sewer, there are 37 travelers and businessmen I kidnapped nearby. You know what I plan to do."

Guxart stared cautiously at Bren in front of him. He knew Buren, and Buren did dare to do such a thing.

"Tridam Ultimatum..."

This is a sinister strategy. First, a large number of people are taken as hostages. If the kidnappers' demands are not met, the hostages will be executed one by one.

The origin of this name is because of a town called Tridam. The baron who ruled there caught some bandits and threw them into the dungeon. The friends of these bandits hijacked a ferry boat and took the pilgrims on the boat hostage, demanding that their friends be released in exchange for the lives of the people in the boat.

When the baron refused at first, the bandits threw the hostages one by one into the rushing water. A total of twelve people were executed in this way, and the baron finally had to change his attitude to compromise and release the bandits after seeing the situation.

At that time, not everyone agreed with his approach. Some people proposed a solution to the baron not to let the bandits go, and others suggested that he should be exiled or executed. But in the court trial after the incident, the baron insisted that his approach was the lesser of the two evils-more than 25 people, including women and children, were saved as a result.

"If you walk away, I will order the subordinates in the square to kill people. If you refuse to show up every half an hour, I will execute three hostages and throw their bodies out."

"...If you walk away, I can kill the person who is watching me in the blink of an eye." Guksart swept across Brun's subordinates with a cold look, and two of them took a step back subconsciously. "Then I will kill the people you left in the square. Before you realize it, find the kidnappers in the secret room and kill them."

"You can give it a try." Bren took out a bundle of crossbow arrows and threw them to the crossbowman on the side. "Macauley, you stand thirty meters away from him, yes, thirty meters, otherwise he can take your head before you pull the trigger. Stand over there, yes, look at him, if he Take two steps and shoot this signal arrow into the sky. My dear colleague, have you seen the abandoned tower over there?"

Guxart looked in the direction Bren pointed out, and the demon hunter could see far away. At the top of the tower, a woman was tied to a chair with her head covered, and a mob was standing behind the chair.

"As long as you dare to do it, then I have to invite this lady to experience the feeling of flying." Brun spread his hands and bent over, bowing and saluting like a royal nobleman. He immediately swept across all the subordinates present with a fierce look, and the gentle expression when facing Guksat turned into a winter glacier in the blink of an eye. "Watch him well, otherwise even if you survive his sword, I will kill you."

Guksart watched Bren's figure disappear behind a cracked arch, his eyes almost narrowed into a gap.

Outside the abandoned alley, Tisaya leaned back against the wall, dispelled the eavesdropping magic in her hand, and sighed softly.

I don't know if it's talking to myself or to Buren.

"You shouldn't throw away the badge."

After all, the sorcerer walked quickly to the avenue to the former residence of Philippa.

Chapter 1909: The Legend of the Family Killer

Civilian Square-

When the crowd increased with the rising sun, Zelin also came here.

After Tishaya and Guksat sent Hillard back to the Nilfgaard camp, Zelin got the news from Tishaya and Betofrid.

The South is preparing to invade on August 1. Enhill deployed two legions on the front lines of Anglin and the Hinterlands, each with 20,000 men. At the same time, there is also a legion of 20,000 people, under the **** of the Nilfgaard navy, embarking from the port of the imperial capital to the Yarlung River Delta.

"Don't worry." Hawke said while leaning on the stone pillar, taking a bite of the red apple in his hand. "Your friend will be here soon. It seems that there are soldiers in his camp making trouble. Several big men have been arrested recently. I think he is still having a headache how to deal with the soldiers brought by those big men."

"I know, I know. I'm very patient." Zelin frowned, looking at a drawing written in ancient Chinese and some kind of four-tone hymn, the mage behind the booth looked at him and said nothing. Hair, a look of impatience appeared in his eyes.

"Really? Compared to when we met before, you are getting impatient." Hawke muttered, then took another bite of the apple. "According to my experience, family conflicts should be talked frankly and openly between the two parties. Generally speaking, the trouble will be solved. It must be meaningless to stay here and guess."

"Um...you understand again."

"Of course I understand." Hawke snorted briskly. "In Kirkwall, conflicting couples often ask me to mediate. If you need help, you can tell me. I only charge half of your payment."

Zelin rolled his eyes, looked up and down Hawke, then looked back.

"I know why you can't find a boyfriend at Thirty-Four."

Marianne coughed heavily.

"I have a girlfriend! Meryl, a kind wild elf." She rubbed the tip of her nose, as if choked. "I just broke up with her and left Kirkwall because I was worried about her safety. What were you thinking about just now?"

"Yeah, I know." Zelin replied perfunctorily, asking the stall owner who seemed to be getting more and more impatient in front of him. "What's written on this drawing that you price one thousand and two hundred crowns? The price of this paper can buy a good field in Redania."

"You can still buy a house in Coveill's Xiadu." The warlock merchant said stiffly. "But even the value of a castle cannot be compared with what is recorded on this paper."

Zelin waited for the other party to continue speaking.

This morning, he asked Hawke to go to the Tamoria camp and find Roche. He must warn Roche that the empire is about to launch an offensive. He and Roche are friends. For this kind of thing, once Tamoria is attacked, Zelin doubts that Tamoria’s Yaluga River Fortress can be. How long to hold on. Roche will be involved in the war. He is Zelin's friend. Perhaps Zelin will not directly participate in a war, but he will help his friends as much as possible. For example, tell him the information, or like the last time at the Battle of Brenner, ask Siris to stay in the field hospital behind the north to protect the wounded and doctors who have lost their combat effectiveness.

But while waiting, he found that there was only a piece of yellowed parchment on the warlock's booth, which was expensive. This could not help but arouse his curiosity. There are a lot of crooks in the city of Lomune these days. Many crooks posing as sorcerers use meaningless things to sell them at a high price to travelers who want souvenirs and amulets. But one thousand and two hundred crowns, people who can afford this price are obviously not the target group of scammers.

"Only people who know the goods know how precious this is. If it weren't for the establishment of the cult, I would have to pay out of my pocket to maintain the operation of the experimental project, I would never sell it."

"So, what exactly is this?"

"This news requires payment."

Zelin was silent for a while, hid his left hand behind him, and squeezed out the gesture of Yaxie Fayin, a gleam of light flashed in his pale golden pupils.

"No money for this news."

The warlock tightened his mouth, his head seemed to have been hit with a stick. He rubbed his forehead, closed his eyes, and took a few breaths. After a few seconds, he raised his head, a flash of confusion in his eyes.

"What were we talking about?"

"You are about to tell me the information on this paper."

"Oh, yes, the message on paper...well, have you heard the legend of the three Freya brothers?"

"I know." Zelin nodded. "Oathbreaker, blasphemer, and kinslayer."

Long ago, the evil dragon Ostrivig raged and destroyed the Temple of Freya on Skellige Island. There are three brothers, the sons of nobles, who vowed to retrieve the goddess' holy artifacts. The female priest gave them three blueprints of ancient armor, allowing them to face the terrifying claws and destructive flames of the dragon. The blacksmith Sigurd Elronrod created the sacred armor for them.

"It is said that their armor is impenetrable, no matter whether it is fire or strong acid. It is said that this is the gift that the goddess Freya gave to the great warrior when she met humans in Skelliger."

"And it's still a token that requires the Skelligites to prepare for the final battle? I admit that there is a certain truth in the legend, but this is not the time to talk about the legend." The warlock cleared his throat. "I have been researching and investigating the whereabouts of these three sacred armors for many years. I am a blacksmith. I want to know what kind of material structure can withstand such horrible attacks as dragon's breath. Of the three brothers, the third brother is called blasphemy. He, his armor is cursed, so I did not investigate him, but the armors of the eldest brother and the eldest brother among the three brothers."

"It is said that the eldest brother did not participate in the dragon slaying. When he saw the beast, he ran away because of fear, leaving his brothers to be destroyed by flames. Because he was the first person to take an oath in front of the female priest, so too He persuaded his brothers to swear the same oath, and he was named the oathbreaker. He was cursed and he could only live if he wears all the armor. Since the eldest brother’s armor has not been tested, is his armor as strong as the legend has it? There are doubts."

"The elder brother escaped, and the second and third brothers worked together to defeat the evil dragon. According to the oath, the treasure will be returned to the goddess, but the third one broke the oath because of greed. He broke the statue of Freya and took it away. The sapphire called the Eye of the Goddess was placed in it, and he was cursed for it, and he was called a blasphemer. The eldest brother, the second of the three brothers, thought that his eldest brother, the coward who escaped from the dragon It is unfair to inherit the position of patriarch from his father, so he chases and kills his eldest brother to obtain his inheritance rights."

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