But they all know that the armor they forged will be given to those fighters who fight for the world. For the whole world.

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight chapters: the traveler of Stormwind

The brighter moonlight in the night sky shines on the weather-beaten land of the Eastern Kingdom, shining on the white snow covering Ironforge, reflecting the statue of Lothar on the Black Rock Mountain, reflecting the lake with monsters hidden in the Red Ridge Mountain, east The saw wheel that stops day and night in the suburban logging farm, and the busy shipyard under the Stormwind Wharf.

Stormwind is building a new warship. Designers continue to optimize the construction of each ship, making shipbuilding faster and faster. Thanks to the accumulated experience in Draenor, sailing battleships and destroyers that can be used for combat were transported out of the dock, anchored to the corresponding ships, and waited for the sailors. The city walls are shining like white jade that has been carefully wiped under the moonlight, and the roof is dazzling like a silver building, like a sapphire tower, there is a pennant with a golden lion logo-the Wrynn family The flag-fluttering in the wind. Standing in the tower at the highest point of the palace, you can overlook everything about the port.

On the dock, naval officers wearing three-cornered hats are reviewing one after another men and women conscripted into the army. Young men and women from Shanjin Town, Lakeside Town, Yuexi Town, Yese Town and many other villages are coming to the capital in the shadow of the king’s call and the arrival of the end, preparing for a war and embarking on an honorable one. Fight, or welcome the end of life.

A tall, black-haired man stood in the tower with his hands behind his back, and his dark pupils reflected the brightly lit port.

The door panel behind him knocked. The black-haired man didn't turn his head, he just frowned slightly, and a scar across his cheek became more obvious.

"Come in."

The door opened.

"Father." The blond young man walked in.

"Anduin." The black-haired man's cheeks softened like a weathered rock. "Your mentor is here?"

"No, it's the news from Ironforge. The demon's attack was repelled. Jobs from MI7 wanted to report, but he couldn't find Master Shaw, so..."

"I sent Shaw out." Varian said concisely, with his hands hanging on his sides, looking at the harbor below. "The devil attacked the Westfall half a month ago. According to the spies, they also attacked the Hillsbrad Foothills and the Barrens at the same time. The Horde also repelled their attack, but left many corpses. Since we How many attacks have been launched by the Burning Legion since they defeated them in Draenor? How many demons do they have? How many soldiers do we have to fight? They never know what peace is, boy. If we don’t do something, the Alliance will There will only be a list of the dead and a group of sad family members."

"We should unite with the tribe, father." Anduin said.

Varian glanced at his child, and he knew that Anduin had always been a pacifist. He once sent him to Muradin and trained him to be exactly the same warrior as himself, but in the end he chose the way of the light and became a priest.

"Vol'jin is an excellent chief, he is different from Garrosh." Anduin continued. "At present, the strength of the alliance alone is not enough to withstand the attack of the Burning Legion."

"I understand, child." Varian propped his hands on the window sill. In the dock, the men and women who are recruited will be incorporated into other corps after two weeks of training after receiving the equipment. How much time do they have to prepare? They don't have much time. "I have sent a messenger to Orgrimmar and told Vol'jin that I hope he can meet with me. We must discuss how to drive the legion out of our world."


"A week ago, Matthias Shore led one of his best agents, Amber Gilney, to the Endless Sea to find the portal of the Burning Legion. After we found Gul'dan’s lair, we set off. , Kill him and close the portal completely." Varian made a cutting gesture. "Can't be consumed with the Burning Legion. They must be defeated while their footing is not stable, otherwise the Alliance cannot afford such a loss."

"So does the tribe." Anduin nodded. He knew that his father was an excellent fighter and even an excellent commander. In this regard, he has benefited a lot from him. "Where is the meeting place?"

"When Tyrande and Velen arrive in Stormwind, we will go to Dalaran. Vol'jin, Baine, and Sylvanas will go through the portal to Dalaran."

"Aunt Jaina will be very angry."

"Jaina won't be angry, she knows the priorities. Then, Tirion will also go, and the Silver Crusade will take part in this battle. At that time, Anduin, you stay in Stormwind and wait for my return."

"Father, I want to go with you."

"No." Varian shook his head. "My boy, this is a terrible dark force. They want to destroy everything we cherish, for Stormwind City, for the alliance, I must go. But I must not lose you, boy. Stay in Stormwind City and wait for me Come back. Gene will go with me. When you are in Stormwind, listen to Velen’s advice. He is a wise man and a wise elder. Now is not the time for you to take this responsibility, wait until you Put on the crown and you will do the same the day you have a child."

Anduin took a deep breath.

"I understand, father."

Whether it is day or night, countless people are worried about this inevitable war. Even if the sun rises from the sea level in the distance on a new day, the morning sun driving away the night cannot dispel the shadows that are suppressed in people's hearts.

On the side of the road, Zelin put down the package and sighed heavily.

The city is already active. Chickens and dogs barked, and pedestrians came and went on the road. In the plains south of Mingjing Lake, the endless farmland stretched out along the city wall, like the skirt of the city, extending almost to the horizon, disappearing in the smoke of Jinjin Town in the distance.

"What is it now, Tuvis?" Zelin looked at the Voidling Merchant sitting on the carriage. Voidling put on a robe, and the inside of his hood was illuminated by the energy under the bandage. "I have never seen a businessman like you in a hurry. At night, if I hadn't found a carriage for you, I wondered if you would have to drag these things into the city on two legs."

"My friend, a group of treacherous little green skins said that time is money." Xu Ling looked at the city wall getting closer and closer. "I didn't expect to be able to import goods halfway, so I didn't make any preparations. So I had to go to this city first. I have an acquaintance who opened a shop called Sanlvfeng in this city. I need his warehouse to store the goods, otherwise we will never make any money by dragging these packages. Let's go, the Stormwind guards have already started patrols."

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine chapters doomsday rumors

When the first ray of sunlight shined through the Valley of Heroes and shone on the gates of Stormwind that were pushed open on both sides, twelve knights on armored war horses formed three teams, walked out of the gates, and walked along the avenue towards the town of Shining Gold. Walk towards the lush Elwynn Woodland. Sitting on the side of the carriage, Zelin looked at the spacious city gate in front of him. Between the two white marble city walls, the nearly fifteen-meter-high city gate opened to both sides. Several children from Shanjin Town talked and laughed. Ran past the carriage and almost knocked down a farmer carrying a basket full of vegetables.

"This must be built with magic. Tuvis?"

"No, this city came from a group of human architects, the Brotherhood of Stonemasons."

"Then it will definitely cost a lot of money and a lot of time to build this city."

"Not much, not much." Tuvis pointed out. However, this Ethereal Merchant obviously didn't have the thought of hiding it. "Later the king owed the Brotherhood a salary, and the world was difficult. The Brotherhood went to protest outside the palace, but it was not known who threw the stone and killed the queen. So the demonstration turned into a riot, and the builder became a thug. At that time, be careful that their nobles owe their wages. So we will not stay here for too long. After handing over the goods, we will find the richest group of people here. I originally liked the work of several tribes in Kalimdor. It’s a pity that they are straightforward in business, but it would be nice if they could get the money."

Zelin wrote down this matter in his heart. "Who are you going to find?"

"The mages of Dalaran, their suspended city is just above the Deadwind Trail. The city is inhabited by the strongest and richest spellcaster in the world."

The carriage drove slowly through the city gate along the flow of people. Behind the city gate is a long bridge. There are two sculptures with different looks on the left and right sides of the long bridge. A dwarf with braids raised his warhammer to the sky, and under the sculpture was written his name—Futusde Wildhammer. Opposite him is a statue of another human warrior. The color above the chest of the statue is lighter than other places. There are also traces of repair on the base. He may have been torn down and rebuilt later. The name of the owner of the statue is engraved on a golden nameplate: Danas Trollbane. The remaining two statues are the archmage in long robes and the woman holding a bow and arrow with a war eagle on the back of her hand. The sharp ears indicate that this may be the elves of this world.

Zelin observed the statue with great interest, but before he could see the nameplates of the remaining two statues, the carriage walked to the end of the bridge.

At the end stands a fifth sculpture, and five guards stand under the sculpture's chassis. They just blocked the sight of the demon hunter. Zelin retracted his gaze regretfully, pulling the reins to make the packhorse turn. The road divides in front of the statue, leading to both sides from left to right, bypassing the sculpture and the second city wall behind it, and then converges behind the city wall. After passing through a long and narrow city gate tunnel, his vision finally became clear again.

"Where is your friend?"

Zelin asked the carriage behind. He believes that this place must be the most prosperous place in Stormwind. The shops on the street are decorated with bright and extraordinary decoration. The roofs are decorated in blue. The loud cries of sellers can be heard everywhere. Two trucks approached, Zelin could only control the workhorse in front to walk aside and clear the way. The sign of the Tias Cheese Shop hangs above them.

"His shop is next to the church square..."

"How far is it from here?" Zelin looked at the crowd coming and going. "Would you like to drive the carriage?"

"No, my friend, I'd better not show up at will, unless you want our carriage to be blocked by the onlookers. Go straight ahead, first turn left, then right, then left, then right, Turn left again, then..."

"Stop." Zelin raised his hand. "Just tell me how to go directly at the intersection."

"Hey, the carriage outside!" In the cheese shop, a woman with her blonde hair behind her head walked around the counter unhappily and walked to the door. She was wearing a blue and white dress with a touch of flour on her cheeks. "Don't stop here, you are blocking my shop!"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm leaving now."

Zelin looked helplessly at more and more crowds, threw down the whip, and the packhorses walked slowly again and merged into the crowd. People could only hide from the sides, like a stream of water separated by rocks.

It is not the first time that Tuvis has come to this city. He pointed out a trail for Zelin with fewer people. After leaving the trading area, head south, along the city canal, through the garden area where the old barracks are located, and across the canal, you can see the virtual spirit shop on the edge of the church square on the opposite side.

After leaving the bustling trade zone, Zelin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Now he understood why Tuvis insisted on leaving Shinjin Town overnight and entering Stormwind City in the first rays of the morning sun. When there were many people, it was estimated that they could only wait in the Valley of Heroes and then drag the goods in by themselves. Even so, the carriage was almost blocked in front of the auction house. A group of crazy adventurers yelled for a price increase for each piece of equipment, looking through every coin in the wallet, just to get some weird materials and weapons that can enhance their strength. When he squeezed through the crowd, he almost hit a female creature with light blue skin, curved horns and hoofs. He didn't know what it should be called, there were too many things he didn't know.

Except for the gold coins that seem to exist in any world.

As if seeing Zelin's thoughts, the Ethereal Merchant floated out of the trunk and sat on the seat next to the Demon Hunter. "It looks like someone is ahead of us."

"How to say?"

"You saw the auction house. The demons have invaded, and everyone is insecure. Even the most ordinary adventurer wants to buy a magical equipment. Now is the time to make money, my friend, I guess there are other Ethereal merchants who take the opportunity. I will sell the magic equipment I bought in other worlds. I have to find out who is going to grab my business."

Zelin looked up and down Xu Ling. "Are you going to take the opportunity to drive up prices? I won't do this kind of thing."

"Please, I am a businessman, not a robber. Win-win is called business, and win-win is called robbery. Not only will I not raise prices, but I will also lower prices. There are many adventurers, my friends, every hand has a sword. Everyone can call themselves adventurers. The king of Stormwind and the chieftain of Orgrimmar hired them to assist the army in fighting the demons. They made a lot of money, and then they would spend the gold coins in their pockets to make more money. Buy more magic equipment, because only in this way, they can ensure that they survive, and those who survive will make money. If the price of magic equipment is too high, they will lose confidence in buying, but if I reduce the price to just enough Let them buy one or two after a battle with the devil, and the adventurer will gratefully put a lot of gold into my pocket."

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