"Neither did I." Oleja lowered his head and said in a low voice. "The first time I heard of this name, I saw Marragan send a letter to Yese Town."

Ze Lin suddenly opened his eyes, sat up straight, and turned his head. "What?!"

"Why, what's the matter?" Olega scratched the back of her head because she didn't understand.

The demon hunter pondered for a while, shook his head, and leaned back in his chair. Flick the whip vigorously.

"No, it's nothing, let's go on the road overnight tonight."

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-four chapters twilight forest

Night town.

When the demon hunter's carriage crossed the eastern outpost, crossed the long bridge of the dark river beach, and entered the twilight forest, he subconsciously thought of what he had seen outside the city of Losric.

On the withered trees, the dark black leaves seemed to be soaked with blood, and the black sap inside would burst out of the veins at any time. There is no sun, moon age, let alone the shining stars in a dark sky, like a black cloth covering the sky. The trunk is withered but the leaves are extremely luxuriant. You can only see the unknown sky above your head through the gap between the canopy. The cold wind in the forest is like a call sign from a monster hiding in the forest, and the subtle crawling sound from time to time makes the back feel cold. Pairs of dark red spider eyes hide in the dense canopy of trees, staring at passers-by, and then hide back into the shadows before intersecting the eyes of the monitored person. Only the huge white spider webs between the trees show the presence of the ambushers.

"Holy Light, what an evil place this is." Oleja clenched the warhammer in her hand and stared at her surroundings vigilantly. "The Holy Light should purify this land."

"I can't imagine what kind of environment the residents here live in." McDowell raised his cane, and the white crystal inlaid on the top of his palm exudes a faint light. "There are too many residents in the night town of Stormwind. This is the border of the kingdom, but His Majesty sent more soldiers to Stranglethorn Vale and Swamp of Sorrows, because those two areas border the tribal control area. It’s not in Nightlight Town. Moreover, the tax officer of Stormwind hasn't been in Nightlight Town for many years."

Ever since the Duke of Eberlock came to the town of night and formed a night watchman force, the town of night has been in a semi-independent state, and the future of the town is determined by the duke and the town council. The curse and monsters of the Twilight Forest have been invading the night town and will not affect the rest of the kingdom. The financial state of Stormwind seems to have been not very good. The Northern Expedition in Northrend almost bankrupted the entire kingdom’s finances, so that the western part of the country. The wilderness is full of bankrupt refugees, and directly led to the rebirth of the Defias Brotherhood that had been wiped out. Then came a crisis of extinction known as the Cataclysm, and then a full-scale war with the Horde in Pandaria, and the subsequent invasion of the Iron Horde.

For many years, Stormwind has not had the energy to pay attention to the situation in the Twilight Forest, and Night Town seems to be able to deal with the curses and monsters in the Twilight Forest alone, so Stormwind seems to be happy with the semi-independence of Night Town. At least, the Twilight Forest does not need the kingdom to invest more financial and military support, the only price is that originally minimal tax. Therefore, in recent years, Stormwind City has been temporarily ignored, just a river away from the Irvine Forest where Stormwind City is located, there is a cursed land, and more than three thousand residents living on it.

"I was deliberately forgotten by the kingdom for so many years." Zelin looked around vigilantly. "I doubt very much whether the residents here still think they are citizens of Stormwind."

Now he understood why Anduin would think of Nightlight Town after Malagan's affairs.

Stormwind has neglected too much of this small town.

On both sides of the path in the dense forest, only dusty wooden fences and faint oil lamps indicate that the forest is still inhabited. The wagon wheel drove over the uneven gravel road, and the oil lamps hanging on the four corners of the carriage swayed back and forth with the vibration, and the leaping shadow was like a dancing devil. The deeper you go, the more wooden fences and stone tablets beside the road. Finally, the carriage stopped at a three-way intersection. Next to the three-way intersection, a man with a straight dark skin, a top hat and monocle eyes was squatting by the side of the road, carefully wiping a stone monument.

Hearing the sound of wheels, the man stood up, pushed his glasses, and looked at the uninvited guest in front of him.


Zelin raised his head, it started to rain, and a drop of rain fell on his cheek.

"Where are you from, travelers?" The man in his forties patted his clothes, smoothing the folds of his shirt and pants. His voice looked hoarse and full of vicissitudes, but it contained a certain repressive power. The angular cheeks retained a gentleness that was incompatible with the surrounding scenery, but Zelin caught a trace of alertness in his eyes. He is like a common country gentleman, patrolling his village in decent clothes, but there is no servant around him.

"The Twilight Forest is not a good place to travel. If you are going to the Deadwind Trail, then follow this road to the east, if not, then leave as soon as possible. This forest will devour unprepared souls. Especially. Yes..." He raised his head. "It's going to rain soon, and the road will be difficult."

"I'm Zelin, sir." Zelin jumped out of the carriage and walked to the man. At the same time, he gestured to Allegar and McDowell, motioning them to stay on top. "We're coming from Stormwind, and we're going to Nightstown."

"You picked the wrong time." The man sighed, and he straightened his top hat. "Why are you coming to Yese Town?" Then, he shook his head again. "Forget it, it doesn't make much sense. If you don't want to drive in the heavy rain, I invite you to rest in my family manor. The town of Yese is still two hours away from here. At least, in the manor, you don't have to worry about being there. Was eaten by a ghoul while sleeping, or when I woke up and found lying in an ogre’s cauldron. Recently there are some unusual sounds in the forest. It is best not to stay outside at night, close the door and hide at home , Light the fire to disperse the shadows."

"At night?"

"Even if there is no sun, the inhabitants of the Twilight Forest have to figure out the time and day and night." He held a silver pocket watch in his hand. "Remind yourself when you can walk out of the house and when you have to go back behind the fence."

The raindrops gradually became dense, and soon wet the carriage and the coat of the demon hunter. The moist air was mixed with the smell of corruption. This only belonged to a tomb that had just been opened.

"Thank you for the invitation." Zelin stretched out his hand to the man in front of him. "I don't know what I should call you, sir."

"Tobias." The man held Zelin's arm, and the demon hunter was surprised to find that the seemingly aging man in front of him had strength incompatible with his age. "Tobias Mistmanto. My manor is on this hillside. Come on, drive your horses to a safe animal pen before the ghouls crawl out of the ground."

With that, he opened his pocket watch, glanced at the time, and closed it again.

"We still have half an hour."

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-five chapters of Mistmanto Manor

Mistmanto Manor is located on a hillside, and behind the hillside is the farm outside the town of Yese.

The old gentleman in a black jacket sat in front of the fireplace, and continued to put the firewood into the fire. The light of the fire reflected on his face, beating in his pupils. Oleja handed McDowell a bowl of hot **** soup, and the priest thanked him and took a sip of the hot soup.

"Drink more. It's easy to catch a cold after getting wet. You can't find a qualified doctor here."

Tobias said, and threw another firewood into the fireplace. The flame is more vigorous.

On their way to Mistmanto Manor, the pattering rain turned into a downpour. Tobias, the owner of this manor, allowed Orega to use his pot to boil some hot soup to keep warm. It's just that you have to bring your own ingredients, because he doesn't have much leftover vegetables and **** here. When the curse appeared, the soil of the Twilight Forest was corroded, and no more crops could be grown. The farms in Yese Town have long lost their original functions. Many outlying manors have been abandoned or occupied by resurrected zombies and ghosts. Today, the only sources of food for people in the city are spiders, wild wolves, fish and crabs that fall near the dark river beach, and a few fungi and plant rhizomes that can grow in the dark.

McDowell raised his head and sighed after drinking half a bowl of soup. The Twilight Forest seems to be forever in late autumn, and the people trembling with the piercing cold wind at night, "Don’t worry, sir, there will be a doctor in Night Town in the future. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is McDowell, one from the Cathedral of the Light The pastor of, the bishop ordered me to build a church in Yese Town to provide help to the poor and sick here."

"Me too." Oleja raised her chin, proudly puffing her chest out. "I am a garrison officer from the Exodar, and I was ordered to go to the town of night to protect the local residents from evil."

Tobias glanced at them, then set his eyes again on the flame in the fireplace.

"It's all sick and poor here."

"We are here, sir, to make Nightlight Town better." Aureka said, taking the empty bowl that McDowell handed over, and scooping a bowl of soup from the cauldron again. "The Holy Light will definitely bless this land and drive away the evil and darkness in the soil."

Tobias was silent, did not speak, and stared at the fire for himself.

For a while, only the muffled sound of rain and the crackling of firewood remained in the room.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and the roar of rainstorm suddenly filled the whole house. A flash of lightning flashed across, casting the shadow of the door on the floor. Oleja turned her head subconsciously, but after seeing the person who came, she withdrew her hand from the handle of the hammer.

Zelin rubbed the soles of his boots on the carpet at the door, took off his raincoat, hung it on the hanger beside the door, walked in and closed the door, shutting out the rain and thunder again.

"How about, Zelin?" McDowell raised his head, still wearing a heavy fur coat. The pastor's body was a little weak, and the fatigue caused by driving for a day and night caused him to have a fever immediately after being caught in the rain. Fortunately, he carried a few herbs with him. With the help of the Holy Light, the high fever did not evolve into a more serious illness. "Finished?"

"That's right." Zelin rubbed the tip of his nose, walked to the dining table, and picked up a piece of hot toasted bread. "The rain was so heavy that the road outside turned into a puddle of mud. I fixed the top of the stable with a piece of wood, and then used two bags full of river sand to block the door of the stable. There is a problem. I also put some fodder in the trough. Even if the rainstorm lasts for a day, the stables shouldn’t be a problem.”

Tobias said that there was a stable sheltered from the rain in his manor, and Zelin could park the carriage in it. As a result, after Zelin arrived, he discovered that the stable had been in disrepair for a long time, and rainwater was leaking in through a gap in the roof of the shed. So Zelin found a raincoat and tried to repair the gap on the top of the stable before the rainstorm came, so as not to find that the carriage had been soaked in the water the next day.

"Thank you for fixing the stable for me. I thought I would never use it," Tobias said, turning around and looking directly into the eyes of the demon hunter. "Your friend said, you are here to build a Holy Light Church in Yese Town?"

"Yes." Zelin took a bite of the bread and nodded. The hot food gradually dissipated the cold brought by the rain. "Prince Anduin believes that Stormwind City has ignored the town of Yese for too long, and it is time to help the residents who still persist in this town. Therefore, he sent Olegar and McDowell to build a church in Yese Town. , First provide services to people in urgent need. Soon, he will find a way to arrange more assistance and material assistance for Yese Town."

"How about you?"

"Me?" Zelin raised his eyebrows: "I'm a traveler. I'm going to rest for a few days in Nightlight Town. Meet up with friends."

"Oh..." Tobias slowly retracted his gaze. "That's it..."

After eating the bread, drinking a cup of moonberry juice, and filling his empty stomach, Zelin asked. On the side, Allegar was grinding herbs under McDowell's guidance.

"Mr. Tobias, do you know anyone in Nightstown recently received a letter from Stormwind?"

"I haven't been to town for a while," Tobias said. "Originally, there was a night watchman patrolling near my manor, but I don't know why. In the past few days, there has been no night watchman passing by the door. In the past, my knowledge of what happened in the town came from the passing night watchman. I don’t know what Altea and the Duke of Eberlock are thinking about. The road in front of my manor connects the night town with the eastern outpost. Many materials from outside will pass through here. If you are going to the town tomorrow, remember to help me Just ask, my manor hasn’t delivered anything for quite some time. Does the town council still buy my prey?”

"The night watchman hasn't come on patrol for a while?"

"Yes. Since I liberated this manor from my brother, Staven's curse, I have maintained the manor here by hunting and breeding. Night watchmen often come to me to help the town of Blood Raven Inn. Purchase ingredients. I don’t know why. No one has been here for many days. I heard some horse riding noises in the back mountain of the manor. But it’s not a night watchman. I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the product of a curse. If the people in Yese Town don’t know, someone has to warn them that something strange has appeared on the mountain behind the town."

"Something weird? I understand."

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