"Apocalypse has never belonged to you, you are bound by greed and magic in this poor body!"

The black knight seemed to be in rage forever, and the furious battle under the rage was not so shrewd. When he failed to defeat the Demon Hunter in the first wave of onslaught, its offensive gradually lost its threat. Taking advantage of the moment when the black knight swept the great sword again, Zelin stepped back and placed his weight on his right leg. As soon as the sword blade slashed in front of him, his calf exerted force, and he violently approached as if he was bouncing forward, and the ebony blade slashed towards the black knight's helmet.

Eridin could not get the big sword back in time, and the ebony blade smashed firmly on his helmet. The pitch-black skull helmet was split into a crack, and the crack revealed the invisible shadow under the helmet, and it burst out with a harsh scream, as if the soul from the abyss was wailing in pain. For the first time, the black knight made a sound other than roaring, and a strong air current burst out, pushing Zelin away at once. Zelin stepped back several steps, tripped over a raised rock, and fell backwards. On the ground. He held his head with his left hand and bent down, like a headache sufferer, shaking his head vigorously.

"He has become unstable... my child..."

Les's voice was looming in Zelin's ears.

Zelin jumped to his feet and re-the black knight again. The black knight recovered, raised his sword and aimed at the demon hunter. The next moment, a group of dark-green skulls flew out from the tip of the sword and took Zelin's chest straight. Zelin opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect this blow, and hurriedly put the ebony blade across his chest. The dark-green skeleton hit the ebony blade, and the emerald-green liquid splashed all over, and Zelin snorted in pain, as if a pot of hot oil had been splashed on his body. Suddenly, his feet left the ground.

Zelin's limbs swayed, grasping the ebony blade in his hand entirely by will. Afterwards, the cold river water overflowed his head, he fell into the water, splashed with a splash of water, and his eyes were instantly covered by the ripples of the water. He wanted to roll over and get up, but his limbs couldn't get any strength, as if his bones were removed. The strength was still recovering, he tried to gather all the strength to his arm, trying to swing his arm to let himself swim up. However, the speed of power recovery was too slow, and the originally moderated river looked like turbulent waves at this time.

He clutched his weapon tightly, his lungs were on fire, and the river water over his head prevented him from inhaling any air, and the flowing river water was pulling him away from the shore. He opened his eyes, the enchanted shirt and the magic of Les were gradually returning the power to his body. He grabbed the rock on the **** of the river and climbed up little by little. The next moment, something soft dragged his back and lifted him up. The surface of the water is getting closer and closer. The moment he broke through the water, he took a deep breath, the cold air extinguished the flames in his lungs, one arm grabbed him and pulled him up.

"You **** werewolf will be drowned!"

Hisalie's voice appeared in Zelin's ears, and the druid was lying on the shore, the bloated seal's waist gradually searched, and the tail stretched and a gap appeared in the middle, splitting into two slender legs. The light blue dress was wet and clinging to her body. "Have your head been stunned by the wild? You actually ventured into this dangerous undercurrent! Burns warned us, even if you..."


Zelin was almost taken aback by his own voice. The Miaoman figure in the soaked clothes failed to attract his attention, and the demon hunter stared at the black knight. This body is devouring the soul bound to the armor to repair its damage. He didn't know if it was his voice or Rice's voice. Eredin’s remaining soul shrank and disintegrated under the pitch-black helmet, and at the same time the pitch-black sword pointed at Hilda lying on the stone platform. The blood elf grew up with a silent scream, and a pale phantom was coming. To be pulled out of her body and sucked in the long sword.

New power appeared in his body. Hisalie instantly understood the current situation.

"Black Knight!"

The green light of rejuvenation lingered around Zelin, and Zelin strode towards the black knight. There is a distance of 20 meters between him and the black knight. The black knight is still sucking the soul. Hilda's upper body has been completely pulled out of the body. Her soul is waving her arms, trying to catch the body that is gradually losing its temperature. But only air can be caught. The black knight didn't give up. Such a distance was enough to devour the soul and restore his strength before Zelin rushed over.

The next moment, even without cheeks, the sudden movement showed the shock of the black knight. The demon hunter seemed to have crossed the distance between them. He roared, his pale cheeks washed by the cold water were covered with stretched blue veins, like vines growing from his neck. Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the black knight. The black knight wanted to withdraw the soul-sucking sword, and wanted to block Zelin's attack. But Zelin was faster, he didn't care about that dangerous weapon at all, holding the sword in his backhand, the blade pierced like lightning.


Hilda screamed in pain when the soul returned to the body. The ebony blade pierced through the shadow in the skull helmet, pierced through the hood behind, and a sword penetrated the black knight's head hidden in the shadow!

The body of the black knight shook, and the big sword in his hand fell weakly to the ground. All kinds of wailing flew from his hood, soul after soul, men and women, old people and children, soldiers, merchants, farmers, thieves, and the souls of countless victims who died in the hands of the black knight. Flying out of this cursed body, as more and more souls flew out and escaped, the black knight's body was like a pottery hit by a heavy hammer, cracking from his neck at a speed visible to the naked eye. Spread to the body and limbs.

In the end, the sturdy body lost its support and turned into fine powder, leaving only the breastplate and broken shawl, buried in dust. After all the souls fled, only one soul remained, standing in confusion, raising his hands to cover his cheeks, as if hiding something.

Zelin felt the power in his body leave his body in an instant, he sat on the ground feebly, panting heavily, and watched Les Schal's soul reappear in front of him.

Hisalie trot from behind and took his shoulders. Les's soul took a step forward and hugged the last soul.

"Sorry, my child, forgive me..."

Chapter 2108 The Vision of Mephala

"After Burns warned me, I rushed over immediately."

Xisally hugged Zelin from behind, his voice a little bit painful. "Elune is here, you actually, you actually...Oh, Elune bless you, can you still hear my voice?"

Zelin felt his body become numb and his head buzzed. He seemed to hear the sound of water, and someone was running on the stone island. It may be hallucinations, he may have lost too much blood, or it may be other problems, such as physical exhaustion. He once fought with the devil for one night. After solving the enemy, he slept in the devil's lair until the evening of the next day. He has rarely encountered such a dangerous situation. The last time he faced off with Geman in Yanan.

He was hit at least twice, but during the battle, he did not have a chance to determine the wound. The effect of the potion gradually faded, and the nerves of the whole body were protesting against his brain, warning him that he must receive treatment immediately. The whole body was in a fiery pain, compared with the pain in the lungs, it was nothing. He could no longer feel his left hand. If the memory was correct, the hand that released the seal was the first to touch the impact of the shadow flame, which is not a good sign. Injuries to the limbs have always been a terrible thing for the fighters. Geralt's right leg has not healed. Although the bones have recovered, they will feel a little pain whenever it is rainy.

In the past, Zelin and others could still joke about this incident with Geralt, but now it seems that he might have to endure Lambert's sarcasm.

But soon, another light blue figure appeared in the blurred vision and told him that he hadn't hallucinated yet.

"Holy light is on!" Olejia ran over and sat directly in front of Zelin. Her hands were facing each other, and a soft gleam appeared in her palms. "You can't die here, werewolf! Wake up, can you still see me? Hurry up and heal you with your holy light, hurry up! The holy light you felt in the tomb that day, remember the power at that time, you ......."

"The werewolf is a cursed creature, Oleg. Help me, I have to stop the bleeding from his arm first..." Xisali's voice was rarely confused. "My gauze... Damn it! Cut it off, wait, take the pieces of clothes off first, Elune bless, his arm is completely burnt!"


Zelin wanted to look at his arm, but his head was heavy. He couldn't do anything, his eyelids seemed to be filled with lead, and it became more and more difficult to open them. A voice appeared in his ear, telling him that he should sleep, he must sleep, everything here is over, he must first ensure his safety. Feeling the soft touch on his back, Zelin smiled bitterly in his heart, but he knew that it was not over yet.

Trying to lift his finger, Ze Lin pointed to the stone platform. He just wanted to say something, his voice turned into a violent cough, and the tip of his tongue tasted the smell of blood. A few drops of dim blood dripped on the ground, and white bubbles emerged.

Is your blood so toxic?

Such questions flashed through my mind. But he still grasps more important things before going to sleep.

"Stone Terrace... there is one, one, sacrifice... is still alive."

Oleja turned her head, looked at the stone platform, and then turned her gaze behind Zelin.

"Burnes, there is a surviving victim there!"

Seeing the appearance of the draenei, she must be yelling loudly, but it seemed so weak in Zelin's ears.

"And that sword..." Zelin gritted his teeth and squeezed the sound from his teeth. "The sword of the black knight is dangerous...be careful..."

He saw Olega sticking in front of him, saying something, but he couldn't hear anything anymore.

Suddenly, exhaustion and pain faded like tides, and his body was suddenly as light as he had just slept.

Opening his eyes abruptly, Zelin sighed again in disappointment.

He could only see his body in the armor of the master and the darkness.

Obviously, this is not a sign of awakening.

"I never asked you to be so rash, my champion." A voice that was almost thrown into memory by Zelin appeared in his ears. He looked in the direction of the sound. The gorgeous beauty with the upper cheek covered by the chitin visor appeared beside him. The white to pale legs are looming on the side of the cobweb-like skirt, and the black hair hanging over the shoulders and the shoulders exposed above the tuxedo-like blouse show a perfect color difference. "I have been observing your battles. Your body is strong and tough, but you are too confident or arrogant to fight spells. If the ebony blade contains my power, you can't stand after killing that handsome enemy. Get up."

"Anyway, I have to thank you." Zelin sighed weakly. He didn't like the existence of such a dangerous Demon God around him, but he must admit that this ebony blade helped him a lot. "Where is this? I don't think your power can reach Azeroth."

"Magic artifacts are part of the Demon God. If you are used to this name." Mephala lifted his chin slightly, pursing her rich and **** purple lips. "You showed me a good melody. Conspiracy, assassination, blood, calculation. This sword will always follow you, and the conspiracy will follow you. But don’t worry, this sword will not affect you like the ring. Thinking. I know what you are worried about. You are not like the idiot who got the ebony blade before. A little bit of power can make the part of their heart that makes me feel happy. I really enjoy that feeling, but it is a pity that this This kind of pleasure is always fleeting, unlike you..."

"Well, I understand what you mean." Zelin raised his hands. "I won't give the ebony blade to Ashes like a lord of the ring. I believe you won't... You didn't cause these troubles, right?"

Obviously, Mephala understood the thoughts and worries in the head of the demon hunter.

"I said no, do you believe it?" The corners of Mefala's mouth were treacherously curved. "You won't die this time. If you want, after returning to your castle full of doubt, vigilance, and hostility, go to Skyrim. You will get some of the power you deserve, for... you Can deal with more troubles."

Ze Lin pursed his mouth.

"Can I take back what I just said?"

Mephala shook her head. The chitin mask covered her eyes, only showing the tip of her nose, mouth and chin. But this half of the face seemed to be planning a conspiracy forever.

"I look forward to your next actions. You did not give up the ebony blade before dying. I am very satisfied. Therefore, I send you an interesting message. Your mage wife has a very good magic item in the hand, a She is hiding everyone's secrets, including you."

"What?" Ze Lin was taken aback for a moment. "What the **** are you talking about?"

Mephala did not answer, her figure disappeared into the surrounding darkness again, and only a low smile filled with temptation remained.

Chapter 2109 Pride and Prejudice

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