Li Min's face was sullen, and when he returned to the campfire, he seemed to be in a bad mood. Sitting by the fire without saying a word.

The atmosphere around the campfire seemed to become more dull. After a while, Zelin walked out of the tent again and walked to the hawker who was brought to the camp. This hawker spends most of her time selling goods to the camp. Going home, just as a wanderer, earning bread money for the next day everywhere.

After talking with the little girl for a while, Zelin walked to the elevator again and left the camp along the elevator. Suddenly, Vera noticed that there was a split arrow used by the Demon Hunter stuck on the wooden stake next to the elevator.

Vera lowered her eyes and hung her hand holding the slice of bread in front of her mouth. After thinking for a while, she slowly stuffed the rest of the food into her mouth and licked the salt grains on her fingers.

"Where is he going?" Linden asked curiously.

"I don't know." Vera said coldly. Her face had always been so indifferent: "Don't care about him."

With that, the demon hunter stood up, and she glanced at the hawker on the other side of the camp. The hawker was counting the money while looking at the direction of the camp. Noting Vera's gaze, the little girl showed an innocent smile. Then Vera took a deep look at Zelin's camp, then turned and walked towards his tent.

When the camp fell into silence, at an angle that no one noticed, Vera stabbed a dagger behind the tent and made a gap in the tent.

The demon hunter cautiously squeezed out of the tent, looked around and made sure that no one else noticed, she bent over and walked towards Zelin's tent.

Chapter 2694: A Weird Play

After Zelin left the camp, he returned late at night. Only Ko Mike, who was in charge of the night watch, saw him and greeted him.

When Zelin returned to the tent, it was not surprising that it was like a thief inside, and it was turned over in a mess. A letter was placed on the table. On the letter, the most vicious curse was written in beautiful small print.

In the letter, Li Min angrily announced that if he refused to give her the mount she was fond of, then she would take away his remaining things, such as the second sword.

That night, Zelin did not meet with anyone, but went to chat with the vendor Squealer. The little girl was still staying in the camp, lying in her cargo pile and covered with a blanket when she slept.

"Assassins?" Squealer scratched his head and looked at Zelin innocently: "How would I know this kind of thing? I have never entered Kartim City. Have you encountered a difficult enemy? Hurry up? Come and buy some of my goods. I also have a long sword dug out of the desert. There is no rust at all, but it is sharp!"

"No, I just want to know what kind of people they are." Zelin shrugged: "If it's really good, if it's fake, it would be too bad, and I don't want to be here in Kartim. Within a few days, there was a conflict with the local imperial guards."

"I don't know." Squealer smiled: "Are you going to buy my goods? Everyone else bought them, but you didn't buy them."

In the end Zelin still didn't buy anything from Squealer.

Before leaving the camp again, Zelin saw Vera sitting by the campfire, polishing the dagger in his hand with a rock. Her eyes crossed with the demon hunter, and she nodded imperceptibly.

Zelin stopped for a few seconds, then immediately speeded up and walked towards the elevator.

"Hi, little girl, where did you go yesterday?" Linden looked at Liya on the side: "Why do I feel that Zelin feels something is wrong since you came back yesterday? What did you do yesterday?"

Liya looked up a little confused, and lifted the bangs on her forehead: "I don't understand... Everything was normal yesterday. He said he would go to the tavern to inquire about the news, and Tyrael and I were at the Iron Wolf. Ask for information about the Wizarding Society."

"Strange." Linden scratched the back of his head. "He seems a little irritable?"

In the city of Kartim, someone had already been waiting for Zelin at the gate of the city. The demon hunter arrived at the predetermined location according to the previously agreed time.

A policeman in a light brown windbreaker was at the gate of the city, with his back leaning on the street light pole on the side of the road, his arms crossed looking at the demon hunter walking towards him.

"How is the situation?"

"I can't believe that she would do this!" Zelin's voice seemed to suppress anger, and he took out the letter written by Li Min: "Look at this, I never knew that a wizard would actually do this kind of thing."

The assassin took the letter, glanced at it, and snorted: "This is indeed Li Min's handwriting. She is the most difficult target since the establishment of the Demon Hunter Assassin. All the assassins are studying **** her. But. It shouldn’t be surprising that she does anything, because she is already possessed and extremely unstable. Perhaps she will sign a deal with the devil in order to find a way to escape from death! Only death can make everyone breathe a sigh of relief.”

"I only need one thing, and that is to get my sword back." Zelin said: "I will find a way to lead Li Min into the Kartim sewer tonight, as for the rest... .."

"The rest is the scope of the demon hunter assassin's ability." The assassin carefully examined the letter: "The letter mentions the mount..."

"It's one of my workhorses. I need it to carry me and my luggage, but she wants to take it away. That's it." Zelin said spontaneously, "I definitely can't give her the mount, otherwise I You can only take risks with two legs."

"When can you lead her over?" The assassin put down the letter and asked Zelin.

"Tonight, I will tell her that if I want to discuss with her about the mount, I can't directly give it to her, but I can sell it to her, as long as she can exchange something with enough value." Zelinton said. Pause: "Are you going to fight inside the sewer, or at the door of the sewer?"

"Of course it is internally. Li Min's magic can exert its greatest strength in open areas. First of all, we must limit her power on the battlefield." The assassin said without hesitation: "When the battle begins, you have to leave immediately. Don't mess with us."

"But I need a map." Zelin stretched out his hand: "The sewer map. I once heard the Kartim people say that the sewers in the city are like a maze. I have never entered, and I don’t know how to go. You can’t. Let me take Li Min to the sewer, and then take her to go shopping in the sewer? She will definitely suspect that she is very smart and it is impossible to deceive her."

The assassin narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the demon hunter carefully.

A gust of wind swept across the city gate, the weather was gloomy, and the sun was hiding behind dark clouds. The sand was filled with unbearable sultry heat, and the refugees in line at the city gate pulled the neckline to prevent the sand from blowing into the clothes.

"...Well, you'll get what you want." The assassin lowered his head, his hat covered his eyes: "In the afternoon, in front of the gate of the king's city, an imperial guard will give you the sewer map. Don’t hesitate about what you do. The actions of the demon hunter assassin are guaranteed from the palace, and your actions will be supported and rewarded by Emperor Hakan, explorer."

The Kegistan Desert rarely welcomes cloudy weather, but today, the citizens look at the dark clouds above their heads uneasy, like a heavy burden on their hearts, lingering.

There are no pedestrians near the royal city, and civilians have long been forbidden to approach it.

The heavily armed imperial guards dutifully guarded the bridge leading to the royal city, staring viciously at any citizen who tried to approach. Hakan II used them to initiate a coup. By the Long Bridge, several ministers who had been driven out stood there, yelling for their rights and demanding to see Hakan II.

"You have no right to do this, soldier!" A man in a loose white robe pinched his waist, with his other hand clenched into a fist and waved in front of the imperial guards. The robe was decorated with silver, emeralds and pearls, and the belt was sewn. With the golden thread, he did not hesitate to show his wealth: "Open the door immediately, I want to see Hakan immediately! His father built the palace in Kartim with our support, otherwise he would lose Kura. St, he and his family are just a bunch of homeless wanderers! Hakan has no right to treat us like this, I ask him to give us an explanation immediately, otherwise he will do it at his own risk!"

"If you take a step forward!" The imperial guard held a spear horizontally and pointed the tip of the spear at the minister's chest, threatening viciously: "I will throw your body into the moat!"

The minister's face suddenly turned pale, followed by a flush of anger.

"That stupid boy will regret his decision!" Leaving a threatening word, the minister turned around and beckoned to the attendant beside him.

Several guards wearing weapons immediately followed the master and left the palace gate.

There are many people watching here in front of the gate, or the secret agents of the merchant's guild, the magic temple, and the local nobles, observing the actions of the palace, or the idle young people who want to inquire about the conversation that can be brought out in the first place. .

After driving away the minister, the imperial guard immediately noticed Zelin behind the minister: "Who are you again?"

"An... an assassin told me that I can get a sewer map here." Zelin pondered the words in his mind: "I am an explorer who accepted his commission."

He arrived very early, and after the meeting with the assassin was over, he headed to the King City of Kartim. The city of Kartim is divided into two levels. The royal city is also an inner city. In the past, it was filled with wealthy and decent nobles and wealthy merchants, priests and representatives of the temple of mages. The outer city is where the civilians live. But now, everyone is crowded in the outer city, and the whole city is like a buzzing hive.

"Ah, I see." The imperial guard smiled sinisterly: "You found a good job, explorer. This is a map."

As he said, the imperial guard took out a roll of parchment: "Take him away. If you succeed, the emperor will definitely give you more rewards."

Chapter 2695 The Watcher of the Wizarding Society

Originally according to the plan, Vera and Li Min were going to Alcanas from Kashin Outpost today, but when Komak and Linden were ready, they found that Li Min had been staying in the tent and never came out.

"We are pursuing the wizarding society, but they are unwilling to set off because of conflicts?" Komike said dissatisfiedly. He clenched his right hand into a fist and waved in front of him: "You must not slack in the conquest of evil, otherwise the devil will become more corrupt. What an innocent person."

"Come on, man, we are all human beings, not gods. Who doesn't feel unhappy?" Linden waved his hand indifferently, scratched his ears, and flicked his fingers: "This way, I feel more relieved. At least they all seem to be normal, but, if you want me to say, Zelin took this too seriously. That may be just a joke, I don’t think even a mage can force others to do something... They won't do it, will they?"

"Young people, they will have some anger and temper. That's good." Miriam giggled, nagging like a middle-aged aunt: "But ah, they are all smart people, know when to Angry, when to be angry. But you'd better dress more formally, there will be a pretty girl coming soon, and when you meet the lady for the first time, it's not polite at all to be dressed in sloppy clothes."

"You said yesterday that we would meet a pretty girl, but I didn't see anything." Linden sighed: "It's impossible to meet every day, right?"

"But you didn't leave the camp too far yesterday. If you were the same as Komack, you would have met Kasin outpost. Besides, she might have been by our side all the time."

Mi Li'an just finished speaking, before in the middle of the camp, the elevator next to the camp rumbling. The elevator rose to the top, slowly revealing Vera's appearance.

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