The Crusaders came out from the side alley, and she looked at Zelin: "Can I interrupt your time? In the name of Zakarum, I need your assistance, explorer."

"Ah, I remember you." Zelin scratched the back of his head: "But please forgive me, I don't intend to offend anyone, such as the town guard, lest someone come to me when I walk on the street. I'm sorry. Maybe you can find some more... loyal church followers to assist you instead of me."

"You must have heard a lot of rumors about the Zakarum Church. I can assure you that some parts of it must not be true." Johanna's voice is serious and sincere: "I have no malice, nor do I want to take advantage of you. For profit."

"In other words, some of the rumors are true?" Ze Lin asked rhetorically.

"...I won't deny this part." Johanna looked at the bluestone slab under her feet, her slender sword eyebrows drooping: "I saw you enter the tower, I..." she There was a pause: "My jihad encountered confusion. I believe that there are some very important clues hidden in the library of the Corrison Tower. There are many records of the Knights traveling westward. I need to find it and figure it out. What happened during this time."

"Your investigation?"

"I am a sacred army. I vowed to carry out a holy war to find out the root of the fall of the Sakarram Church. I will travel throughout the world until I find the source of the corrupted church." Johanna clenched a fist with one hand. With my chest up and my chest upright: "I will not call you to join my jihad, but I hope that in the name of the Holy Light, you can help me through this difficulty, and I will swear by my title and career, I will pay you enough... I have some gold coins in my hand."

"Sorry, Johanna." Zelin shook his head: "I cannot promise you until I understand your motives."

Chapter 2742: The Past of the Holy Army

Wild Boar Inn——

The noisy hotel was filled with travelers and explorers from all over. Westermah is the oldest human gathering area. After the swamp of this land, countless ruins and treasures are buried deep underground, attracting many men who want to get rich overnight. A woman, or a Fasgelli mage who used ancient magical ruins to improve her power in order to prove her strength. On the notice board at the entrance of the hotel, an aristocratic servant was posting a notice, hoping to hire adventurers to explore the ancient tombs where ancestors might be buried.

"My holy war is to find the root cause of Zakarum's corruption. When I was fifteen, I took over the mantle of a mentor, inherited her career, and continued to fight to clear Zakarum's corruption."

Sitting at the two-person table in the corner of the Wild Boar Inn, Johanna put down the cup she was holding, exhaled slowly, and wiped the water mark at the corner of her mouth: "I want to investigate the changes of the Knights of Westmar over the years, and their development and There were similarities in the depravity of the Sakarram Church. This is not the Knights I once knew. The Holy Knights rebelled against the Sakarram Church and came to Westmar, but how could they do the same thing. "

"Sorry, I don't quite understand your dispute." Zelin covered his sour eyes. After flying in the sky for several days, he felt the bones all over his body were soaked in the cold wind. Although it feels good to fly in the sky, if it were not for the strengthened physique of the demon hunter and exposed to the cold wind for a long time, he would have been sick and lying in bed: "But in Kaltim, those Sacaran Pastor M seems to have a high status."

"There are priests here too." Johanna folded her hands on the table, and lowered her gaze: "I can't blame the people in this city for verbalizing towards people from Cui Fanke. The Archbishop of Zakarum has long been corrupted and corrupted. Depraved, they use the Akarat deal as a tool for their own profit."

From Qiao Hannah's mouth, Zelin learned of the origin of the Crusades and her ongoing jihad.

Decades ago, Zebulun I, the then Pope of Zakarum, announced that he would carry out religious reforms within Zakarum. He advocated that the church should abandon its secular power, abandon unwarranted desires, return to its true nature, and regain it. The noble qualities of humility and benevolence coincide with the psychology of the general public. The church has been oppressing the people with religious beliefs for too long. The people in Keikistan have responded to the call of Zebulun I and the reforms have been promoted quickly.

But this annoyed the archbishops in the Supreme Council.

After the death of Zeebrun I, the archbishops of the Supreme Council chose Karamat, who fell to themselves, as the new pope. In order to eliminate the impact of the reform, the church set off a massive heresy trial to purify all opponents by physical means.

During this period, the Paladins called the Hand of Zakarum stood up and opposed the trial activities conducted by the church. The rupture of the two sides led to the rebellion of the Hand of Zakarum. Many Paladins chose to leave the East and come to Westmar. Here, they were welcomed by Cornelius, the last king of Westmar, and joined the paladin organization of Westmar—the Knights of Westmar. This is where the Knights go west. Twenty years ago, a westward paladin, after learning of the chaos in Kanduras, went to Tristram to search for the Dark Wanderer.

The founder of Westmar was Lakis, but his son died in the war against the barbarians of Mount Arret, and he failed to leave a successor. Later, the Zakarum Church appointed the Justin family as the new king. There was no basis at all. However, relying on the prestige of the church at the time, no one opposed the coronation of Justin I. The prestige of the king was established in the church. With the support of the people, the people believe that the church has chosen a wise man to rule this land. This is why, Westma will always be the most steadfast supporter of the Zakarram Church.

Twenty years ago, Westmar learned of the great changes from the East.

In Trevank, the current Pope of Zakarum, St. Coco, was transformed into the king of hatred-Mephisto under all eyes. This news is like a tsunami and landslide, completely destroying the positive image of Zakarum in the sanctuary. People suddenly discovered that there were demons everywhere in the church they had worshipped for many years. People no longer believe in the church, thinking it is just a bunch of fallen people corrupted by demons. With the collapse of faith, various cults emerged, and the stability that was originally based on faith also collapsed, including the authority and legitimacy of the Justin family.

Therefore, in the past few years, the Kingdom of Westma has been trying to eliminate the influence of the Zakarram church in the country and to weaken the connection between the royal family and the church. They began to pretend to be the true guardians of the doctrine of Akarat. Fortunately, no matter what kind of mentality Connelius chose to accept the Holy Knights who broke with the church, this became Weiss. Evidence that Tema has broken with the corrupted Zakarum church.

But not all Paladins chose to join the Knights of Westmar.

There is a group of soldiers from the church who believe that the church is still built on light and goodness, but it has been corrupted by hell, so they are determined to find the root of this corruption. They call themselves the Crusades, aiming to carry out a holy war of which no one knows the result, and the purpose is to prevent the corruption of **** from appearing in the world in the same situation again.

"My mentor died in a battle with **** demons. As her apprentice, I took her mantle and continued her holy war." Johanna sighed, took a sip of water, and moistened her throat. "I recently ended my expedition in Kanduras. I heard that a meteorite fell on Tristram and awakened the dead underground, but when I arrived, the locals told me that there were two demon hunters and A Fasgelli mage solved the problem and allowed the resurrected soul to lie down in the grave again. But at the remains of Tristram, I found some... clues related to the Knights Templar, which made me Very upset."

"I used to know a Templar knight, his name is Komike." Zelin considered the language in his mind: "I remember he once described to me that the Templars will recruit criminals and make them give up through a method. In the past, it turned to fight for a new cause. If you say, the Knights Templar were formed by the paladins that went westward..."

"Yes, in the past, the church was indeed looking for ways to change its mind, but not through pain and punishment!" Johanna waved her hand firmly: "It is a kind of asceticism, withstands harsh environments and bad weather. Hone your mind, body and will. Only a strong-willed person can become a good fighter and overcome all the bad habits of the past. Before I became a Crusade, I had experienced similar tests, which originated from us. The ascetic journey of the founder of Akarat. But in the letter I found in Tristram, they said that they would actually use it on recruits..." Joe Hannah paused, and his tone improved a bit: " Whips? Soldering irons? Are they serious? Use these instruments of torture to train future brothers and sisters?"

"So you came back from Kanduras?"

"That's right." Johanna nodded: "I think something must have happened within the Knights to make them do something that deviates from Akarat's teachings."

"No, I don't know, I have never joined the Knights." Johanna closed her eyes and leaned back on the backrest: "I am an Ensteiner, and my instructor found me while traveling in the north. She told The truth of my Akarat, I envy her very much. She is a holy and powerful warrior. So I decided to follow in her footsteps, hoping to be the same warrior as her. But I think that punishment is never in the teachings of Akarat. Within. I remember that Westmar’s prison often recruits jailers, because that jail is always a breeding ground for evil. The jailers are usually the first to suffer, and the Templars are very suitable."

Zelin was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, he tentatively asked, "Is this some kind of joke?"

Johanna sighed and shrugged: "...Well, not everyone can understand the Holy Cadet jokes."

After thinking about it for a while, Zelin said to Johanna, "Well, I might help you investigate this matter. But before that, I'm going to deliver the letter first. I have another letter, but next, I should Stay at the Wild Boar Inn for a few days. At this time tomorrow, you can come to me."

"Your words are full of wisdom, friend." Johanna smiled with joy and satisfaction, and she stretched out her hand to Zelin: "At this time tomorrow, I will see you on time."

Zelin did not want to cause trouble, but he knew very well that if he wanted to investigate a deeply rooted organization hidden somewhere, it would definitely get into trouble. But he is not afraid of trouble. At least, many people who wanted to trouble him before realized that this might be the worst decision they made. Helping Johanna look up materials in the library will not harm anyone, and he is happy to know more reliable people.

Released her hand, Johanna stood up and walked to the counter. In Zelin's puzzled gaze, she walked to the innkeeper.

"Boss, please prepare a guest room for me."

"Do you want to live here, ma'am?" The innkeeper is a lean man, bald and capable, probably in his forties. He pushed the monocle: "There are indeed rooms left here... but it must not match your identity. I recommend you to the hotel in the upper city."

"What? Are you afraid that I will cause trouble for you?" Johanna asked curiously: "Don't worry, I won't provoke anyone. Still worried that I won't pay? I'll pay a deposit in advance."

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ps: In the past two days, I saw someone talking about place names in Intermediate, so I went to Diablo 3 today to take a look. The national service translation is indeed Westmar.

纟工萌馆 2⑨83①63⑤4

ps: King Westmar’s name should be Gasdian IV, I remembered it as the VI, now it’s revised...

Chapter 2743 Dark Dungeon

The sun gradually fell below the horizon, and a famous mansion occupies most of the land next to the wide street closest to the cathedral in Upper Town. Clinverton Mansion, one of the most luxurious noble residences in Westermah, some people say, it may be second only to the royal palace. For some people, this is praise and envy. For others, They have fear and resentment about it.

A solitary figure was looking at the desolate and dilapidated scene in front of him. The wind swept in through the glassless windows, blowing his robe into a hunting noise. He looked at the garden outside the window, the beautiful roses and violets were withering, and the precious transplanted trees were now only bare trunks, and the withered shrubs were covered with a layer of fallen leaves. To this end, he quit at least three men who called themselves master gardeners, and now he thinks it's time to let the fourth one go.

Gently stroking the neatly tidied goatee at the corners of his mouth, the man turned around and stopped looking at the withered scene. Rumors spread in the city, and unknown death reports came from all over the city. The crops wilted as soon as they broke the ground, and the lambs born to sheep were dead as soon as they were born. In King’s Harbor, which is humid and warm throughout the year, large areas of plants are withered, and many animals and domestic animals have died of some strange disease. Only rats and crows are active as always.

Everything points to the reign of Gasdian IV has lost its blessing, and his family is bringing disaster to Westmar. A dangerous rumor appeared in the countryside and was brought to the city by traveling merchants-the Justin family was able to ascend the throne of Westmar and replace Lakis' bloodline because they made a deal with the devil.

But in his eyes, this is not a revenge on the Gastine family.

Looking at himself in a vertical mirror. This is a middle-aged man about forty years old. His slightly curly brown hair is taken care of by the best local hair stylist, and his neat goatee sets off his shrewdness and city. The close-fitting and comfortable black leather long-sleeved jacket is decorated with expensive velvet, and the gold chain hanging from the chest unabashedly informs everyone how rich this man is. The straight trousers have no decoration, but they look more serious. The decent boots are spotless, and servants will clean them every day to make sure that there is no dirt on them that is inconsistent with their identity.

The soil belongs to farmers and travelers, not to a real nobleman.

For example, he.

"Master, your guest has arrived."

An elderly housekeeper bent down and bowed deeply to the master in front of him.

He waved his hand, then put his hands behind his back and walked straight past the housekeeper.

In fact, the Clinverton House is wider than it looks outside. Passing through the back door of the mansion is a corridor leading to the garden. There are arches on both sides of the corridor. No one has ever known what these doors are. Most people think this is a decoration. In fact, it is indeed decoration, in order to attract other people's attention to the door, rather than the beautiful female angel statue in the middle.

Lord Wyton stretched out his hand, and the ring on his index finger touched the nameplate under the statue. The statue moves sideways, revealing a spiral staircase leading down.

This secret room is cleverly designed. The light of the torch was erratic, and the light and shadow on the stone wall were mottled. After going around three times, the stairs terminate in front of a stone arch, behind which is a wide rectangular chamber.

There are already two men in the secret room.

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