The void roared, that sword was too sharp, that is, even the space created by Zi Yan was cut in half!

The divine light is intertwined, and the terrifying sword aura is slashed with divine power. NEO's heart is shocked, not daring to take it, throwing down the six kings, and quickly evading. It disappeared from the place and appeared on the other side...

However, the terrifying sword energy that slashed down also disappeared at the same time, and appeared above NEO's head. Without stopping, he slashed down!

This sword is a sword that must be hit, because it contains the law of'must hit'!Dodge is impossible, only hard-wired!

NEO instantly let out a piercing roar. Seeing that evasion was impossible, fierce light surged in his eyes. There was no fear at all. Some were just endless violence and madness!

Countless tentacles regenerated from its body, turned into whip shadows in the sky, and resisted toward that terrible lightsaber!

However, this is simply futile. How could it be so easy to resist a slash with a trace of power from Monkey King?

What the lightsaber effortlessly is to cut the large net made by the tentacles of the fault layer, and then directly cut NEO in half from head to toe, and the remaining power is not reduced, and the dragon king Drouus at the rear is also cut at the same time. The corpse is separated!

The entire ground is also cut into a terrible crack that is not bottomless, spreading all the way!

In the end, in the terrifying earthquake, the ground on both sides was slowly splitting apart...

An extremely terrifying whirlpool storm swept out of it!

It is like a huge mouth of a deep black hole, wanting to swallow everything in the world!

The ground began to fall apart at an alarming speed in that terrible storm!

Spreading all the way, the earth began to disintegrate...

And in that terrible suction storm, Yue'er and the others were shocked, carrying buds, and their figures flashed, breaking through the barrier of space in a flash, and appeared on the top of the mountain a few miles away!

The Six Kings who were severely injured by NEO also climbed up from the ground and fleeing into the distance!

Because they don't want to be involved in the terrible storm vortex behind!Because it is as strong as them, just look at it, it is frightening!If you are sucked into it, you will die!

Only the NEO, which was divided in two, was sucked into the terrible whirlpool storm in the center of the divided earth...

"It's over! Raven Feather... See you doing a good job... The earth is cut in half by you... Now the earth is really going to be destroyed..." Jenny Bonnie stared at the horrible scene ahead and looked at him. Yayu next to him was full of complaints: "This is over, if we destroy Wukong's plan, we will all have to be served by Family Law..."

Yayu Dai frowned, breathing a little, the sword just now obviously consumed a lot.However, looking at her expression at the moment, it is obvious that she is very afraid of the family law in Jenny Bonni's mouth: "Should it not be?" Then, looking at the terrifying whirlpool storm ahead, she shook her head helplessly: "It seems that I really need to be Master Goku has a lesson..."

"If this continues, the earth will really be destroyed..." Jie said, looking at Ziyan: "Ziyan, do you have a way to set up a space barrier to prevent the collapse of the earth?"

"Do you think I am a god? It's okay to open up a space, but how can I do it in a space that covers the entire earth..." Ziyan suddenly rolled his eyes: "Moreover, the current earth, whether it is magnetic field or gravity, It has been destroyed and extremely unstable. Even if it is protected, it will only be temporary. It will be destroyed sooner or later..."

"Huh? Look quickly, there... why is there a light coming up?" Jenny Bonnie suddenly cried out in surprise.

Yayu and the others obviously saw this scene.

"What a rich life force... the gourmet cells in the body... are all summoned... the endless desire to swallow..." Yue'er's face also showed a look of surprise.

"Didn't Wukong say that he wants to cook the earth? He said, isn't it the thing?" Jenny Bonnie suddenly thought of something, suddenly exclaimed.

"'s possible..." After being stunned for a while, they looked at Yayu one after another.

"Why... why look at me like this... it's just an accident..." Yayu was frowned upon by them, and instantly became red-heartbeat when thinking of the so-called family method, both scared and nervous.

"Shall we just watch? Don't do something?" Jie looked at Yayu and the others, and said.

"What can we do? It's okay for our strength to do damage. There is nothing we can do to repair and create something!" Geniboni shrugged indifferently.

"Brother Wukong will know about this happening right away, don't worry, wait until he comes out!" Zi Yan curled his lips indifferently and sat down directly.

The women were silent, just enjoying the terrifying scene ahead...

Not to mention, the picture is more shocking than any 3D effect!

The crust changes and collapses, layers of cracks and collapses, magma drifts like honey from the cracks in the ground to the endless stormy universe...

In the center, there are two extremely dazzling lights, separating the two sides, like a heart cut in half, exuding a rich light of life!

Two extremely terrifying black shadows whirled violently in the whirlpool storm, roaring and struggling, stretched out the sky full of tentacles, intertwined into a series of terrifying and terrifying arms, in the storm's ruthless cutting and shattering, regenerating and healing at an astonishing speed , Slowly extending to the two extremely dazzling lights on both sides...

"Wait? Sombra? Damn, it's the monster just now!!" Jenny Bonny exclaimed suddenly.

"I was split in half, and I'm not dead yet?" Ya Yudai frowned, and the cold light in her eyes surged: "Its goal is those two lights... Damn, that thing is what Master Wukong wants to cook, isn't it? Let you succeed!"

Crow Feather's breath instantly became extremely cold. She missed the earth and split the earth in half, facing the danger of destruction, which made her feel uneasy. If that thing was eaten by NEO, what face would she have? To face Monkey King?

His figure flashed, and he killed him directly in the direction of NEO...

"This time you must be chopped to pieces!" In the sweet drink, the terrible sword aura was gushing, and the supernatural power blessed the sword body, exuding destruction power!This is terrifying, this angry sword contains almost all the power of Crow Feather!

In any case, she must keep those two lights that exude a strong vitality...that is the ultimate thing of the earth!

Because she didn't want to see Sun Wukong's disappointed eyes on her!

At this moment, Crow Yu exudes an invincible spirit that sweeps everything, and she turns a blind eye to the terrible whirlpool storm, swinging her sword and slashing!

All the movements are like moving clouds and flowing water, sword qi cuts the void vertically, splitting the sky!..

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