At the same time, the big bald wandering Ryze was also awakened from his dream, became full of dignity, hurriedly dressed, came to the office, called MISS teacher and Jess over...

"Teacher Liu, what's the matter? What did you tell me to do at night? It seems a bit wrong to hear you just now..." Teacher MISS opened the office door and walked in slowly.

For a moment, Jace also walked in with his beautiful sledgehammer...

"What to do? I feel that darkness is coming, and a huge evil god has been passed from the wormhole. I am afraid we can't resist its power now..." The wandering Ryze walked back and forth in front of Jess and MISS, looking very anxious. Look like.

"Uh...what a horror method?" Jace asked curiously.

"What I saw in my nightmare were fallen angels from the angel family. Their world should be millions of light years away from us..."

"Is this scientific?" Jace asked.

"Which aspect are you talking about?" Wandering Ryze looked at Jace.

"You just saw it in a dream. It may not be reality. Is this science?"

"Well, my brain has long established a microwave connection with military satellites."

"In other words, this is the result of military satellite detection?"


"Then what's the combat effectiveness of our current team?" Jace asked with a serious face.

"Well, regarding this issue, I don't have to worry about it..." Wandering Ryze waved his hand, his tone was a little worried at the same time: "I'm just worried about which side instructor Sun is on..."

"What do you mean by this?" The MISS teacher who had been silent for a long time finally spoke.

"In my dream, I saw instructor Sun meeting with the fallen angel..." Wandering Ryze's face was serious, and there was concern in his tone.

"What? Instructor Sun meets the fallen angel? How is this possible!" Jace was obviously surprised, and exclaimed, "Didn't he go to train Lena and the others? If he is an undercover agent sent by the other party, then we are in a situation. Isn't it dangerous?!"

"It's still light. If it's really like that, I'm afraid Galen, Lena, and the others have fallen into each other's hands..." MISS teacher looked serious, looked at Ryze, and said very seriously: "You can detect Guy Where are they now? Are they safe?"

"It can't be detected, their training venue is another dimension, and military satellites can't detect it at all..." Wandering Ryze shook his head helplessly.

"This is really troublesome..." Teacher MISS looked solemnly: "Nowadays, if even instructor Sun can't determine whether it is an enemy or a friend, wouldn't we still have to have a fight?"

"We can't make a hasty conclusion about this. Have you seen the specific situation of Instructor Sun and the fallen angel?" Jace asked Ryze with a serious face.

"Well, it doesn't look like they are in the same group, but his attitude is a bit subtle!"

"What a subtle method?" Teacher MISS was suddenly aroused by curiosity.

"Um... he said... if the fallen angel marries him... you might consider joining their camp..." Wandering Ryze looked helpless.

"Damn! So no morals?" Jace's eyes widened immediately.

"How about we use the same method?" MISS teacher asked.

"Why, you want to marry him?" Jace looked at MISS teacher in surprise.

"You just want to marry him!" Miss Miss immediately lost his eyes.

"When I said a big bald head, I warned you not to speak ill of me behind your back, don't you have a long memory, do you?" Monkey King suddenly flashed into the office, looking at the wandering Ryze with indifferent expression, causing the latter to say that the pressure was not Generally large.

"I'm not saying bad things about you..." Monkey King's sudden appearance, when he frightened the bald heads, he hurriedly explained: "Who told you to make you so mysterious, if we don't doubt you, we can't make it. Ah! Now that the words are clear, then you can tell, where are you standing on?"

"Me? I'm not anywhere. Didn't I say that, I just came to experience campus life, your war is not my business, I remain neutral, someday Morgana will really want to marry me, maybe I I really hit you in reverse!"

"In other words, you might become our enemy?" Jace looked serious, shook hands with the sledgehammer, and there was a trace of hostility in his eyes.

"Enemy? If you understand it this way, you can, but you have to be responsible for your choice!" Monkey King looked at Jace with a smile on his face, but he made the latter chill and trembled!

This indifferent smiling face made Jace feel as if a death god from hell was staring at him, as long as he moved, it was death!

"Then how do you prove that you are not the undercover agent sent by the other party? And Galen, are they really sent somewhere to train by you?" Teacher MISS did not flinch, staring at Monkey King with a serious expression.

"Undercover? That's the case... Are you doubting my identity..." Monkey King looked at MISS teacher with a joking expression, full of arrogance and disdain in his tone: "I, Monkey King, do things, do I need to do so much trouble? I want to kill you, raise your hands!"

As he said, a terrifying aura from God burst out in an instant, covering the wandering Ryze, MISS teacher, and Jess. For a moment, all three of them made a'thump' and were overwhelmed to the ground. , Can't move at all!What was revealed in his eyes was a deep shock and fear!

"God? Haha... The so-called gods in your world really make me feel ridiculous, gods, do you need to use any technology? It's really nonsense! Now I know that the gods you talk about are compared with me as a god Get up, is there any difference?" Monkey King looked at the three wandering Ryze with a playful expression.

"Although I guessed it a long time ago... but I didn't expect you to be so strong!" Wandering Ryze widened his eyes and looked at Monkey King with shock.Although he had guessed for a long time, he did not expect that the great god he thought was at most similar to the principal of the time god, but he did not expect that it would be so powerful that it was just imposing, and he could not move. .This seems to be a bit exaggerated and powerful!

"Now, do you still think I'm an undercover agent? Miss Miss..." Monkey King squatted down, gently squeezed MISS's face, and smiled playfully.

"No...No...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm rude..." Teacher MISS's face was reddish, and while her heart was tense, even speaking became difficult. With the horrible atmosphere, she felt like she was After being touched by the god of death, there is a sense of panic and tingling scalp.

PS: I need to help others during the day, and send two changes in advance...

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