The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 51—The So-called God

"Who is Kyle?" Lena asked curiously.

"Judgment angels, judge all evil centralized rulers!" Du Kao said with a serious face as he walked.

"It doesn't sound bad!" Reina said.

"Haha~~ Sounds like?" Dukaao chuckled, facing Galen and others: "But do you know what sin is?"

"I don't know!" Everyone shook their heads together.

"Yeah! I don't know!" Duka Aowei sighed, "What is sin in her eyes! But I know that the ruler of fifty thousand years after the nuclear issue would not understand the order of pre-nuclear civilization!" "

"Then is she amazing? How does it compare with that Monkey King? I mean, with that monkey brother who was cut by Big Brother Wukong..." Galen said.

"I haven't fought, who knows, but one thing is certain. Kyle himself is completely immune to nuclear weapons, and they are holding the sword of flames. This is the third weapon among all sophisticated weapons in the known universe!"

"Damn! It sounds so awesome!" Big D exclaimed immediately.

"It's okay! We have Big Brother Wukong! If you really can't beat her, let Brother Wukong be an invincible wave of bombarding her! Didn't you see Dou defeating the Buddha, was he kicked by him!" Zhao Xin smiled on the side.

"That's right! We have Big Brother Wukong, whoever comes will tell her to be a man every minute!" Galen immediately said with excitement.

"Don't count on me, I am not the god in your world, so you still protect your own world!"

"Don't! Brother Wukong! Do you want to help us! Want us to fight the gods? We are properly hanged every minute!" Xin Zhao immediately begged.

"Don't look so frustrated, you are not that weak now!"

"Really? I don't think we can stand alone with God?" Jarvan touched himself, full of surprise.

"Who told you to go heads-up, you can't play heads-up, you can group P!"

"Group P! I like this!" Xin Zhao immediately became excited.

"I said, can you speak more seriously? The more you speak, the more unreliable!" Catalina finally couldn't listen, and said coldly.

"Aren't we discussing this seriously!" Galen said.

"Don't talk about those useless!" Caitlin glanced at Galen and the others before looking at Monkey King: "By the way, Wukong, you really don't intend to help us?"

"No help!" Monkey King replied simply: "But it can protect you from death!"

"Protect us not to die?" Xin Zhao said excitedly: "Are you going to give us invincible BUFF or something?"

"Open your sister! You play a lot of games, right!" Monkey King immediately stared at Xin Zhao.

"Okay, let's stop this topic!" Dukao interrupted: "Master Goku is right. Our world must be protected by ourselves. Since we have got his promise to protect you from death, then you still What's so terrible! Facing the enemy, just rush forward without life! The promise of a real great god is very important!"

"You don't have a backache when you stand and talk! I immediately started to flick us!" Galen immediately looked at Du Kao and rolled his eyes.

"I'll go! Listening to your tone, he is still a real god? Really? Really? There is really a god in this world?" Ah Li looked at Monkey King in surprise.

"Look at such a big chrysanthemum flower in the sky, what is impossible?" Galen said.

"It's true? But it's too far from what you imagined, right? I thought God and everything belonged to the old man with white beard..." Ari muttered looking at Monkey King.

"Do you think I am a platinum star?" Monkey King rolled his eyes directly.

"Okay, that's the end of the joke!" Du Kao said with a serious face: "I can't describe my current mood. The predicament facing the earth is more serious than that of the Deno galaxy ten thousand years ago. Maybe, only Fighting at sea will not affect more innocent civilians!"

"Maybe, I can destroy the threats you said..." Lena looked at Ducao.

"Wrong!" Ducao immediately said to Lena very seriously and solemnly: "You must know, you must remember that you are the most threatening nuclear bomb!"

"No!" Lena immediately opened her mouth.

"Here, look, this is the Dawn of Light I prepared for you!" When he arrived in a large cabin, Du Kao pointed to a fighter in front of him and introduced.

"Damn! It's named after me?" Lena immediately looked at the fighter curiously.

"This is telling you that the Goddess of Dawn will bring hope to people like the light of dawn..." Du Kao said, pausing: "Well, today, everyone will learn how to cooperate with the light of dawn. Intercontinental support operations! Boarding!"

"After the physical training, did you start the air combat training again? I like this!" Galen said, and he couldn't wait to board the Dawn Light.Fighter!Man's dream.

"What about me? What about me? What do you want me to do? I just came! Nothing! You won't want me to train with them, right?" Ari sees Lena and they all boarded the Dawn Light , Immediately turned his head and looked at Du Kao.

"Master Wukong is responsible for your affairs, so you should ask him!" Du Kao looked at the Monkey King beside him.

"Come with me, I will take special care of you today and wake up your abilities directly..." Monkey King waved to Ari and walked out.

Upon seeing this, Ari had to follow him and asked curiously: "Um, you are a true god! What does it feel like to be a god? Let me touch it, can I touch it?"

"Just touch it! You're welcome!" Monkey King said generously.

"Then I really touched it!" Ah Li was full of excitement, squeezing Monkey King's arm, and said in surprise: "It's so strong! I actually touched God! So excited... That, you say What is my ability?"

"You? You're just a fox!" Monkey King smiled slightly.

"Hey! Why are you scolding me?" Ali immediately pouted.

"I didn't scold you! You are a fox, the kind of charm and charm!"

"I didn't even scold me! How could a pretty soft girl who is so good at being a vixen, don't think you are a god, I dare not beat you!"

"You'll know in a moment!" Monkey King smiled, if Ah Li is not a nine-tailed fox, then it is not Ah Li. When the great god rejuvenates, he will directly make you the deity!

Looking for a hidden room, Monkey King closed the door...

Seeing Ahri backed away nervously: "You...why are you closing the door? Tell you! Even for super powers, I don't want to be unspoken..."

"What kind of thinking is really unhealthy! Do you look at my pure eyes, like the kind of god with no morals?"..

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