The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 56 The Strongest Battle (3)

At this time, Sun Wu's air was breathing quickly, and his injuries were being repaired at a slow speed!In this space crack, he was greatly hurt!The energy in the body has also weakened a lot, so the recovery is somewhat slow!His immortal body needs to be repaired with its own energy! If the strength is weakened, the recovery will naturally be slow!

However, the weakening of energy is not a big deal for him. With a thought, he took out a fairy bean from the world ring and put it directly into his mouth. Monkey Wukong's breath immediately returned to its peak state, incomplete. When his flesh and blood moved, it was regenerated in a moment!

And Monkey King's strength has been improved again!Although the improvement is not big, it is indeed improved!This also shows that the previous injuries caused real harm to Monkey King!That's why his strength has improved!

"The power of space shattering can cause such great harm to me!" Sun Wukong frowned slightly, and felt a bad feeling in his heart: "If this goes on, it will be dangerous. You must be careful!"

And at this moment, there was a sudden rumbling. It turned out that the planet could no longer maintain its status quo. The earth cracked, the magma under the ground spewed and flowed, and lightning danced in the sky, hitting huge black spots on the ground. The pothole!Obviously, this planet is near the brink of destruction!

"A small planet is really fragile!" Monkey King said with a feeling, his figure disappeared here instantly!Just a moment after Monkey King left, the planet exploded!Sparks splashed, gravel perforated!In this endless universe, the explosion of a planet is like a beautiful firework, fleeting!

In the void of the endless universe, Monkey King and Weiss stand opposite each other again!Without words, the two had a violent collision again!Every time Weis throws a punch, the space will tremble, bursting into a series of space cracks, among them, flying out of space wind blades, as long as it is hit, it will leave a deep visible bone scar!

Such an attack is really difficult to crack. In addition to dodge, Sun Wukong can only resist. When he is left with more than a dozen blood marks on his body, he finally enters the attack range, "Boom!"Monkey King blasted out a punch, and a golden beam of light gushed out from his fist, like a sharp arrow, with stunning power and gorgeous and violent power to shoot at Weis in a flash!

Weiss snorted coldly and drew a circle in front of him with one hand. An energy mirror appeared in front of him. The light beam lased on the energy mirror. With a click, the mirror surface broke apart, but the energy beam was still given to him. Reflected back!And more ferocious than the previous strength!

Looking at the broken energy mirror, a hint of surprise flashed in Weis' eyes: "His power seems to have become stronger again! He is really a monster! Will his strength increase with the intensity of the battle? How can a monster that cannot be driven stay in this world? It seems that time can't be delayed any longer!"

Weiss cried out, surrounded by divine light, and his breath reached its peak in an instant. He already felt the danger of Monkey King. The longer the fight, the more disadvantaged the situation would become!Therefore, he wants to kill Monkey King in one blow, and eliminate the future troubles forever!


Weiss slammed a straight fist at Monkey King. Monkey King wanted to avoid the sharp edge for a while, but he thought that this fist had locked his aura. No matter how he dodged, he still attacked him!The power of destruction entrained on it made Monkey King have to bite the bullet and punch him, otherwise he would only be killed!

"Boom bang~~"

The two fists intersect, and a shocking and terrifying power ripples around. In a flash, all the planets in this area have turned into the dust of the universe!

And the space around Monkey King began to crack like glass, and his body also cracked with blood marks and began to crack!Under Sun Wukong's incredible eyes, he snapped and followed the space here, shattering together like glass!Scattered and floating in the void of this universe!

The space here also shattered a huge black hole, and a storm of violent and destructive space swept out from it, swept the broken and open body of Monkey King, and the flesh and blood was wiped out and dissipated, and the breath of Monkey King was right. Dissipated at an astonishing speed!

"Wukong!!!" In this situation, the girls and the girls were so scared that their faces were pale and bloodless, and the three little Lori including Alice were already crying in pain!

"No! Wukong has an immortal body, everyone knows! Since the world ring is okay, then it also means that Wukong is not dead! He... is still alive..." Suddenly you thought of something, his eyes lit up and he was pleasantly surprised. Look at the huge space crack in the screen, and the space storm of four violent winds!There was a look of expectation on the faces of the women, and they looked at it together!

"Look, there!" Yuriko looked at the center of the space storm in surprise, where Monkey King's head was struggling in the space storm!This scene is indeed very scary. Gui Meilin, Saya and other women who just woke up, saw this scene soften and fainted again!Even the girls and other women looked pale!Had it not been for their firm belief, I am afraid they would have fainted long ago!

"Nima! The bastard Weiss... is really strong! Actually... I... only got one... the head... the grass! This power that can break the space... It's really scary! It's... together with mine... The body... was crushed together... Fortunately, Lao Tzu has an immortal body... Otherwise... It's really over! But... I want to kill me... What a wishful thinking! Lao Tzu is the Monkey King... Invincible existence! Ah ah ah! !!!"

With this Monkey King roar!More than a dozen fairy beans appeared in his mouth immediately, and he chewed all of them and swallowed them!You say you don’t have a stomach like this? Who says you can’t eat without a stomach?

After swallowing more than a dozen fairy beans, a terrifying breath erupted from Monkey King. The hair color on his head was flickering, and the body below the head was regenerating at an alarming speed... But for a moment, Monkey King’s body was already The regeneration is intact, and a dazzling light envelops it...

"Drink!!!" Accompanied by a loud shout, the surrounding space storm was shaken by a burst of horror!A very majestic and strong figure slowly walked out in the strong light... With his appearance, a shocking and terrifying aura spread throughout all the universe!Countless creatures knelt down one after another under this supremely majestic and domineering atmosphere!It seems to be welcoming the birth of a new god!

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