"Huh!" Hui Yeji replied with a light hum, her face was very cold, and she looked like a stranger shouldn't get close.

The females such as Kongzi naturally knew what Kaguya was thinking in her heart, and also knew that the world's source pearls were obtained directly from each dimension by her hard work. Naturally, she didn't care about her attitude. They surrounded her and took her. When I came to the dining hall, I introduced a variety of food...

This kind of ingratiating attitude made Kaguya Ji very satisfied, which means that her status is still quite high!

And for the food obtained from "Captive of Gourmet", I am even more satisfied...

Unknowingly, the relationship between Kaguya Ji and the girls was very stiff, but because of the world source beads that Kaguya Ji dedicated and all kinds of incredible delicacies, her relationship with the girls has been closer...

Unknowingly, one year passed. Of course, at this point in time, it was only the world of Monkey King, and the world of Super Seminary was only one month.

What surprised Monkey King was that none of the Thirteen Girls had any accidents. All of them passed the test of the World Origin Orb and walked out of the endless fantasy world safely!

It is worthy of being the most outstanding heroine or heroine in every world, almost everyone is wearing a golden halo on the top of the head, and the dangers and difficulties will be easily solved!

With the chance of a lifetime of nine deaths, no one will fail. Really can only be described by a miracle!

With the initial approval of the World Origin Pearl, the thirteen women also began to truly integrate with the World Origin Pearl, from which they can understand the rules and the way of heaven...

Until one day, they fully integrate the World Source Orb and understand the World Source Orb, then they will all become a new generation of world masters!

But this is not overnight, because until now, Jenny Bonnie has not yet awakened from the retreat of fusing the world's source orb...

The minimum is a hundred years, even a thousand years, ten thousand years!Only then can you achieve the position of Lord of the World!

But relatively speaking, it is actually not very long, because the time ratio between the two worlds can be adjusted. The so-called millennium can also be reduced to several decades or even several years!

"It seems that the most dangerous moment has passed, and I don't need to stay here all the time!" Monkey King stood up, stretched his waist, looked at the thirteen light gates, and smiled slightly: "It's amazing! There is no If one person fails, not everyone will have the brilliant aura of the protagonist, right?"

While sighing, Monkey King thought, and all the thirteen light gates disappeared. At this point, the thirteen light gates have become a closed space until the thirteen girls successfully merged with the world source pearls before they can leave the gate...

Next, Monkey King naturally lived a life without shame in the Crystal Palace before returning to the world of Super Seminary...

Just appearing on the roof of a building, Monkey King saw that the sky, which was originally a clear sky, suddenly became densely covered with clouds, and the clouds rolled and fluttered like waves!The whole land has become a little darker, and this has also spread a layer of fear in people's hearts!

In Morgana's main base, a demon held a communication ball in both hands, and anxiously told Morgana behind him: "Report to the queen, the day of judgment is here again!"

"Is it my sister's bitch? It came really fast!" Morgana's face was solemn, and she said swearing: "Leave her alone! This earth is not easy, just let the self-righteous bitch hit the wall, it's best. I was arrested by the Monkey King and locked up in the small black room, bang, bang, bang, tune, teach! Damn! My old lady is excited thinking about it!"

"My Lady Queen! Why can't you be so modest!" A demon was speechless when he heard Morgana's words.

"Grass! What's the use of morality! You can't eat it as a meal, just pick it up after throwing it away!" Morgana looked disdainful, and her words were still so awesome.

"Can I pick it up if I lose the morals?"

"The Queen is mighty speaking! It is domineering!"

A bunch of demons gave admiring thumbs!

"Why are you here this time?"

Galen and others, who were urgently recalled, looked up to the sky, and showed no pressure on this emergency situation!On the contrary, it is full of curiosity, what kind of awesome characters will appear this time!Will it still be hanged and beaten like last time!

"By the way, this episode will not be pitted again?" Xin Zhao asked with a worried expression looking at his friends.

"Follow him! I'm used to it anyway!" Galen was not afraid of boiling water.

"That's right! I just want to stop being killed by a single move!" Jarvan looked serious.

"Looking at this posture, there won't be another god, right? The show is a bit exaggerated! It's surging!" Lena looked up at the sky, not very energetic.

"It doesn't seem to be a small person!" Ah Li smiled happily, and his spirit didn't seem to be particularly good: "I don't know what is good about this earth, why is it always remembered by some very powerful characters?"

"Who knows! Maybe it's nothing to do when I'm idle!" Caitlin curled her lips in disdain, and then said helplessly: "Don't be too powerful! Otherwise, we will be properly taken in our current state. Hang it!"

"It's all to blame Wukong, leave us all here! Without the food he provides, this day is really impossible!" Fiona sighed helplessly, and she still missed Monkey King. I miss the leisure time when I opened my mouth when I was eating, and I stretched out my hands by clothes.

"Don't talk nonsense, the target has already appeared...this aura...it seems that the person here may really be a god!" Katarina looked at the figure appearing in the sky, her face suddenly became extremely serious.

"I'm going! Birdman with wings? Isn't this an angel?" Lena looked at the figure that appeared in the sky, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right!" Du Kao looked at the sky, the beautiful woman sitting on the throne with four angels standing under the four angels, and said loudly: "What a big show, Kyle! "

"Who are you?" Kyle stared at Ducao with a calm face, and said plainly: "Oh, isn't this the war madman of Nostar, General Ducao? Huh! That's the way it is, it seems to me It is still the last god to reach the earth! It seems that you guys have already planned the future of the earth!"

"I'm afraid only you guys will think about planning the future of others!" Du Kao retorted unceremoniously.

"Who are you? Oh, Ducao!" Kyle's tone was so arrogant and flat, he didn't put Ducao and others in his eyes at all: "You have started even us in the book. The war of worship, with you in a world like this, I am afraid that even we must be in awe of three points, right? Ah? Huh!"

PS: Happy New Year everyone! Lucky Year of the Monkey! Healthy body! Everything goes well! Tomorrow may have to break the change, I will give you a New Year greeting first! ..

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