The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 88: I'm Going Big

"This number...a bit scary!"

Lena looked at the surrounding area and in the sky, the demons that were attacking them in a large number, said nervously.

"There are so many people, but not as weak as an ant! Kill it!" Katerina said with a cold expression, holding two flying knives with gloomy light in her hands.

"Have you never heard of how many ants kill elephants? This number is so stressful!" Wei En was also nervous.

While speaking, the dense army of demons had already pounced!

"My god! It's so scary!" Tay Sneff was so scared that he turned pale and hid behind Monkey King.

In all directions and in the sky, there are all demons. At first glance, it is like a locust crossing the border. The visual impact is really shocking!

In such an occasion, without absolute strength support, personal strength is really insignificant!Because the fighting power of those demons is not just the fighting five scum.

Lena and the others scattered and began a ruthless harvest and massacre!

Gana came out one by one, sweeping countless demons to the sky...

And Fiona and the others' sword qi, that is a blockbuster!

Wei En can pierce the xiong chamber of dozens of demons with one arrow!

The sound of Sona's piano can also make a movie of demons hug and dance together...

And Caitlin can kill a large swath in one shot!Haha laughed and shouted so cool!It's exactly like a violent sister!

But even at this rate of harvesting, it cannot match the millions of demons!One fell, and more fell!A group fell, countless people made up!

The girls are gradually dying, but the number of demons does not seem to decrease at all!

The battlefield has become smaller and smaller, and the space that can be displayed is getting smaller and smaller. Afterwards, any physical skills, it doesn't work, countless demons swarmed on, and there was no room for display!This crowded tactic is really awesome!

Only Ari’s battle was the simplest. A large wave of demons actually knelt in front of her, with a look of admiration and piousness, so they were all wooing her with red hearts: "Goddess! Please accept. Get down on my knees!"

"You are so beautiful! I can't bear to attack you...Come on! Goddess, please lash me fiercely!"

"Then I'm not welcome!" Ari's face was charming, and he threw out fox fireballs, effortlessly blasting the demons to the ground...

"I'll go! I know that this sorrowful fox is a monster!" Caitlin looked at Ahri, expressing a strong imbalance.It was fired again and took away hundreds of lives!But within a few seconds, countless demons filled the vacancy and swarmed!

"Get away from me, bastard!" Lena shouted angrily, emitting a dazzling golden light, and directly shook dozens of demons upside down!But immediately it was filled by more demons.

As a last resort, she can only open a golden shield to protect herself!And countless demons are blocked from the shield, but they are all wretched: "My Goddess! Your eggshell is so hard. It's hard! Please flog... Please hug your thighs in stockings!"

And Catalina also turned into a black tornado storm, blasting out countless sharp-edged flying knives, harvesting hundreds of demon lives!It's the limit!At the moment of landing, countless demons rushed towards her!

In that scene, it was like a group of hungry and thirsty guys, pounced on a girl who had no resistance!Catlin Dai frowned and walked directly into the space, flashing in front of Monkey King: "Wukong! Can't stop it, you can only do it!"

Monkey King looked around at the group of demons who didn't dare to approach him at all, and smiled slightly: "Sure enough, ants have killed many elephants. Such a scene, changing to an ordinary person, really can't solve it! Lena! You all come to me. Come on! I'm going to get bigger!"

Upon hearing this, the girls all approached Monkey King's side!

"This is a helpless scene! This is the first time I have met!" Yan coldly snorted, and with a wave of the big sword in his hand, countless thunder flashes, knocking down a large area of ​​demons. Taking advantage of this gap, her figure flashed , Also appeared beside Monkey King.

A group of demons originally didn't want to provoke Monkey King, but when they saw that all the girls were moving closer to Monkey King, they didn't care!Because in their cognition, they are immortal!Even if they are dead, as long as they have fresh lives, they can be reborn!Therefore, they are not afraid of death!

As a result, the overwhelming demons all rushed towards one place...

The scene was really spectacular, but it also made Lena and the others numb!Only when you are on the scene can you feel this shock!

"Is it finally going to shoot...Come on! Monkey King! Let me see what terrifying strength you have!" At this moment Atokes looked at Monkey King with crazy emotions...

"Wukong! You can't just make them disappear in one sentence like last time! In that case, those people can't be resurrected, right?"

"The soul can be resurrected..." Monkey King said with a plain face: "However, millions of dollars should be used with more gorgeous moves...then use...Shen-Luo-Tian-Zheng!"

With the falling of the four characters!A terrible repulsive force was instantly shaped like a semicircle, centered on Monkey King, rippling in all directions...

Then Lena and the others were shocked to see that the surrounding demon army was all rolled back. Amid the shaking and screams of the earth, the disintegration of rocks and trees dissipated, and they were submerged in the sky of smoke and dust. …

When everything was calm and the smoke cleared, Lena and the others looked at the miserable scene around them, each of them dumbfounded, they could only spit out two words full of shock: "Abnormal!!"

All the alpine trees that stretched for hundreds of miles disappeared and turned into a breathtaking bare plain!

Countless demons are like the rice field that has been submerged by the flood, buried in the sand in all directions, and you can't see the side at a glance!

Atox stared blankly at everything in front of him, no longer knowing what words to use to express his shock at the moment!

The nightmare who has been watching from a distance has also been stunned!

The army of millions of demons was destroyed in the blink of an eye!Such existence is not something they can pick!The behavior they have been doing all the time is simply doing their own thing!

"Since I have taken action, then, it means that your jokes are over!" Monkey King looked at Atox with an indifferent expression. The strange black flame suddenly covered Atox's body. In bursts of screams, he was burnt to death!

"And you... is no exception!" Monkey King suddenly turned his head to look at the nightmare, but he was so scared that the other party's souls were gone, and before he could beg for mercy, he was enveloped by black flames...

"This... is over?" Fiona asked blankly.

"It seems like..." Wei En nodded blankly.

"But! Not exciting at all, too yin!" Lena expressed dissatisfaction.

"Only true gods... can they have such invincible power!" Yan looked at Monkey King in a daze, with unspeakable worship and admiration in his eyes.

"My god! This...this is God!!" Tay Sneff looked at Monkey King, his legs trembled, and he couldn't stand firmly.

"Master Wukong, I beg you to show grace to save the souls who died tragically!" At this moment, Ai Xi suddenly kneeled in front of Monkey King, praying respectfully.

"Ah? That's right! That god, please save my innocent compatriots who died tragically! Millions of people! The death is so miserable!" Hearing what Ashe said, Tay Sneff immediately faced Monkey King. Kneeling down, kowtow like garlic.

Monkey King nodded faintly, and tapped his right foot on the ground. The demons buried in the sand all surfaced, and Monkey King's hand appeared divine light, projecting the sky, emitting a dazzling light like the sun. Earth!

So, the miracle appeared again!

The bodies of those demons gradually degenerated, returning to their original human appearance...

The dead stood up one by one, you look at me, I look at you, still in ignorance...

"Fu...resurrected...are all resurrected?!" Tay Sneff looked at everything in front of him, trembling with excitement, and burst into tears for a moment. He slapped his head again at Monkey King, and his scalp cracked. I didn’t see anymore and stopped: "Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!!!"

At this moment, besides saying thank you, Tay Sneef was already excited and didn't know what to say!Even the choked words can't be said!

"Ignorant mortals, what are you still wondering about? Don't hurry up and thank the great god for granting you life again..." Yan Fei leaped into the sky, staring at the group of newly resurrected people, and shouted coldly.

"Wow! Angel! It's an angel!"

"Could it be that the gods resurrected us?"

"Let me just say it! We are obviously dead..."

"Thank God!"

"Thank the gods for giving me the humble life to wait again!"

The crowd was crushed by the darkness, and they all knelt to the ground, repeatedly kowtow to thank...

Monkey King watched the little white light flying out of the crowd and submerging everything in his body, but he scorned his lips: "The power of faith...I don't need this shit! I am the god of destruction!"

"What power of faith? Why didn't I see anything?" Reina asked curiously.

"If you can see, then you are a true goddess!" Monkey King smiled slightly.

"I was a real goddess!" Lena said very proudly.

"Okay! You are indeed a true goddess!" Monkey King smiled and squeezed Lena's face, and said: "The things here are finished, we should also go!"

"Go? Well, Lord Tenjin, if you can, please move to..."

"No need!" Before Tay Snaef could finish speaking, Monkey King interrupted him: "That kind of boring banquet, I am not interested! You should straighten out the order of your country first..."

"Uh...Yes! I would like to follow your teaching!" Tay Sneff said respectfully.

"Goodbye..." Ashe nodded to Tayshnef, paused, and said again: "Maybe I won't see you again, I'm already following Lord God now..."

"Then...Congratulations!" Tay Sneff froze and lowered his head.

Ashe was not talking, she walked behind Monkey King and stood still.

Sun Wukong looked at Tasnife, suddenly remembered something, and said faintly: "I still feel that you are called Barbarian King, and you are a bit smoother!" After speaking, his heart moved, and Lena and the others disappeared instantly!

"Thank you for giving the name! Lord Tianshen! From now on, I will be the King of the Barbarian, three swords!"

PS: The Super God chapter ends here for the time being, and a new chapter "Sword Art Online" will open tomorrow!..

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