Standing at the counter of the hotel, Monkey King's expression was tangled and embarrassed!Originally called a first-class room, but turned his pockets, oh, he has no coins in this world!In his capacity, no need to worry about money!So he has never considered the issue of money!How embarrassing and embarrassing to put such a low-level mistake now!Didn't you see the adventurers in the hall staring at him?

Just as Monkey King was about to stare at them madly, a tempting and charming voice came out: "Uncle Dong, his account will be on my account!" Only one person was seen. The beautiful woman in the red dress robe slowly walked down the corridor!A group of uncles in the hall showed their obsession and passion after seeing such a beautiful woman coming down!But no one dared to go up and strike up a conversation, and the jealousy in his eyes showed the extraordinary identity of this woman.

"Look, it's Miss Su Mei! I didn't expect her to be in this pub!"

"That is, the Mittel Auction House can be regarded as a big family in Utan City. Naturally, there will be no shortage of industry. This hotel belongs to their family..."

"Miss Su Mei is really beautiful! If I had such a wife, I would have a 10th birthday, not 20 or 30 years!"

"Xu~ You speak quietly, and be careful that the evil comes out of your mouth!"

"Ah~ I'm sorry~~ Thank you for your reminder... I was confused for a while, and even said what was in my heart..."

Hearing the whispers around him, Monkey King's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is this Su Mei? She really looks both seductive and charming! She is a good material for lovers!" Even with more than a dozen stunning Monkey Kings. , Sun Wukong also secretly praised Su Mei.This girl looks so alluring, she has a mature and full body, and all her gestures give people a great temptation!However, even if she was seductively seduced, she obviously couldn't confuse Sun Wukong's mind.

"No, thank you for your kindness! When someday my brother gets rich, please eat!" Monkey King waved his hand decisively and rejected her kindness.

"Really? That's great, the little girl is waiting for you at any time!" Su Mei looked at Monkey King, but with a charming smile.

However, in my heart, for the Monkey King was not affected by her charm at all, Su Mei's heart was surprised. She was very aware of her charm for men. Unexpectedly, the man in front of him was not affected at all: "This person It's really interesting! It seems that I didn't misunderstand the person!" Su Mei felt proud of her being able to see her eyes clearly!

However, when the people in the hall heard Su Mei's words, they cast eyes with jealousy, envy and hatred at Monkey King!Some even wanted to do something fiercely K him!

Sun Wukong directly ignored other people's thoughts. They were just a bunch of dicks, don't need to bother, and maintain a good attitude in front of beautiful women.Monkey King turned around and looked at the old man on the counter and said, "I don't have any money for the time being. Can you use other things as a mortgage here?"

The shopkeeper glanced at the charming woman on the side, nodded when she saw her insignificantly, and said: "Yes, I don't know what you want to use as a mortgage?"

Monkey King turned it over, and a blue crystal appeared in his hand.This is what he dug from the rock star in the world of Dragon Ball!

"Huh? Change out of thin air, does he have room for a ring? But he doesn't wear a ring!" Su Mei looked at Monkey King's hands, a little surprised, and at the same time full of doubts: "Could it be Did you hide it by any means?" After the doubt, he was attracted by the blue crystal in Sun Wukong's hand: "Is this an ice magic core? Can I take a look?"

"Of course!" Monkey King handed it to her generously.For his sister paper, he has always been so generous and generous!Ok!As it is, this guy has just met the other person, and he has already planned the other party as his sister!

"En? Not a magic core? It looks like a spar..." Su Mei looked up and down for a while, and couldn't see why she came, but instinct told her that this spar is definitely not easy!After thinking for a while, he looked at Monkey King: "Um, can you tell me what this is?"

"This! I call it Blue Crystal. I don't know what it is, but if you use it to build weapons, you can definitely create a magic weapon!"

Magic soldier?It's an artifact!Naturally, Su Mei would not believe Monkey King's words. Can such a blue crystal create a magical tool?Who are you lie to!However, she didn't know that such a small stone could really create a magical artifact!Because this is a product of Dragon Ball World!In the world of Dragon Ball, they are all rare spars. On this plane, their value is not to mention!

Su Mei thought for a while, and said softly: "Let's do it! Why don't you live here for one night! I have all meals included. How about you coming to the Mittel auction house tomorrow? You spar I’ve never seen it before, and it’s not easy to make an appraisal. A professional appraiser must do an appraisal before appraisal!"

"It's okay! It's absolutely no problem to care about sleep and fullness!" With such a good thing, Sun Wukong naturally agreed with pleasure.

"In that case, Uncle Dong, you give this... sorry, I don't know your name yet! You..."

Before Su Mei could finish her question, Monkey King immediately replied: "Sun Wukong! Just call me Wukong!"

Su Mei nodded, and said to Uncle Dong: "Uncle Dong, you can open a room for him! Remember to treat him well!"

"Yes, Miss Su Mei!"

Su Mei nodded to Monkey King and said: "Then, Mr. Wukong, come to Mittel auction house to find me tomorrow! I will wait for you there!" He said, handing the spar to Monkey King "It's too late now, I should go back too! You must come tomorrow!" With that, Su Mei gave Monkey King a charming and seductive look, and Lianbu walked gently toward the side door!

However, when Su Mei left, the hotel suddenly became lively, but the bustle was all directed at Monkey King!And the reason for all of this is because the beauty is a disaster!But for this point, Monkey King has never been troublesome. In his words, let the disaster come more violently!

"Hi! Boy, you had a good time talking with Miss Su Mei just now. Do you want to have a good talk with us?" Someone finally couldn't help but came to Sun Wukong with a screaming look. he.

"Hey~ you want to talk to me, right? Okay!" Monkey King smiled, kicked the man out, smashed a big hole in the wall, and disappeared into a star. On the horizon.

Such a horrifying scene scared everyone present to shock on the spot!

Monkey King smiled, turned around to look at the crowd, and suddenly leaked domineeringly: "You scumbags, do you want to fight? Let's go together!"..

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