The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 14 The Horrified Hugan

The door was opened, and Sun Wukong followed Ruolin and walked in.As for Lei Yu, as soon as they returned to school, they separated from them and returned to their bedroom.

Looking at the Monkey King behind Ruo Lin, Vice President Hu Gan's eyes flashed a look of surprise, and immediately looked at the red sun on the side, and immediately became glaring with a beard and stared, with an angry look: "Okay. You little girl, dare to come back! Have all the precious medicinal materials I collected in the collection room been taken away by you?"

"No way! Don't wrong people!" Hong Ri denied it, but his little hand touched his chest without a trace, his intention was not obvious.Hu Gan was very angry at the moment: "Sure enough, you little girl did it!" He sighed lightly, but Hu Gan was helpless. He entered Hongri's pocket and stopped taking it out.

"Fortunately, I put the red agate in the treasure box the elder gave me, and hid it somewhere else, otherwise things would be troublesome!" After Hu Gan secretly rejoiced, he looked at Ruo Lin and waited. Person: "Teacher Ruolin, what can I do? They are?"

Before Ruolin could speak, the red sun on the side spoke: "Old man, Brother Wukong, they want to enter our school to study! Give me a face, accommodate me!"

"Give you a face?" Hu Gan suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. How could such a sentence come out of such a little girl's mouth so that it was so violent?He shook his head and fixed his gaze on Monkey King: "Do you want to study at Canaan College?"

Monkey King nodded and said, "Yes, my name is Monkey King. She is Lei Xun'er and Su Mei, and there are more than a dozen people behind. I hope they can study at your school for a period of time and increase their knowledge and strength! "

"Uh!" Hearing what Sun Wukong said, Hu Gan was stunned, and immediately looked at Hongri with some helplessness. Who was this brought!You dare to speak so loudly, do you think our Canaan College is the third-rate college on the roadside?Do you want to enter?

Hu Gan shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm very sorry, if it's the three of you, I can see Hongri's face. It's okay to let you join Canaan Academy, but if there are more than a dozen of you, forgive me for nothing. Yes! Our Canaan College also has rules. If they don’t meet the requirements, it is impossible for them to enter the school! Otherwise, if the dean learns about this, I will suffer too!"

Red Sun was also a bit silent at this time, and she also knew the seriousness of the matter. Canaan College was not an academy that just wanted to enter. It was already very good to be able to make an exception to be selected for three people. She was not an unreasonable person who knew things The priority.However, when she thought that Monkey King had given her such precious fairy beans, it was nothing compared to this matter!As a result, his complexion immediately became firm, and he glared at Hugan: "Old man! Tell you, Brother Wukong is the first friend I know. If you don't agree, be careful that I burn your beard! Also, don't think I don't know what you are hiding in the secret compartment under your bed. I just didn't take it. It annoys me, hum!!" The threat is self-evident.

"Little girl, can you stop messing around? This is really not something that can be decided lightly!..." Hu Gan suddenly turned into a bitter face. He knew Hong Ri’s character, based on her little witch’s. Xinxing absolutely does what it says.

Hongri stepped forward and wanted to say something, but was held back by Monkey King and couldn't help looking at Monkey King in doubt.Monkey King smiled faintly, gave her a reassuring look, stepped forward, looked at Hu Gan with a smile on his face, and said: "So, give me a face, how about?"

As he said, a shocking and terrifying aura pressed towards Hugan, Hugan's body suddenly stiffened, his complexion changed drastically, he was sweating profusely, pale as paper, and even his heart almost stopped beating.Under this terrifying coercion, he felt like an ant, facing the life in front of him without a trace of resistance, and a sincere feeling of worship!

However, in just a moment, the horrible breath disappeared invisible, and Monkey King looked at Hu Gan with a smile on his face and said, "So, I wonder if Vice President Hu Gan can make it convenient?"

The breath that was pressing on the body instantly disappeared, making Hu Qiang like a forgiveness, but when he saw the Monkey King in front of him, he suddenly became frightened again. Just when he thought of giving Monkey King a gift, he suddenly discovered in shock. He unexpectedly lost control of his body, like where a puppet is sitting, losing control of his body, at the same time, the voice of Monkey King rang in his mind: "No need to salute, brother is very low-key and doesn't want too much. People know! You understand?"

This is just Monkey King locked his whole body muscles and joints with Qi machine, causing him to temporarily lose control of his body. The difference between the strength of the two is too far, and Monkey King can naturally do this easily.

Hugan lightly tapped his chin, expressing understanding.Suzue was lightened all over, and the control of the body returned to his body. The eyes that looked at Monkey King at the moment became more awe and fear!This shocking and terrifying aura and means, even if the dean comes in person, cannot be compared with it!

"En! Since you... said that, then I will give you a chance. As long as you pass the exam I gave you, you can all join Canaan Academy!" Hu Gan calmed down his beating heart. Pretending to be calm.That's right, it's just a formality!Even if the girls do not pass and give him 100 courage, he does not dare to eliminate them!Therefore, the girls entering the Canaan Academy are already on the list.

Regarding Hu Gan's sudden sharp turn and the look of fear after a cold sweat, although he hid it well, none of the people present were ordinary people. Naturally, Hu Gan was abnormal.The daughters and daughters of Kaoru were shocked secretly: "What on earth is this guy? He scared the vice president of Canaan College into this?"

The breath of Monkey King was secretly pressed against Hu Gan alone, so they didn't know the details, only Hong Ri discovered a little clue. As the Primordial Void Dragon, he was very sensitive to the pressure of breath. .At this time, Hong Ri looked at Monkey King's eyes especially bright, and they were full of surprise and admiration!Although it was only a moment, she still clearly felt the power of Monkey King!Although it is not clear, that kind of aura, even she, whose body is the Primordial Void Dragon, can't produce any resistance in her heart!

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