The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 20 The Little Doctor

One day has passed since Juewu, and in just one day, Monkey King has become a man of the Canaan Academy.With his bare hands against martial arts, he stood firm in the storm of martial energy, easily defeated the enemy, and retreated with a relaxed and unrestrained posture. I don't know how many maidens with spring fascinated by him!It has also become the object of envy and hatred by many male students.

After this battle, many boys consciously did not dare to disturb the girls anymore, because behind them, there was a powerful man standing!He quickly killed the man in the outer courtyard with his bare hands!Such a perversion, who would dare to use its edge?The beauty is good, but life is even more precious! I didn’t see that poor Baishan, but was just a finger flicked by him, and he almost didn’t make him a fool. If it weren’t for the fire-old methods in the refining system, Baishan I am afraid that I have become a fool who only knows how to be afraid!Even so, he would have to lie in bed for seventeen or eight months to fully recover!

On this day, after all the girls came back from Ruolin's studies, Monkey King told the news that he was leaving to go outside.Although they had known it for a long time, they didn't expect that Monkey King would leave so soon, and they all showed upset.And Alice and the four little loli hugged his thighs with a look of dismay, begging Monkey King to take them out to play.

"Hey! Obedient! Study here! At that time, I will see you all enter the inner courtyard by your own strength!..." After a while, Monkey King comforted the little loli.

In fact, he didn't want to leave so soon!But there are still many beautiful women waiting for him outside!If it’s late, it would be a tragedy if Lei Yan’s goods were taken first!So he could only temporarily put down the difficult Xun'er of this strategy, first go and soak other sister papers in his hands.

"Lei Yan is really a potential threat! If you are showing me, I have to maimed you!"

Although the women were reluctant to give up, they all nodded in agreement. Each of them was arrogant!They don’t want to stay with Monkey King as a vase all the time. Since entering Canaan Academy, they have made up their minds that they must practice well here this time. It is impossible to catch up with Monkey King, but at least they cannot become one. Drag the oil bottle.

"On the 18th, their safety will trouble you. If anyone dares to harass you again, you can beat me to death. You are welcome!"

"Humph! You fellow, don't think I don't know what your purpose is for going out..."

"Then the next thing, I beg you!" Before the 18th had finished speaking, Monkey King interrupted the 18th, and then took out a map from Hu Gan and checked it out: " Qingshan Town...Qingshan Town...Ah! I found it, so I was in this place!" As he said, he touched his eyebrows with one hand, and his expression was overjoyed: "This is it! Wives, I'm leaving! "

"Remember to come back to see us every few days!" Shizuka immediately waved her little hand vigorously.

"Definitely!" As he said, Monkey King's figure disappeared instantly.

"This bastard completely ignored what I said! Is this the attitude of begging someone?" Seeing the disappeared Monkey King, the 18th suddenly became angry.

There is a small town near the Warcraft Mountains, named Qingshan Town, and because of its proximity to the Warcraft Mountains, it is also called the Warcraft Town.The purpose of Monkey King's trip is this Qingshan Town.

With a sound of "Huh!", Monkey Wukong's figure appeared in a sparsely populated trail. Looking around, no one could help but walk towards the street.

However, not long after walking on the street, he saw a large number of people running forward. He couldn't help being curious. He hurriedly stopped one person and asked curiously: "Brother, are you all running in that direction? What happened? Yet?"

"Don't you know? I heard that the members of the Buffalo Mercenary Group had returned from the Warcraft Mountains not long ago! But this time they looked really miserable! I heard that many people died, only the leader Buffalo and a few servants. The soldier is almost alive, and he is now being treated by Xiaoyixian! Don't stop me, I'm in a hurry to see Xiaoyixian! No one in a day, like three autumns! Do you know!"

"Little doctor fairy?" Monkey King let go of the man, a smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "The celebrity is different! As soon as I came here, I learned about her! Then I'll go over and take a look!"

"Wow, it's really a little doctor fairy!"

"It's so beautiful, it makes people feel refreshed every time I see it..."

"That's it, if you can marry such a fairy as your wife, you can lose ten years of life!"

"You idiot, don't want to die? Most of the mercenaries in Qingshan Town have been treated by the little doctor. If they hear about it, you won't have ten heads enough to be cut off!"

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm talking nonsense!...hehe, hehe..." The man saw that he was thrown badly at him from all around, and he was so frightened that he turned pale underneath and ran out of the drugstore in disgrace.

When I came to the door of the drug store, looking at the overcrowded figure, the door of the drug store had been blocked tightly, let alone people, even a fly could not fly in!However, this couldn't stop Monkey King. He appeared in the drugstore for a moment, but he did not attract the slightest attention of others, because their eyes were all fascinated by the shadow in the room.

At this time, the little doctor fairy is wearing a pale white dress. Although his appearance is not stunning, he can also be said to be a rare beauty. With a calm smile on his cheeks, he has a fresh and ethereal temperament. This unique temperament suddenly increased the charm of a woman.The willow waist that is not full enough to hold, is tied with a green ribbon. It is the Monkey King who read countless beauty, and she is also amazed by her slender willow waist!

Xiao Yixian was carefully bandaging the wound of a middle-aged man with two huge blood holes on his chest. Looking at the wound, it was obviously a tooth mark left by a fierce beast bite.However, his wound was too deep, biting through his chest and lung lobes, it was not easy to live until now.

Seeing the weakening of the middle-aged man's breath, Xiao Yixian shook his head helplessly, and a sad expression flashed in his eyes: "Sorry, I have tried my best. He was hurt too badly. I really can't do anything! "

"Oh! It's not to blame you! In fact, we had expected such a result a long time ago. We just didn't give up and wanted to see you!" An uncle who was wrapped in his right hand like a rice dumpling shook his head and sighed. .As a mercenary, life and death have long been bearish, but whenever I see my companion is about to die, I still can't help crying.

"Actually, it's not impossible!" Monkey King finally stood up after watching the play for a while. In order to attract the attention of Xiaoyixian, he didn't mind showing his hand here.

"Do you really have a way to treat this person?" Seeing Monkey King walking out, Xiao Yixian's eyes lit up: "Are you...Are you a pharmacist?"..

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