The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven

The competitions between the martial artists who have long been famous in the mainland are also team competitions, but they also have their own pride. Therefore, although it is a competition between teams, they are single-to-one to determine the winner.

If there are five players on both sides, the result of the competition will naturally be five to three points. If there are seven players, then the result will be seven to four points.If there are five people on one side and seven people on one side, the winner will naturally be divided into five to three.

Of course, there are also people who don’t abide by this rule. They don’t agree to heads-up, so they can only be determined by team competitions. However, in this way, the larger number of people will obviously have the advantage, but you can only blame you Why don't you find seven people, but five or six people.

However, most teams have already formed seven people, and there are only five people. The six-person team is actually very small. Even if the staff is insufficient, there are backup supplements.

After Yu Xinhan won the first round of competition, the second round of competition continued.

In this second round of competition, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex team is still playing against the Ziwei Xingkong team. The people sent by the two sides this time are two spirited old men. When Monkey King saw it, he was obviously out of interest and also a little bit small. Small uncomfortable: "A team game, what are you going to do heads-up? It's really easy to do? It's not enough to make a lot of trouble, it's so troublesome..." He said, turning his eyes to the venue of the Wuhun Academy competition.

Monkey King also knew that masters have their own dignity and pride, and did not stop them from doing this.

At this moment, the beautiful referee girl just announced the result of the first match: "Congratulations to the Purple Star Wuhun Academy team for winning the first match. Now we will start the second match. Please invite members of the Star Dou Royal Academy team. Join the staff from the Blazing Wuhun Academy team..."

"The Royal Academy of Stars... is the people from the Star Alliance. In the Twilight Preliminaries, they won the second place... The Blazing Martial Spirit Academy is the second place in the Cangcheng of the Wuhun Academy..." Swift After hearing this name, he whispered in Monkey King's ear.

"They are all second?" Purple Pearl immediately asked curiously: "Where are there so many second places?"

"Don't you even know this?" Swift looked at Purple Pearl with helpless expression: "This preliminaries are held in ten main cities. Therefore, each main city has a champion and a runner-up, and can come to the imperial city. In the finals, only the champions and runners-up, so out of the ten main cities, there are ten champions and ten runners-up teams."

"It's so troublesome..." Purple Pearl curled her lips.

At this moment, the members of the Star Dou Royal Academy and Blazing Wuhun Academy have already played.Both teams formed a triangle formation and entered the field. It seemed that the aura was good.

The Star Dou Royal Academy team has only five people, while the Blazing Martial Soul Academy team has seven people full. In terms of numbers, it seems that the Star Dou Royal Academy team has suffered.

Others won’t say much. The only woman in the Blazing Martial Spirit Academy team caught Sun Wukong’s attention. She also appeared in the original work. She was called Huo Wu. She was extremely beautiful and the golden red team. The clothes worn on her complemented each other, with long dark red hair, she herself was like a flame that could melt any man.

Moreover, each of her is the tallest in her own team, she is extremely well-proportioned, with a faint smile on her face, and a faint red light radiates around her body.

As the deputy captain of the team, her strength is naturally not bad, and her martial arts is herself, a shadow with herself as the body, Hokage, belonging to the control system war martial artist.

"There are only five of them, so let's play five too, otherwise we won't win if we lose!" Huo Wu kindly suggested after seeing the opponent's lineup.

However, without waiting for Huo Wushuang to answer, the captain on the opposite side answered first: "No, five people versus seven people, the result is the same!"

"You!" Huo Wu and the others immediately looked at each other with an angry face. They are kind and don't want to take advantage of them, so you don't want to take advantage of them.

"Then, let's start the game!" The referee obviously ignored the contradiction between the two sides. After saying this lightly, he left Wutai to them.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, Huo Wu was not polite, since the other party does not appreciate, how about the seven bullying the five!

In the light drink, both teams released their own martial arts and martial arts.

The blazing temperature rose from the Blazing Martial Spirit Academy team, and it was only a glance to see that all the members of this team were actually fire-type martial artists.The strength is between the Soul Sect and the Soul Sovereign, reaching this level at this age, the talent is indeed good.

However, after the members of the Star Dou Royal Academy released their martial arts, they actually moved countless people present, because each of them has six martial arts shining, and the strength of the five players is as high as that. The level of the soul emperor.

"Six martial rings? Soul emperor?!" Tang Si and the others were moved when they saw this. This Star Dou Royal Academy team was their defeat. At that time, the strength of each of them was only more than forty levels. Why suddenly, it became more than sixty?

"Damn! In the preliminaries, they hid their strength..." Wang Qingfeng also understood this, and his expression immediately sank.

"This continent... really is rich in evildoers..." Tang Si could only give a wry smile.However, the war intent in his eyes is burning: "But this way, it is more interesting!"

"The god of the five elements is quite courageous. He even dared to blatantly open up in front of me..." Monkey King looked at the members of the Star Dou Royal team in the field and said lightly.

"Who told you to come up with such a perverted reward! Naturally they are bound to win!" Xiao Yin smiled slightly, looking at the Blazing Martial Spirit Academy team in the field, it was a pity: "They are quite pitiful. , Unexpectedly encountered such a rogue team..."

Feng Liema looked at the field and said faintly: "The five members of the Star Dou Royal Academy, I am afraid that only Gentle can deal with them?"

"That's the strength? Isn't it? Don't you mean that there is also the team led by Tang Si?" Purple Pearl immediately asked curiously.

"At that time, because you haven't seen their true strength!" Swift smiled faintly while looking at Purple Pearl.

"True strength? Isn't this their true strength?"

"Of course, because of their strength, they have reached the level of titled Wuluo!" Xiaoyin explained softly.

"Title Wu Luo? They? No?!" Purple Pearl immediately stared in surprise.

(PS: There was a power outage due to the flood, and the water was almost flooding the second floor. It will be updated today, and it will be updated when the call comes in.)

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