Looking at the purple fireball that covered the entire sky, the woman’s delicate skin was also roasted into a faint sweat, and there was a helpless wry smile on the corner of her mouth: "I knew I shouldn’t have listened to Yanran’s embrace, now Even I'm in danger! It seems that I can only avoid the edge for a while, I hope I can lead this guy away!"

"Hey! Human, you can't escape! Then, accept my final attack!" The Amethyst Winged Lion King roared, and the sound of lion chants came from his mouth, and the purple light on his body grew more and more. Sheng, a violent purple flame beam, quickly condensed...

A group of beasts onlookers below, looking at the stronger and stronger Amethyst Winged Lion King, all fled here in horror, even the huge Tier 5 beasts!

Seeing the abnormality on the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and feeling the energy suddenly surging in the surrounding heaven and earth, the woman's complexion became more and more solemn, and the violent wind roared in the space within a few meters of the vibration of her wings.She felt it, this blow was different from the previous one!The Amethyst Winged Lion King seems to have used its strongest trick!

The purple light shining on the sky here, the light suddenly shrank during the brewing period, and in the blink of an eye, the purple brilliance of the sky was compressed into a deep purple light beam of only about half a foot.This is the strongest method of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, and it is also some of the talented supernatural powers that only strange high-level monsters can master: Amethyst Seal!

"Seal of Amethyst!" Accompanied by the deep roar of the Amethyst Wing Lion King, the purple light flickered and shot towards the woman in a flash!

The woman's complexion changed slightly, her martial arts condensed, she also displayed her strongest martial arts: "Split Wind Whirlpool Dance!"

As the woman's soft drink fell, the space in front of her began to fluctuate, and countless huge deep blue wind blades, which were more than ten feet long, flashed out of thin air, and then entangled with each other, like a column full of blades, spiraling at high speed. Rotating and rushing out.

"Boom!" The space was slightly distorted where the purple beam of light and Fengjuan blade passed, and they collided in an instant. The two collided, and Fengju obviously fell into the wind, but for a moment, the purple beam was blasted to pieces. But the purple beam of light has dimmed a lot because of this!But still in a devastating posture, he continuously penetrated dozens of wind shields arranged by the woman, and finally shot into her body.

The amethyst winged lion king let out a deep roar again, the purple fireball that filled the sky was drawn by a mysterious force, and in an instant, it rained down on the woman!

"The extreme wind, kill!" Just as the purple fireball filled the sky, the woman suddenly gave a soft drink, and the long sword in her hand trembled suddenly. A deep beam of light as small as a thumb shot out in an instant. .The blasting purple fireball in the sky was cut into two in a flash, revealing a narrow passage from it, and the woman's figure flickered, already appearing outside the attack range of the sky fireball!

The corner of his eyes glanced vaguely at the entrance of the Amethyst Winged Lion King's lair, hesitating whether to leave?Because she felt that the martial energy in her body was disappearing at an astonishing speed!The amethyst seal issued by the amethyst winged lion king obviously started to work!

However, she couldn't just leave, because in the cave, her lovely disciple had not yet come out!If she leaves, then her disciple and the other two have a dead end!

Just when she hesitated, the huge body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King suddenly appeared in front of her, and five sharp purple spikes were ejected from the soles of her feet, which were cut and cut at her viciously!

The woman was shocked at the moment, and in desperation, she could only block her with the sword in her hand. However, with only human power, how could she withstand the fierce and fierce blow of the Amethyst Wing Lion King?

"Ding!!" The long sword was only a moment of resisting the powerful claws, and it dropped weakly. The claws remained undiminished, and easily cut the clothes on the woman's chest, and immediately wiped out the sparks, revealing it. A crystal-clear treasure!Obviously, this precious armor had withstood the fatal blow for her, but even so, the woman was coughing up blood from the corners of her mouth, her breath gradually weakened. With a sound of "bang!", her body was in the fierceness of this huge claw. Under the bombardment of power, he flew out instantly!Smashed to the ground!

"Roar!!" Like a victorious general, the Amethyst Winged Lion King let out a roar of excitement, and then his huge body crashed into the air. It actually stomped on the woman on the ground!At this time, the woman's martial energy has been sealed. If this foot is trampled firmly, wouldn't it turn into a meatloaf?

Looking at the huge soles of feet that burst down, a bitter smile hung on the corner of the woman's mouth. A moment of hesitation caused her to step into such a mortal state. This Yanran little girl is really harmful!Shouldn't have promised her at the beginning, take her to experience in the Warcraft Mountains!That's good, if you die, can they escape bad luck?

"Wow Ka Ka! Watching the scene for so long! Finally it's my turn to play!" Monkey King smiled and waited for a long time, isn't it just to wait for this moment?Heroes save the beautiful horse, it is the best shortcut to gain favorability!

With a flash of figure, Monkey King appeared in front of the woman in an instant, raising her right hand extremely coquettishly, "Bang!!" With a sound, the huge body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King crashed down, and even the earth was shocked. Shock, dust and smoke billowed, the ground was sinking more than one meter deep under this fierce bombardment, and cracks appeared in the ground around it!

The woman touched her safe and sound in doubt, raised her head and looked forward, her pupils suddenly shrank, her eyes filled with incredible expressions!

The dust and smoke dispersed, revealing a slender and strong figure!He supported the huge body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King with one hand, and the ground around him was pitted, but the ground under his feet was safe and sound!The four dances in the gale, the clothes are hunting!How domineering and unrestrained this situation is!Even if the graceful woman who has always had no wave of mind, seeing this shocking scene in front of her, her mouth opened wide in surprise!The ups and downs of the heart, shocking inexplicable!That is the sixth-order Amethyst Winged Lion King!The existence equivalent to Emperor Wu was so lifted in his hand with one hand!

"You, are you okay?" Monkey King turned slightly, looked at the woman behind him, and said lightly!Ok!To put it tacky, Monkey King began to pretend to be forced!

"No, nothing..." After the woman was surprised, she slowly shook her head!Immediately she coughed violently, and traces of blood slipped from the corner of her mouth, looking very poignant!The fierce claw of the Amethyst Winged Lion King obviously hurt her a lot!..

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