In the deepest part of the Warcraft Mountains, there is an ancient giant tree. It towers into the clouds and obscures the sky. The trunk is like a huge wall, spanning a hundred meters away!On a branch a hundred meters away from the ground, there is a beautiful hut. This hut is all built of scarlet sycamore. The woody fragrance exudes from it makes people feel refreshed. Cool, full of energy!From this look, it is not a place for mortals to live!

A handsome and extraordinary man in a red robe was sitting on a bed, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath. He felt a sudden, his closed eyes suddenly opened, a light flashed from his eyes, and he got up and looked towards the sky. The calm face was immediately replaced by shock and surprise: "This... is this the ancient treasure that... my father said before? I thought it was a legend! I didn't expect that the door to the ancient treasure was opened! Who is so capable? I heard that thousands of years ago, the secret key of the treasure was missing, but I didn’t think it would be opened again after thousands of years! Haha~~~ God helped me too! If I can get something this time , I must be able to advance to the legendary realm! Such a grand event, how can I be missing?” I saw him wave his sleeves, and a space channel appeared immediately in the fluctuation of the space in front of him, his figure flashed, and then he disappeared. among them!

"Haha!! After thousands of years of waiting, the door to the ancient treasure was finally opened! This time, I don’t want to fail, Aoyun, Tianfang, Skylark! The three of you accompany me to go, this time, I must To find the door to break through the imperial realm!" On a beautiful isolated island, a strong man of nearly three meters looked at the distant sky, the broken sky, in which the shocking breath filled his eyes. Excited and excited look!He is the true master of the Warcraft Mountains: Tong Ming!A mysterious tortoise that has lived for thousands of years!It has been living low-key in a small island in the Warcraft Mountains. The opening of the ancient treasures finally makes it in the present world!

"Yes, Master Tongming!" The two men and the woman behind them nodded respectfully, looking at the shattered sky, with a fiery color in their eyes!Legend has it that it was a residence opened up by an ancient Wudi, and there are hidden treasures and heritage!If it can be passed on, maybe you can get the method of promotion to the emperor realm!It's exciting to think about it!

Thousands of years ago, this ancient secret storage caused a world-shattering battle for martial arts, but unfortunately the secret key suddenly disappeared strangely, and it became unknown!This reappearance is bound to cause an uproar!

Countless beasts naturally felt this shocking opportunity, no matter it was level five.Sixth-level, seventh-level!Transformed, or untransformed Warcrafts rushed towards the treasure land madly!Instantly!The entire Warcraft Mountains began to riot!The trees collapsed, the dust billowed, the earth trembled and boomed!The roar of the sky spread across the entire sky!

But for a moment, before the destination arrived, the monsters in the Warcraft Mountains started a crazy battle!The roar and roar spread all over the sky!Here, it has become a blood-stained land!

Qingshan Town, the nearest to the Warcraft Mountains, was completely panicked. This kind of terrifying Warcraft riot can no longer be described on a large scale!This is simply a riot in the entire Warcraft Mountains!What's so great is going to appear in the world?It caused such a terrifying battle!

"Look at it! Oh my God! A big hole broke in the sky! Could this be the cause of the monsters' riot?"

Countless mercenaries looked up at the sky, looking at the sky far away, the broken sky, they were deeply shocked!No need to guess, there must be some amazing treasures coming out soon!However, they can only sigh with excitement!There is the deepest part of the Warcraft Mountains, with their strength entering, there is only one way to die!

In the Tagore Desert, in the palace of the Medusa clan, the demon, beautiful and beautiful Queen Medusa looked at the broken sky, her eyes flickering, and for a moment, she became firm: "How can it be such a chance? Missed! Yuemei, you are solely responsible for the next affairs in the clan, I...Let's take a look..."

"My Lady Queen, are you sure you want to go? The reappearance of such a stunning secret treasure will definitely attract countless powerful people to go... I'm afraid..." Yue Mei looked at Medusa with a worried look in her eyes!

"Don't worry, I'll be careful! The Warcraft Mountains now are not as terrible as before! You can manage things in the clan properly!" After saying that, Medusa's beautiful snaketail flicked her body shape. Flash, flying towards the distance...

"The sky is shattered, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth has begun an abnormal riot! This is a sign of the reappearance of the amazing artifact! I didn't expect that there are such ancient secrets in this world! I think the other races should have discovered it too! Hmm, these amazing treasures, it seems necessary for me to go there in person! Xun'er seems to be there too... Hmm... I haven't seen her for a while..." A handsome and tall middle-aged man looked into the void !His eyes were hazy and chaotic, he seemed to look through the void and see everything far away!

"The patriarch, the secret that can cause the earth and the earth to shake... I think there are only legendary..." An old man behind him looked at the void with shock and excitement, and he seemed to see something too!

"Haha! Go and organize the manpower immediately! Open the space channel and we will set off immediately! Don't fall behind!"

"Yes... I will arrange..."

In the dim hall, a man covered in grey clothes followed the window and looked out into the sky. He couldn't help but let out bursts of weird laughter: "It's really a plan that can't keep up with the change! I didn't expect that it would appear at this time. The legendary relics of Emperor Wu, if this is the case, my soul race should be born ahead of time..."

At the same time, the eight ancient tribes, including the Medicine Clan, Yan Clan, and Stone Clan, began to take action!With the strongest lineup, I opened the space channel and went to the same place!

Sun Wukong looked up at the sky and looked at the big broken hole in the sky. He felt the movement of clouds from all directions, the breath of all coming here, and the shaking ground, and the roar of beasts and martial arts from time to time. A faint smile couldn't help but hung up: "Oh! Oops! It's incredible! Brother's move seems to have caused a lot of turmoil! A lot of awesome characters are coming to us! "

Yun Yun glanced at the dusty forest behind, waves of fallen trees, the ground shaking, rumbling endlessly, and in the sky, the dense figures of monsters flying here, the four dances in the wind, covering The sky was obscured by the sun, and the entire sky became dark!Thousands of monsters are rolling in, how terrifying the aura after their fusion is!Yun Yun suddenly felt a tingling scalp!His complexion also turned pale!While the heart was beating, he was almost startled by the suppressed breath and stopped beating!

"Brother Wukong... let's... hurry up... go in!" Nalan Yanran's face was pale, her face frightened.Not to mention her, even Furukawa and Yunfeng were pale in fright, and they were shaking all over!How could she be a low-powered little girl able to withstand such a terrifying sight, but it was all Tier 4, 5 and Tier 6 monsters rolling in. This is too horrible. If Yun Yun was not supporting her, she would have It fell to the ground softly!..

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