The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter Fifty One Finger Kills the Sky

The sound shocked the audience.They stopped their bodies as if they were frozen, their heads turned stiffly, and looked at the mysterious, simple and majestic castle not far away!

There is an ancient and powerful aura that is gradually awakening, and among the colorful clouds, a graceful figure slowly appears on the colorful clouds above the castle!This is a woman with a beautiful face, she is noble and elegant, and she is beautiful!Among the colorful clothes fluttering, like a fairy in the dust!The only regret is that her body is a bit illusory, but it is transformed by the energy body!

Seeing this woman, all the beasts present had their pupils shrinking slightly, and their faces were shocked!The feeling that gave them the trembling soul, only the legendary Emperor Wu could have!Because that is the Peugeot that Emperor Wu can only use!

"Wu...Emperor Wu?!...Is she still dead? In this world...there is still Emperor Wu?..."

"No...Her body is a bit illusory...This should be an energy clone she stayed in this cave!"

"Even if it's an energy clone, it's amazing! I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would still be able to see the legendary Wudi strong!"

"Beautiful! It's so beautiful! This is the temperament that Emperor Wu can possess!..."

Everyone was amazed as soon as he dried the beast, even when the blood suit saw that figure, an obsessive color appeared in his eyes!Immediately shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, it's just an energy clone...should it exist for the inheritance of this cave mansion?..." Thinking of this, the blood cloak stopped and he was not in a hurry to go out!Now that the owner of the cave mansion has appeared, then the collapsed space should be intact!

Things are just as the bloody clothes thought, I saw that the extremely beautiful woman danced with her hands, forming a strange seal, and a strange spatial fluctuation centered on her and rippled in all directions!Wherever it went, the shattered space was restored at the utmost speed!But for a moment, the almost destroyed space here has been reconciled as before!This shows that Emperor Wu's methods are indeed clever!

Looking at this space that had been repaired in just a few moments, a look of surprise flashed in Monkey King's eyes!Looking at the beautiful figure above the castle, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this the method of Emperor Wu? I have to say that with such a method, in this world, it is indeed a sky! It's a pity that A beautiful girl is just an energy clone!"

"It's not the time to be distracted!" Suddenly a sharp drink sounded in his ears, and Monkey King felt a strong wind coming from behind him, and the smell was raging in his nose, and he was so close in an instant!

Having been waiting for the opportunity, Xuan Ming Snake, sitting cross Xuan Ming's tortoise, finally saw the time and delivered a fatal blow to Monkey King!I saw it open its blood basin and its mouth widened, and two purple-black poisonous mists were ejected from its two cold, sharp fangs, but in an instant, this space was enveloped by a strong purple-black poisonous mist!This kind of poisonous mist contains violent corrosive and paralyzing effects, and it is even more effective for those who are exposed to it!Those who are weak can turn into a puddle of blood and die in an instant!

While the poisonous mist was spitting out, Xuan Ming Snake opened its huge mouth with extreme speed and attacked Monkey King!It wants to devour Monkey King in one bite!Because in his opinion, even Emperor Wu is not immune to his blood and cold poison!Even if Monkey King is not poisoned, the speed that affects him for an instant is always okay?And he only needs this moment of time to swallow Monkey King in one mouthful. With the poison in his body, even the strong will turn into a pool of pus and blood to be digested!

It's a pity that all his wishful thinking is wrong!At the speed of Monkey King, even if he dodges in haste, it is beyond his reach!Furthermore, Monkey King is surrounded by golden martial energy, can he penetrate into this tract of poisonous mist?

I saw that Monkey King was only a few centimeters away from the mouth of the blood basin, his figure flashed, and he appeared behind Xuan Ming Snake!At this moment, he looked a little ugly: "MD, I'm admiring beautiful women! What are you doing!" He said, with one hand, a sharp finger air shot out from his index finger, Yu Xian. There was a hole through the forehead of the Xuanming Snake, and the blood was flowing, the Xuanming Snake slowly fell from the sky and fell on the back of the Tongxuanming Snake in an unbelievable look!

Everyone present was shocked and pale!That's a ninth-order monster!It was so killed by a single finger!The human beings in the sky, how exist!

"Heaven!!" The two heads of Tong Xuan Ming Turtle were shocked right now!The huge body climbed up in the pothole, and the shaking space was shaking!

"Tongming... Your lord... It seems... I can't do it anymore... This person is really... too strong... You still... run away!" Even though his head was pierced by a blood hole, Tian Fang could still speak, but his After his last words, his life was quickly lost and his vitality was completely lost!

"Heaven!" Tong Ming waited and let out a howl of pain!The eyes suddenly turned blood red!The violent and bloodthirsty breath erupted from Tongxuan Minggui's body!I saw that his body was shining with mysterious tortoiseshell runes, his limbs jumped, and the entire space was shaking, his figure rose from the ground!On the soles of the feet, five sharp claws more than ten meters long were ejected!Between the swings, a hundred-zhang sword light slashed towards Monkey King!Along the way, the space shattered and the clouds shattered!There is a big sword to cut off the power of this world!

The monsters present were all shocked!Even the beautiful woman above the castle has a solemn expression: "This is my home in this world! Are you trying to ruin my home?" With a sigh, she saw her hands knot again. After the debut, the four pillars of light to the sky soared into the sky in the four directions of this space!The light shines, together with the Quartet!Lined into a square enchantment formation, protecting this space in it!Although she is an energy clone, she is not as powerful as her body!However, she still has some ontological means!For example, start the guardian array of this space!

At this moment, the heart of the beautiful woman is somewhat angry and helpless. She thinks of her dignified generation of ancient Emperor Wu. Although it is only an energy clone, it also represents the existence of Emperor Wu!At this moment, he has become a tinkerer, and he is always worried about whether his home will be destroyed. It is really depressing!She only exists for inheritance, why has it been cut into this situation now?

Looking at Monkey King, the beautiful woman sighed again: "Really! There are such existences between heaven and earth, I am afraid that even my deity is far behind! That Tong Xuan Ming turtle is also true, why? Do you want to fight against such a strong man? Oh! If this goes on...My inheritance hasn't been carried out...The energy has been exhausted..."

Seeing the sword light burst into the air, a faint smile hung from the corner of Monkey King's mouth: "Finally, you are desperate for your life? Haha! It's just like me! I'm tired of playing games like this! As he said, the lightsaber in his hand condensed, and he leaped forward towards the sky-reaching sword light!..

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