The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 55 Gathering of the Strong

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"

Above the sky of the Warcraft Mountains, the sound of breaking wind was endless, and a large group of people flew from the sky in the distance.In less than a moment, a large number of people appeared here, all of them were above Wuzong in strength, and some even reached the level of eight or nine-star Wuzun!

"Sure enough, as the blood-clothed lord said, those humans have already appeared..."

"Ok... so strong... all of them are above Wu Zun! It seems that the major forces in the human race have reached the Warcraft Mountains!"

"Damn it, this is the Warcraft Mountains, the place where our beasts live, the forbidden land of mankind! When did it become the joy of mankind? Come if you want?"

"What can I do? All the people who come are really strong on the mainland... If you can't get used to it, you can go shopping with them..."

"But! Do you think I'm stupid? I'm just a little unhappy..."

"Have you seen the one surrounded by that group of people, that's the real Wu Shengqiang! ... and the one over there is also a Wu Sheng... Oh my God! In just a short period of time, There have been so many human powerhouses..."

In the Warcraft Mountains, some psychic Tier 5 and Tier 6 warcrafts were shocked when they watched the human experts who arrived one after another!Humans really deserve to be the masters of this continent, and the number of powerhouses in it is far from what the Warcraft Mountains can compare!Maybe they still had the ability to compete with humans before, but unfortunately, that Tong Xuan Ming tortoise has been killed by Monkey King, and the blood-clothed alone cannot play a deterrent effect!Therefore, they can only complain unwillingly and hide in their caves and lairs!

In the space fluctuations, a huge hole cracked from it, and a space wormhole a few meters wide appeared, and the shadows walked out of it, and the tyrannical aura of the sky radiated from the crowd, making the major monsters and the prior The human powers who felt that they were shocked!

"Okay... so strong... watch their breath... they are all above the seven-star martial arts... the three in front are all martial sages, it's incredible... it's amazing! Among human beings, has a big power finally arrived?"

In the shock of many human powers and beasts, the sky of the beast mountain range was torn and opened, revealing the wormholes in the space, and the tyrannical aura spread from it. The ancient eight clans finally gathered together at this time. Now!

"Haha, it seems that the time we arrived is not much different!" The space wormhole opened, and a middle-aged man walked out of it. Amidst the horrible breath, there was a billowing heat wave. With his appearance, here The temperature also rises suddenly!He was followed by an old man and young man with a strong reputation.Looking at the powerful people of all ethnic groups in Bafang, the burly middle-aged man couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, it turned out to be Patriarch Yanjin, I didn't expect you to come here too!" Gu Yuan looked at the man who appeared, and smiled slightly with his fists!

"Gu Yuan, don't you say me. Didn't you come here in person? There are also medicine clan, stone clan, spirit clan...haha!! I didn't expect our seven clans to gather at this moment! How many years have not appeared? It's been such a great event!" Yan Jin looked at the strong men of all races, although his expression was relaxed and free, but everyone was vigilant, after all, they were all competitors!

"Hehe! Everyone, don't come to me unharmed! I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to meet again!" The patriarch of the spirit clan held his fist at the patriarchs of the major clans in the sky, and smiled faintly.

Talking, in the sky, a huge spatial black hole was once again torn out, and five figures shrouded in black robes walked out of it. The strange, cold and terrifying aura swept the sky, making everyone present dignified. color!

"Unexpectedly, even the always mysterious Soul Clan appeared!" Gu Yuan and the others looked at the sky, the five people shrouded in black robes with solemn expressions!But the people of the soul race did not pay attention to the people of all races, just glanced at them faintly, and flew towards the broken entrance in the sky!

"This Soul Palace is indeed the most annoying race! I set off without saying hello!" The complexions of the major races and some scattered powerhouses suddenly became difficult to look at, and they flew towards the road with their might. The broken entrance flies away!They have arrived a few days late, but they don't want to be boarded first!

"Yo~!" The sky screamed, and a big colorful bird got closer and closer from the horizon, and finally appeared in the sky of the group of people in the roaring wind!On Big Bird's back, there were a few youths in colorful clothes and old men in grey robes.Seeing this group of people, the patriarch of the Spirit Clan smiled faintly: "I didn't expect that even the Sky Monster Phoenix Clan will come! Then I wonder if the Taixu Ancient Dragon will reappear in the world?"

"Are you Taixu Ancient Dragon? If they come, they will probably be the first to arrive here. They are not seen now. There are only two possibilities. Either they have entered this Wudi ruins, or they have not come here. !" The patriarch of the stone clan frowned and said lightly.

"What are you still feeling about here! Everyone has already set off! Be careful to go late, let you go for nothing!" Yan Jin laughed hehe, and brought his tribe towards the broken path in the sky. Fly away at the entrance!

"In that case, let's set off too!" Seeing that all the major races have already started their actions, Gu Yuan nodded lightly to the people beside him, and flew towards the entrance!

Suddenly, there were gusts of wind breaking in the sky, colorful martial arts flashed in the sky, all flying in one direction...

After a concealed old tree, the space suddenly twisted strangely, and a graceful curved body slowly emerged!

The beautiful woman who appeared suddenly, dressed in a graceful purple brocade robe, underneath the brocade robe, the delicate body, plump, full and exquisite, like the mature honey and peach, permeated with a faint charm, three thousand heads. The green silk slid down randomly from the incense shoulders, between the slender willow waist, and under the brocade robe, a purple snake tail was exposed, the snake tail swayed slightly, a wild enchantment. Enticement. Confusion. Seeing it, there was an inexplicable hotness all over his body.

Under the demon, with a touch of empress-like nobility and grace, she is the queen of the snake-man clan: Queen Medusa!

"After waiting for more than a day, it finally made me wait for this rare opportunity! However, these human powers seem to be too powerful! Do I... really have a chance? No matter it, since it's all time , It’s not my style to shrink back! Just go in and take a look!” With that, the space fluctuations in front of Queen Medusa disappeared here again!..

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