The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 57 Qingdao Sea Magic Fish

"Alright, I haven't done anything for a long time. This ancient Qingdao Sea Demon Fish is worth my hands! Get out of the way and give it to me!" Yan Jin looked at the Qingdao Sea Demon Fish below. The eyes were bright, the martial energy in his body was surging out, and the violent heat wave broke out from his body, even the space began to fluctuate violently!

The Qingdao Sea Demon Fish below seemed to have discovered the danger, the black hole-like mouth opened wider, and the suction became more violent!As the waves rolled, the waves were raging and the wind roared, covering half of the sky here!Those who have the protection of the elders of their own clan are not in much danger, but those strong who are weak and scattered, have suffered!Not to mention Wu Zong, even the two-star Wu Zun can't escape bad luck!Get sucked!Swallow it alive!

All tyrannical martial arts seemed useless in front of Qingdao Haimoyu, because even the most powerful martial arts, he would instantly swallow it into its huge mouth like a black hole!

"Huh! The ancient Qingdao Sea Demon Fish, really well-deserved! Such a means, ordinary people really have nothing to do with you! But in my hands, there is no room for you to show off!" Yan Jin stood alone in Qingdao Above the sea devil fish's head, the whole body fluctuates, standing in the storm of surging suction, but it doesn't move!

The whole body is full of golden flames, like a god of fire, this is one of the two different fires he has mastered: Jiuyou Golden Ancestral Fire, which ranks seventh on the list of different fires!

"You want to devour us! Then I will let you devour it!" Yan Jin yelled, the golden flame formed a giant different fireball, and bombarded the huge mouth below!In the heat wave, the entire sea surface became hot and rolled, and a strong white smoke appeared!


Qingdao Sea Demon Fish also felt that great danger was approaching. It roared and shook the whole country. The huge fish body swelled and shook the huge waves. This huge waves seemed to be spiritual, with a terrifying voice. The giant different fireball formed by the Jiuyou Jin Ancestral Fire was drowned in the huge waves!Then it disappeared in the thick smoke of sneer!

"Minghai is weak?!" Yan Jin said in surprise: "It's an ancient sea monster! Even knows such a trick, but the gap in our strength is an unbridgeable gap!"

Yan Jin screamed loudly, and the flames all over his body rose up, forming a gauze of flames, protecting him!The monstrous golden flames of Jiuyou Jin Ancestor Fire covered his whole body, and on his right hand, a small golden fire dragon condensed!During the Tiandi Qi riot, even the moisture in the space was instantly evaporated, and there was a faint burning feeling in the human internal organs while breathing!

"Eat me this trick! The golden dragon shines!" Along with Yan Jin's yelling, the golden fire dragon in his hand roared down, facing the storm, and the place it passed, even the space, was burnt to reveal the twisted space cracks Come!

The Qingdao Sea Demon Fish roared again, and the island-like body was surging, and the monstrous waves surged again!But this time, it didn’t have the same effect as before. The golden fire dragon ran across the turbulent waves, and made a sneer noise wherever it passed, and the weak water of the sea of ​​darkness was also evaporated and thick. Thick white fog filled the sky!

In an instant, that golden flame dragon had already jumped into the huge black hole-like mouth of Qingdao Sea Demon Fish!The golden flame blasted and burst out in an instant, rushing across its huge mouth, flying all the way into its internal organs!

"Roar~~" Qingdao Haimoyu let out a howl of pain, the huge body tumbling in the sea, setting off a huge wave!It can be said to be overwhelming!But for a moment, the smell of meat bursts into the nose, and Qingdao Haimoyu gradually disappeared!The smell of meat filled the air, causing everyone to swallow their saliva involuntarily. The Qingdao Sea Demon Fish was actually cooked under the flames of the Nine Nether Golden Ancestor Fire!Although it has a burnt smell, I have to say that the meaty smell of this ancient Qingdao Sea Magic Fish is indeed very mouth-watering!

"Occasionally move your muscles and bones, it's really fun!" Yan Jin twisted his neck and flew back to his clan.

"Patriarch Yanzhin, congratulations! You are the control of the different fire, and you are really getting more and more skilled!" The Patriarch Yao looked at Yanjin, his eyes narrowed, and said with a slight smile.They are a family of alchemists, and they covet more than anyone else!But the Yan Clan is the family with the most different fires!How can this not make them covet and envy them!

"Okay! Now that the trouble has been resolved, let's hurry up! The few people in the soul hall have already rushed to the front!" The patriarch of the stone clan held his fist at the crowd, leading his clan members to take the lead. go with!They have wasted a lot of time, but they can't waste time!

Everyone also knows that time is precious, and they are not talking nonsense. They turn into a stream of light and fly away!Suddenly, in the sky, voices of breaking through the sky sounded again...

Among the many powerful men and the various races, all the way across this sea of ​​monsters and monsters rampant in the magic sea, only half a day, the green sea has been dyed red with blood!Those who are weak in strength, following behind the major races, have picked up a lot of bargains!Of course, one of them is naturally lost! The team of hundreds of people, by this moment, has become only less than a hundred people!However, the ones with the least losses belong to the top forces in Central China!Of course, among this, there are still outside powerhouses rushing here one after another!For the relics of the ancient Emperor Wu, the dangerous mountains of Warcraft have no power to deter these people!

At twilight of the sunset, this group of people killed all the way, and finally landed on the tower!Looking at the huge and ancient castle in front of you, everyone present accelerated their heartbeat!

But seeing the ground stained red with blood, and the wreckage and meat everywhere, these people were completely stunned!What kind of terrible war and martial arts happened in such a land of purgatory on earth?

But what surprised them was that those three or three series of monsters that were still eating the flesh and blood on the ground just glanced at them, and then continued to eat the flesh and blood in front of them!There are even more than a dozen transformed monsters around a fire, grilling food!He was indifferent to their arrival!

When did Warcraft become so bold and arrogant?Such a group of human Wu Sheng Wu Zun appeared in front of them, they still have the mood to have a barbecue there leisurely?Are you despising our group of humans?Suddenly, countless human experts were furious, looking at the monsters not far away, their eyes were full of hostility!

Only the top powerhouses of the major races have a solemn expression!The terror remaining in the air, the mountain-like carapace in the distance...inexplicably, their hearts began to beat violently!Here, it seems that a terrifying battle has happened!..

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