The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 65 The Tragic Races

"Is this a strange fire? This temperature is indeed quite good!" Looking at the Void Swallowing Flame in his hand, Monkey King couldn't help but exclaimed, his thoughts turned and he directly included it in the world ring!

"He...he took the alien fire into the ring? is this possible? Can the alien fire be received into the ring?"

"It's rare and weird! How many people exist, what's so strange about one or two powerful artifacts!"

Everyone was talking about it, and Monkey King had already come to Yan Jin's side and said lightly: "I'm collecting strange fires now, so give me your strange fires too!"

"What!! No! Impossible!" Yan Jin was shocked suddenly, but the fire was the most precious treasure of their Yan Clan, and he had refined it again. If it was taken out forcibly, it would be fine!

"I said, have you not figured out the situation yet? Do you think you have the right to refuse?" Monkey King looked at him lightly and said.

Yan Jin almost vomited blood after hearing Sun Wukong's words!I think he, the patriarch of one of the eight ancient clans, had landed on such a land that was slaughtered at this moment!And I dare not resist!Because of resistance, there is only death, and he is not afraid of death!But he was afraid of hurting his people!Once they die, then their Yan Clan will lose several martial sages. By then, the Yan Clan will probably have to be removed from the Ancient Eight Clan!

Yan Jin looked ugly, pondered for a moment, and finally became ruthless, disconnected from the two different fires, Shengsheng forced the original different fires out of his body, and immediately spewed out a big mouth of blood, his face pale as paper!

"Here!" Yan Jinmian looked at the two groups of strange fires in his hand with unwillingness and dismay, closed his eyes, and threw it at Monkey King!Immediately squirted out a big mouthful of blood again!His complexion became paler!

Monkey King caught the Jiuyou Golden Ancestral Fire and the volcanic stone flame, looked at Yan Jin's painful appearance, waved his hand disdainfully: "But! Isn't it just two groups of different fires? It hurts your heart! TMD also spurted blood! "Speaking, with a wave of one hand, the divine light shone, shining on Yan Jin's body, making him healed instantly from the serious injuries he had suffered from forcing him out of a different fire!Immediately he said faintly: "Take it as compensation for you! I am collecting abnormal fire now, so I owe you a favor! If you have something to do in the future, you can come to me!"

Yan Jin's complexion improved a lot after listening to Monkey King's words. At the same time, he was secretly amazed at his abilities. The injury he suffered before required him to heal at least for a few months. Unexpectedly, he was so easily caught. The other party was cured, this is incredible!Two kinds of different fires can be exchanged for the favor of such a peerless powerhouse, and this kind of business does not seem to be a loss!

"Okay! All the strange fires come out! Don't let me say it a second time!" Monkey King glanced at everyone and said faintly!

Those strong men with strange fires frowned. This strange fire is a strange thing in the world, and it will cause great turmoil if there is no one!For this strange fire, they don't know how much they paid!If you just hand it over, you will obviously be unwilling, but if you don't hand it over!They dare not even think about the consequences!If this affects the whole clan, they will become sinners through the ages!Ugh!Without any choice!They were still unwilling to force the alien fire out of the body!Give it to Monkey King!They who were seriously injured by the ability, even more so, their faces were as pale as paper while vomiting blood!

For a time, the temperature of the space here rose sharply!Even if they are all Wu Shengqiang, they feel hot and unstoppable!Because they are all seriously injured now, there is still room to resist the high temperature of this strange fire!

"The Flame of Life, the Nine Nether Wind Flame, the Tortoise Spirit Earth Fire, and the Void Swallowing Flame, you got four kinds of different fires at once, not bad!" Looking at the several different fires floating beside him, Monkey King was A smile on his face!At the same time, a little regret!He knew that these ancient tribes had more than this!Unfortunately, those people were not there!

I am in a great mood!Monkey King waved his hand, and the light was shining. Those Wu Shengqiang who were seriously injured improved in a moment, and they all showed surprise, and the eyes looking at Monkey King became more awed!Such a great means!It's heartbreaking!

Seeing the strange fire floating around Monkey King, people of all races were jealous!That's a strange fire!Unfortunately, when the eyes are hot, I can only stare!

"Okay, okay! The matter here has come to an end, where did you come from, where do you go back, goodbye! Well, those guys who gave me strange fires, if you have anything in the future, you can come to me!" Monkey King waved his hand and walked into the castle!After getting the four different fires at once, Monkey King was in a good mood!Also let them go temporarily!

People of all races look at me, I look at you, and they all sigh immediately. This time they are exaggerated!Not only didn't he get anything, but he took all his old books with him!

"Oh! I knew I wouldn't come to this muddy water! As a result, I didn't get anything to say! Even the strange fire of my clan was snatched away! It's...really..." The Yao clan chief said more and more finally. Even the breathing became quicker!

"TMD, you're a hairy man, I was not only robbed of two kinds of different fires, but even my clan's peculiar knowledge is also in my ring! And the ancient jade of Natushe..." Yan Jin couldn't help but roar out!

"Everyone is half a catty, don't mention it, sad, let's go!" The patriarch of the spirit clan sighed, and flew towards the sky entrance with the only two remaining members of his clan!He wants to leave this sad place as soon as possible!

"That said! Didn't he get seven pieces of Tuoshe ancient jade all at once? Only the piece from the Thunder Clan is the only thing left?" The Shi Clan chief frowned.

"Follow him! Let's go! With this perversion, you still want to be robbed once! Next time that ancient Emperor Tuoshe's cave is opened, I said nothing to join in the fun!" Yan Jin shook his head. Unhappy face!

"This time there is nothing wrong with the ancients! Alas! It seems that the gap between us and his ancients is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Let's go, let's go! What do you want to do! TMD, I don't want to stay here for a moment!" The Shi clan chief shook his head.Even swearing came out.

"Forget it, let's leave quickly. We can't say that there is no gain, at least we got a promise from him..."

People of all human races such as Taixu Ancient Dragon and Sky Demon Phoenix Clan sighed, and they had no choice but to leave!Otherwise, what can they expect?Revenge? They never even thought about it!The opponent is too strong, so strong that it can gather forces from all over the continent to fight together, and there is absolutely no chance of winning!So they could only break their teeth and swallow them!

The sound of breaking through the sky whizzed, and people of all races fled this sad place with extreme speed!

In the pit not far away, the Emperor Soul Heaven, who had long been forgotten by Monkey King, glanced at the castle not far away with a gloomy face, and his expression became more gloomy: "Huh! Today's insult, tomorrow will be a hundred times more. Also! Let's go!" As he said, with the other four seriously wounded soul race members, they flew towards the entrance on the distant sky!..

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