"There are six yuan here, should you also have one?" Then, Sun Wukong looked at Gu Yuan.

"En!" A piece of ancient jade appeared in Gu Yuan's hand and handed it to Monkey King: "Now it is useless in my hand, just give it to you!"

Sun Wukong took the ancient jade, looked at the seven ancient jade in his hand, and smiled faintly: "It's still the last piece, it should be in Lei's house! But for me, there is no difference between whether this ancient jade is or not! "

Gu Yuan thought of the gap in the bronze gate outside the castle, and understood that even such a gate could be easily broken open, and what could be difficult to get him!As long as he knows where he is, where can he not go!

Sun Wukong searched for a while, especially the items poured out from the Soul Heaven Emperor’s Rings. The good things were the most. Naturally, the exercises were indispensable. After all, they had taken all the exercises in the castle before. Go, and then divide half of it to Gu Yuan and other members of the eight races!The martial arts technique is the most!

At the same time, a large number of soul bodies were found in the same instrument, which caused Gu Yuan's expression to change drastically, with a solemn expression on his face!But Monkey King was indifferent, because he already knew what the soul race was doing!He didn't have any interest in taking care of it, anyway, they were just jumping clowns!So he handed over all the items related to the Soul Race's secret plan to Gu Yuan, let them get their headaches, and deal with the Soul Race!

This bunch of things, in addition to martial arts and magic core medicine, are some secret fragments, etc., Monkey King is not very interested, and he always takes back his world ring, and he doesn't bother to watch it!

"Cai Lin, are you the queen of the snake people who live in the Tagore Desert?" After packing up the items, Monkey King looked at Cai Lin and said lightly.

"Yes!" Cai Lin nodded, looking at Monkey King with some confusion, not knowing what his purpose was suddenly saying this.

"I heard that there is a strange fire in the Tagore Desert, called Qinglian Geocentric Fire, do you know?"

"Qinglian Heart Fire?!" After hearing Sun Wukong's words, Cailin frowned slightly, thinking that Sun Wukong not only saved her life, but also gave her the precious transforming pill, she was not hiding anything in her heart. Nodded, and said: "Not long ago, I also just discovered this strange fire! But because of the opening of the Wudi Dongfu, I don't have time to get it! If you want, I can take you to get the green lotus Fire in the heart of the earth!"

"Oh, do you know the location of Qinglian Earth's Heart Fire? That would be great! I'll accompany you for a while! I'll take you back by the way! This is the deepest part of the Warcraft Mountain Range. The person has cleared the way in front. If you go back alone, I am really a little worried!" Monkey King looked at Cailin in surprise, with a smile on his face.Ok!In fact, his goal, Qinglian, is second, and Cailin is his real goal!Otherwise, with his abilities, how would he need Cailin to lead him!A small green lotus is in the heart of the earth, just a matter of minutes!

"This...then trouble you!" Cailin is also worried about going back. Now there are no strong people on the mainland to clear the way. With her strength, there is no possibility of going back alone. what!After listening to Monkey King's words, she was more relieved. If he followed, she wanted to come to this monster in the monster mountain range, because of the previous events, I am afraid that no monster would dare to stop him!

"Hi! Father-in-law! I'm so sorry, I have something to do now, so I won't go to Canaan College with you. If you want to see Xun'er, just go by yourself!" Monkey King came to Gu Yuan's side with a face Sorry.In my heart, he smiled: "Brother even called his father-in-law, you still marry Xun'er to me obediently! Hehe!"

"Uh! Ok... Ok! You're going to do it yourself! Canaan College I still know where it is!" Gu Yuan sighed after hearing what Sun Wukong said, and he also heard a little bit of what Sun Wukong said. Voice!Regardless of whether Monkey King and Xun'er are real or not, relying on his father-in-law's voice, then Xun'er must marry him!Unless he ignores the safety of his entire ethnic group!Otherwise, only to match Kaoru and Monkey King!Because Monkey King is so powerful, he simply cannot tolerate him to refuse!And Gu Yuan also believes that only a peerless powerhouse like Monkey King can be worthy of a proud girl like Xun'er!

In fact, Monkey King didn't mean to threaten, he just wanted Gu Yuan to stand on his side!In that case, it's much easier to guide Xun'er!And his goal is obviously achieved!

"Okay, in that case, let's go to the Tagore Desert right away!" Monkey King smiled slightly and looked at Nalan Yanran: "Yanran, do you want to hang out with me?"

Nalan Yanran hesitated for a while, and finally shook her head: "It's still not possible. I'll wait for the teacher to complete the inheritance and go out with her!"

"That's it! It's up to you! I live in Canaan College temporarily, and when you come out, go find me there! I think if you want to study at Canaan College, your strength will improve faster!"

"En! I will definitely go to Canaan College with my teacher to see you at that time!" Nalan Yanran said with a firm face after hearing Monkey King's words.

Monkey King looked at Lingxin, Lingxin smiled faintly, and said, "Don't pay attention to me. I am just an energy clone and cannot leave here! I will disappear after Yun Yun completes the inheritance!"

"Disappear?" Sun Wukong frowned when he looked at Lingxin's brows. If such a beautiful girl disappeared, it would be a bit unbearable!

"Hehe! You don't have to show such an expression! With your strength, breaking the void and entering the upper realm is simply a breeze! Maybe there, you will meet my real body, maybe!" Lingxin looked at Looking at Monkey King, there was a light smile on his face, still so dusty and noble.

"You mean? Are you still not dead?" Monkey King looked at Lingxin in surprise, you know, Lingxin entered the upper realm, but it has been thousands of years!It hasn't died in thousands of years, is it possible?

"Don't forget, you took away a 9th-grade longevity fruit here before! If nothing else, I think the deity should still be alive in that world! However, the deity at this time is for you In fact, it is an old monster for thousands of years!"

"Uh!" Hearing Lingxin's words, Monkey King was stunned: "There are many strange things in this world! Even after thousands of years, I believe you will still be as beautiful as before!"

Lingxin smiled faintly, did not answer, but looked up at the entrance in the distant sky and said: "If you want to go, go quickly! The time for the entrance to open is almost here, and it will be closed soon! If you want to open it, it will take a lot of tricks!"

"Oh! That's it! Let's not say much! Yanran, Lingxin, take care of yourself! Yun Yun will take care of you!" Sun Wukong was not a procrastinator either, waved his hand at the two girls, and flew directly into the air. Go: "Let's go!" After Yueguang and the others said goodbye to Yanran and Lingxin, they broke through the sky and followed closely behind Monkey King!

Seeing Nalan Yanran's reluctant expression, Lingxin smiled slightly and said, "It's only a dozen days' time. Then you can meet each other. Now, you can concentrate on practicing with me for a while!"

"Do you want to teach me to practice? It's really great!" Nalan Yanran heard Lingxin's words, her expression of excitement suddenly appeared, and she was about to accept the legendary Emperor Wu's teaching!She also temporarily forgot the sadness after parting!Instead, I became more and more looking forward to it!..

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