The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 116 Because I am God

"Want to win by quantity? You seem to have chosen the wrong opponent!" Monkey King looked at the crazy demon star faintly!From beginning to end, he did not put her in his eyes, no, because it should be said that he did not put anyone in his eyes in his eyes at all!

The right fist squeezed forward, and the space was shaking, and tens of thousands of Soul Eater ants were crushed in an instant!With a wave of one hand again, the cascading space shattered instantly!In the scope of the broken space, countless soul-eaters were immediately torn apart along with the broken space, torn into a blood mist among the space cracks, and dissipated into the air!

"The power of this space is really good!" Monkey King smiled faintly, and he was quite satisfied with the ability to master the power of the laws of this world!After trying out the power of this space, watch the soul-eaters pouring out from the whirlpool of the sea!Monkey King also lost his heart to play!

"Since you all come in to die! Then I will fulfill you!" As he said, black flames radiated from his body, sweeping away in all directions in an overwhelming force!The scorching temperature even burned out terrifying cracks in the space!The tens of millions of Soul Eater Ants are in this black flame that swept out!One after another, they turned into scorched corpses, falling to the surface of the sea with the sound of thumping, and they were disintegrated in a moment. The blue sea was only visible for a moment, and it was already black as ink, emitting a faint black light, strange and inexplicable!

Some scorched corpses fell to the ground and were shattered. The breeze blew the Buddha, turning into black dust in the sky, floating in the air!It makes it difficult for people to breathe!

Monkey King frowned slightly, and immediately put away Void Swallowing Inflammation. The power of this strange fire is indeed terrifying, but it will always leave some unnecessary residues, making the air here become muddy!

The eyes of God quietly opened!As the stars turned, wherever they looked, the black flames flashed out again!Suddenly, it shrouded here several miles away!In this range, everything that Black Flame touched was burned into nothingness in an instant!Even the black smoke from the charred corpses in the air was burned out!Even the terrific sea area of ​​Julian, under this black flame, is burning, steaming and diving at an astonishing speed!

"If you want to destroy the corpse, the fire of Amaterasu is useful!" Monkey King smiled faintly!In just a moment, the tens of millions of soul-eaters in this space were burned out!This situation!If it weren't for seeing it with their own eyes, how many people in the world can believe it?

Using such a wide range of Amaterasu, the mental power and pupil power consumed are amazing!If it were someone else, he would have been backlashed and died!But for Monkey King, this consumption is just a drop in the bucket!

The raging black flame surrounded the huge whirlpool in the sea!A steady stream of Soul Eater ants shot out from the vortex, plunged into the endless black flames, and was burned out in a flash!

Suddenly, the surging army of magic ants was like moths fighting a fire, and when they first appeared, they were burned by the fire of the sky!This army of demon ants that frightened the world was vulnerable to Monkey King's hands!

"Impossible! This is impossible! How could there be such an existence in the world... My army of magic ants! That is the army of magic ants that trembles the entire continent! Why... why has it become so vulnerable? ?! You are not a human! You are not a human at all..."

The horrible situation in front of me made Demon Star almost frantic and desperate!The power of Monkey King made her feel deep fear and helplessness!

"Yes! Because I am a god!" Monkey King looked at the demon star, smiled faintly, with a supreme tone: "And offending the end of God, your destiny has long been doomed... it is over, the matter is born by me, so freely. I'll end it!" As he said, Monkey King slowly turned his gaze to the demon star...In a flash, the black flame instantly wrapped her up!Burning raging!

The demon star was burnt a little bit by the screams!She wanted to use her martial energy to resist, but this strange flame even burned her martial energy!She was scared, she was scared!Begged Monkey King for mercy in the screams!However, Monkey King is truly indifferent!This woman is too evil, too cold!

She has no feelings at all!She is just an adult-shaped bloodthirsty monster!There is only killing in her eyes, and life is like grass in her eyes!Such a person is too dangerous to remain in the world!

Of course, this is not the point that Monkey King wants to kill her. The point is that in the end, she still wants to kill Monkey King and then quickly!Even if the intention is to kill, then we must bear the fate of being killed!Even if you are a woman!The enemy is the enemy!Since it is an enemy, we must destroy it by ruthless means!

Looking at that little bit of burnt demon star with no residue left, Qing Yun and Xueyi looked terrified!Seeing Monkey King looking at them, he almost ran away without breaking his legs!The martial energy in the body circulated involuntarily, protecting the whole body, looking at Monkey King with a vigilant face, fearing that the terrible black inflammation suddenly appeared from them!

"Your name is Qingyun? If you want to avenge Tongming, I'll give you a chance!" Monkey King looked at Qingyun with a calm expression.He clearly felt the hostility that Qingyun had shown before!

Qingyun's careful liver almost didn't get scared, and said respectfully: "My lord is joking, you just gave me a hundred courage, and I don't dare to fight with you! Although I have an old relationship with Tongming, but not As for dying for him! My time limit is approaching. In the remaining time, I just want to spend my old age here! I hope my lord can do it!"

Sun Wukong glanced at Qingyun lightly, ignoring him, he could feel that Qingyun's vitality was nearly exhausted, and it would only take a year or so to survive at most!A dying person, he didn't bother to bother about it!

Seeing Monkey King turned his head, Qingyun was obviously relieved!Under the gaze of such a terrifying powerhouse, it really is challenging people's endurance limit!And the blood coat that was ignored on the side was happy in his heart, ignoring it!Ignoring yourself means that the other party will not embarrass yourself!

With the death of the demon star!After the initial madness, the Soul Eater ants that swarmed out of the sea vortex finally calmed down!Until it receded like a tide, no one would rush into it lifelessly!

However, the soul eater from the outside world has become more riotous!Without the command of the King of Ants, those tens of millions of Soul Eater Ants suddenly became even more violent!At this moment, they are only instinct!Swallowing, killing. Slaughter, swallowing, wherever you go, there is a lot of bones and no grass!…A catastrophe is spreading to human habitation at a terrifying speed…..

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