The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 120: Terrifying Trial Object

Monkey King smiled faintly, and did not answer Cailin's words, but with a thought, he released all the females such as Kongzi in the world ring!Pointing to the army of magic ants outside, he said: "You see! These magic ants are your opponents in the trial! The number is huge and the strength is not high. It is just right for you to practice your hands!"

"No! Wukong, you told us to fight against such a large group of magic ants? Do you think we are you!" Bulma looked at Monkey King with exaggeration, her eyes full of resistance!Indeed, the dense army of magic ants looks disgusting!And the blood in the air, women will resist it!

"Don't worry, I won't let you die in vain!" Monkey King smiled faintly, and immediately formed a knot in his hand, and a light group immediately emerged from the whole body of the girls, protecting them all in it, and looking around. , Like a magic shield opened by a legendary mage!

Monkey King looked at the girls and smiled slightly: "In this case, those Soul Eater Ants will not be able to harm you. You can rush into the Demon Ant Colony and let go of your hands and feet to fight! Who would kill the Soul Eater Ant? At most, there are rewards!"

"Reward? What is it? I want a reward!" Alice immediately raised her small hand and cheered!Fragrant Phosphorus and White are also gleaming, their eyes are full of expectations!The girls also looked at Monkey King curiously!

"It's a secret for the time being. You will finish the trial I gave you first! Remember, what I want to see is not only the number of enemies killed, but also the growth process of your martial arts! Don't think you have a guard Regardless of the protection of the hood! This time is for you to increase your martial arts experience and master your martial arts! As well as your own courage, you should try your best to ensure that your vitals are not attacked. This is also the final result. Condition! I will supervise each of you, don't think about cheating and get through it!"

"It doesn't matter what the reward is, as long as it allows me to enjoy the fun of fighting martial arts!" At the moment, Kiko was very excited, his eyes gleaming with excitement!Such martial arts is exactly what she expected!

"Okay! Since you have said so! It seems that we have to work hard! Let's take a look at the results of our practice during this time!" Yuriko and other women, their eyes flashed with excitement!This is their first martial arts battle after they came to this world!Naturally, I want to perform well in front of Monkey King!The so-called rewards can only attract a few little Lolitas.For them, as the wife of Monkey King, what do they want?

The women took out their carefully selected weapons from their respective rings, and stood proudly in the field. The sharp breath erupted from their bodies. In an instant, a beautiful little wife, At this moment, she has become heroic and heroic, just like a heroic female god of war!

Monkey King nodded, this aura is still impatient!I am very contented in my heart, my sister paper is really not mediocre!

"Are you ready?" Monkey King looked at the girls and shouted!Like a general who trains soldiers!

"Ready!" The girls also yelled, especially the little loli, who screamed loudly!

But after the call, the women laughed out loud!

"Hehe! Really funny!" The little elf thought it was very funny, and laughed at him.

"Let's start! I can't wait!" Kongzi looked at Monkey King, nodded, holding the long sword in his right hand, his eyes filled with excitement!

Monkey King nodded, pointing a single point, and a hole immediately appeared in the transparent enchantment, and the hole became bigger and bigger!The Soul Eater ants outside saw nothing, and immediately screamed and swarmed towards the emerging hole!Not afraid of being shocked by those powerful auras at all, with red eyes, rushing in!Because they don't know what they are afraid of!

"Huh! Would you like to come in? Just leave it for me!" Kengzi snorted softly, eyes flashing with excitement, and rushed forward first, his figure flashed, the sharp sword in his hand turned into a cold light, and the group of ants Pass by!In the spurt of blood, three Tier 1 Soul Eater ants were cut into two in an instant!It can be seen that the sharp sword in Kongzi's hand is sharp!

"It's been a long time since I've been fighting martial arts! Don't let me down!" Kongzi yelled softly, and just rushed out of the enchantment, he jumped into the group of ants. Under his sword was cut in half!However, there are too many demon ants, but for a while, a dense swarm of soul-eaters swarmed, and in a flash, the figure of the son was submerged in the group of ants!The sharp teeth bit on the transparent mask, squeaking, but they couldn't move.

Kongzi stood in the light shield, looking at the terrifying face of the Soul Eater Ant that had been covered by the light shield, not only did not have the meaning of fear, but his eyes flashed with excitement.The sharp sword in his hand is erected, and the violent martial energy is transported on the long sword, making it emit a dazzling blue light!

A sword was swung, and the sharp sword aura slashed forward and down. In an instant, four or five demon ants were chopped in two. The blood was sprayed on the ground, the blue smoke rose, and the ground was corroded. Potholes!It can be seen that the blood of this Soul Eater Ant actually possesses this terrifying power of corrosion!Without the protection of the mask that Monkey King used, the consequences would be hard to imagine!

"Hehe! It seems that Kengzi is very motivated! Then we can't fall behind!" Nan Lixiang smiled, not to be outdone, and slashed forward with a sharp sword in his hand, which instantly cut the gap. The three Soul Eater ants who crawled like once again slashed under the sword, and jumped into the group of ants in a flash. Although they were surrounded by the group of ants in an instant, they were protected by a light mask and had long hands. The sword was swung, and the soul-eaters were cut under the sword!

When the girls saw this, although they were afraid of the group of ants, in order to express themselves in front of Monkey King, they suppressed the fear in their hearts and rushed out one by one, standing among the group of ants!Close your eyes and slash at random!

Because of the protection of the light shield, the magic ants are even more densely packed. Even if they slash and slash, every magic ant still died under their sword!Gradually, they also overcome the fear in their hearts, and because of their disgust for Soul Eater Ants, they are even more merciless in starting!With every blow, a Soul Eater Ant was cut into two!..

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