If it weren't for Monkey King this time, they would have really followed Hades's way.

Of course, if there were no Monkey King, they would not dare to appear directly in Hades's temple to find fault.

"Going back, you can clean up the rest by yourself." After Sun Wukong said a word, he and Lias disappeared here.

After a busy day, Sun Wukong doesn't want to participate in the remaining trivial matters.

"I didn't expect to really kill the god of the underworld..." Odin was a little emotional: "I don't know who would be suitable for this position?"

Michael expressed concern: "What we should have a headache now is how to pacify the rest of the underworld. If it is not handled properly, there will be an all-out war between the underworld and the underworld, and it will really affect the gods. Maybe."

Just when Serjeks settled in the underworld.

In the underworld prison, a few people sneaked out of the chaos, and they turned out to be Cao Cao's heroic faction.

They were almost killed by a light bomb by Monkey King. They wanted to seek Hades's asylum, but they were tragically caught by Sharuba. Then, under Sharuba’s persuasion, Hades also went with him. Now, Cao Cao and his colleagues have suffered all the hardships, and now they are saved by the relationship of Monkey King. This life is hard, as if the protagonist's aura has been activated, comparable to Xiaoqiang.

"Cao Cao, I heard that Hades and Shaluba Besib have been killed by the Monkey King!"

"Kill well, these two damn betrayers!" Cao Cao's face was gloomy, and his voice was cold enough to freeze.It’s no wonder that Cao Cao was so angry, betrayed and tortured, and even lost a companion Leonardo. Diodora was also deprived of the God’s Exterminator and turned into a useless person. He himself also lost "Twilight Saint Gun", it was terrible, naturally it was extremely angry.

"Then what do we do now? Hide in the dark, accumulate strength, and then go to the Monkey King for revenge?"

"Report your head!" Cao Cao heard it, obviously startled: "Do you think we are not miserable enough now? Want to provoke the plague god? Di Shitian also participated in this incident, if not for his approval, We won’t be betrayed either, so it’s Di Shi Tian who betrayed us! Sun Wukong, we can’t do anything with him, then go to Di Shi Tian to settle the ledger!"

"Di Shitian! That's a tough bone too! And your "Twilight Holy Spear" is gone, Diodora is gone, "Mistless" is gone, "Devil Creation" is also lost, what are we going to do with the emperor now? Shi Tiandou?"

"Shen Mie Ju?" Cao Cao's eyes flashed with an inexplicable luster: "The loss of the "Twilight Holy Spear" may be a good thing for me. I have to thank Master Monkey King for letting me understand a truth, Shen Mie Gu did give us unparalleled strength, but at the same time it also restricted our growth. Weapons are only weapons after all. Growth is limited. Once we lose them, we lose everything. But my own skills still exist, which is the most A good proof, only if you are strong can you become an invincible strong like that Master Monkey King!"

"So, should we give up the artifact and rebuild it?"

"It's not enough. After all, the artifact contains powerful power. It's not necessary to use it as an auxiliary to become stronger, but we can't rely on the artifact as before!"


"Let's go! After escaping from the underworld, we can't hide from now on until we have enough strength to find that Emperor Shitian to pay!"

A group of heroes, led by Cao Cao, left the Hades in hiding...

Because Serjeks and the others have too many things to deal with at this stage, they didn't even notice so few big fish slipping away from them...

At this stage, the underworld is too chaotic, and Monkey King didn't want to be disturbed by those trivial matters, so he took Lias and the others back to the human world.

After a long absence, they returned to the villa where they lived and had a peaceful night.

Until the next day, when Monkey King opened his eyes, he saw Orpheus standing on his bed with no expression on his face.

"What are you doing?" Monkey King said as he broke free from Black Ge's great chest, and carefully stuffed the kitten into her arms.

This pair of sisters really deserves to be a cat's mandrill, their habits are the same, every night they have a night attack to get into the bed of Monkey King.

"I don't have any underwear." Orpheus said as he rolled up his skirt.

Afterwards, the faint voice of the kitten rang in Monkey King's ears: "It's a bit too much even the Dragon God to be a sex object, Master Wukong!"

"If you are so hungry, let me play with you~" Black Ge opened her eyes and looked at Monkey King provocatively.

"If it's the owner, people can take it off anytime!" Kiryu Lanhua came in from the door.

"Go...Master Goku...I can take it off anytime..." Aisha stood at the door with a shy expression on her face.

"Ahhh~ It's so lively early in the morning, don't you mind if I join one too?" Zhu Nai also joined in with a smile.

"You all go away for me, don't move things in strange directions!" Monkey King looked at Zhu Nai and the others with a look of helplessness. This kind of sister paper is indeed very happy, but sometimes it is also very helpless. .

After Zhu Nai and the others' strange behavior was dismissed, Monkey King reached out and took Orpheus's hand holding the skirt away: "You said that, do you want me to buy clothes with you?"

"Yeah!" Orpheus showed a happy expression, then used his hands and feet together, hooping Monkey King.

In other words, if you don't even wear panties, don't hug people in this position.

"Neither did I..." Great Red stood aside, and wanted to learn Orpheus to roll up her skirt. Monkey King immediately stopped her: "Okay, don't follow suit! Little Lolita, I can still fight it. Staying, Da Yu Jie is a little stressed."

In fact, Great Red and the others can all make their own clothes, but when they see Rias and their closets are filled with all kinds of clothes, they want it.

"Then today I will take Orpheus and Great Red to go shopping for a while. You can stay at home. If there are too many people, it will be too conspicuous."

"You should take me at this time! Master!" Kiryu Lanhua immediately leaned forward, leaning on his glasses, and said: "I'm a bargainer!"

"Then you go with it." Sun Wukong nodded. He was obedient to Kiryu Lanhua's mouth. Even a mature woman like Yasaka could be stunned by her. Naturally, she was extremely powerful.

(4/4) ..

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