The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 128 The Phoenix Family

On the next day, Abe Qingya came to Monkey King's villa again.

After seeing Monkey King, he immediately ran up and hugged Monkey King's hand: "Master Wukong, you were really handsome yesterday~ If possible, dinner today..."

"There is no shortage of chefs here." A red was reflected in her vision, and Lias appeared in front of the two with an elegant face.

For her family, Lias can naturally tolerate it, but for outsiders, she resolutely resists.

"Well, can I stay and eat together?" Abe Qingya's eyes were full of expectation. Although I only had a meal here yesterday, the food that she had never eaten is still unforgettable.

"Is there anything wrong with you?" Sigvila looked at Abe Qingya with a serious face and said, "I don't think you came here early in the morning just for breakfast?"

"This... that..." Abe Qingya hesitated, looking hard to tell.

"Hurry up, don't mother-in-law." Lina Li said with an impatient expression.

"Actually... I was kicked out of the house by my father..."


"You got kicked out of the house?"


"Is it because Wukong broke his arranged blind date yesterday, so he became angry and vented on you?"

"Unreasonable, you already have a master as a guarantee, and your father still feels angry on you? Go, let's find him afterwards!"

Yiganmeizhi was filled with righteous indignation. Of course, they were not angry about the fact that Abe Qingya was kicked out, but that their owner had clearly guaranteed her. Her father even dared to kick her out of the house. Just don't put their favorite master in the eyes!

"No, no, no~~~ You have misunderstood!!"

Abe Qingya saw the girls rolling up their sleeves to fix her father, she was shocked, and hurriedly blocked the door and explained: "No! Not what you think! On the contrary, my father really likes Master Goku. Now, if I can’t beat Master Wukong, I’ll never be allowed into the house!”

"What? Your dad meant that he sold you to Master Wukong?"

One by one, Zhu Nai and the others fixed their hostile eyes on Abe Qingya's body.

"Wh...what's the sale?" Abe Qingya was embarrassed by the look, and then looked at Monkey King pitifully: "Master Goku, I'm homeless now, I want to take it in."

"It's really hard for you to have such a dad." Monkey King comforted Abe Qingya's head.

"Isn't it!" Abe Qingya felt bitter: "Don't look at my dad's superficial appearance. In fact, he is a big man in his bones and lacks roots... You don't know. He was originally prepared to compete yesterday. The demon shark died because it didn’t swim very often... If yesterday’s game were going on, we would all have won without a fight."


Lias and the others were speechless when they heard this.

Is the man who seems so dignified so unreliable?It's no wonder that I can do something to drive my daughter out.

While everyone was feeling emotional, Rebel took the video communication of the underworld and came to Monkey King: "Master Wukong, my mother is looking for you."

"Hey~~has a leg~" The old driver Kiryu Lanhua drove immediately.

Lias and the others immediately focused on Monkey King's body when they heard the words.

Sun Wukong didn't pay attention either. After receiving the video communication from Rebell, the soft image of Rebell's mother immediately flashed out, bowing and saluting: "Master Wukong, it's been a long time since I saw you."

"In fact, it didn't take long, right?" Monkey King smiled and said, "Is something wrong with me?"

"Um~~It's about the queen of my family's Saner Rasell..."

"That vampire hypocrite, Gasper?"

"Yes, now we have a group of vampires in our house who want to take Gasper away, saying that they want to borrow him for a period of time to solve some of their vampires' own problems, but this way, Gasper may be in danger. Among them, Rissel refused very politely, but the other party's tone was very tough, saying that Gaspar must be taken away, and even went to war with our Phoenix family! The underworld is still in the chaotic recovery stage, the way Master Xifa, they are still busy pacifying the chaos in various places and cannot take care of it. I don't want an enemy in the underworld, so I can only turn to you.

"I've just been leisurely for a few days, did you have trouble sending it to your door... OK, since you have come to ask in person, it means the situation is very bad, I will come to the underworld immediately."

"Thank you so much, you really deserve to be my beloved son-in-law, really reliable." A charming smile appeared on Rebel's mother's face.

"Mom! What are you talking about! I haven't reached that point with Master Wukong yet!" Rebel was instantly blushed with shame.

"Well~ it will be sooner or later anyway!" Rebel's mother smiled: "But please don't worry, we are not in danger for the time being. The vampire seems to know some of the relationship between our family and Lord Wukong, so it hasn't Dare to use strong, as if waiting for further negotiations."

"In other words, are they waiting for me? It's really a big air!" Monkey King snorted, "I have to see if they are so arrogant."

"What the other party said is really arrogant, even I was a little angry when I heard it." A little anger appeared on Rebel's mother's face. Obviously the other party should be too arrogant, otherwise this quiet one The wife would not show such an expression.

Hanging up the conversation with Rebel's mother, Monkey King immediately took Rias and the others to the underworld.

It happens that today is Sunday, and they all have time.

Because those vampires were jealous, they didn't dare to mess around, and Monkey King didn't rush back to the underworld. Instead, he took the train to visit the underworld again by normal means.

Under the leadership of Rebel, Monkey King came to her home for the first time.

A luxurious and exaggerated home, even more exaggerated than Lias and the others, luxurious and huge!

The Phoenix family, who manages such a fetish as "Tears of the Phoenix", is truly exaggerated.

The arrival of Monkey King naturally welcomed Rebel's mother and others in person.

In the same way, following her was a girl who had never seen before—a girl who looked like a doll wrapped in a dress like a princess in the Middle Ages.

The reason why she feels like a doll is also because her face is too beautiful. Her eyes, nose, and even mouth are like Western dolls. They don't feel like a human at all. They have a kind of artificially carved beauty...

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