The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 54—Good Teammate Fake Leaf

Since Xia Lan came to Qinghe Town deliberately, the Three Souls naturally laid their eyeliners in the town, and the most suitable for this task is naturally the invisible Death Flame of the Seven Souls.

When Monkey King and the others first came to town, Shi Yan discovered them at the first time. It was just that Monkey King’s arrival made her very scared. She thought that Qiong Qi was always beaten by each other. Her heart Xia couldn't help shaking.

Even Qiongqi in his heyday was not an opponent. If they were to match up, they would definitely be wiped out.

Similarly, she also knew that her invisibility ability had no effect at all in front of Monkey King. Therefore, during this period, she tried her best to restrain her breath, hiding in the corner and not daring to move, until Monkey King waited. She dared to evacuate quietly and came to a dark secret room when she entered a private house away from her.

It's just that Miyan didn't know how her every move escaped Monkey King's eyes, he just didn't bother to pay attention to it, because Monkey King knew that no matter what they did, there was only one result.

"I have already felt Yuan Qi's reaction in the town, has the Xia Lan of Jiugongling here already?" You Ming said calmly as she entered the hall.

Shi Yan nodded, his face solemn: "The situation is not good, I'm afraid this plan will be cancelled!"

"Huh?" The three souls all looked at Shiyan.

"The Xia Lan who defeated Master Qiongqi is here too. If he finds out, we will be wiped out!" said Qi Yan solemnly: "Subordinates suggest that it is better to evacuate quickly!"

"You mean? Defeated? Master Qiongqi was defeated?" Shuang looked surprised.

You Yutai's eyes widened too.

They began to be warned by Qiongqi to be careful of a red-haired Xia Lan. He thought it was Master Qiongqi who was more jealous of him. Unexpectedly, he had already defeated Master Qiongqi?

This kind of thing is like a fantasy.

"Yes!" Shi Yan said with fear: "Moreover, he was defeated head-on, Master Qiongqi was completely suppressed!"

"This is impossible!!"

Tai Chen shouted: "The current Master Qiongqi is completely broken and in the strongest state. How could Xia Lan defeat Master Qiongqi! Even if he is better than the nine ancient Xia Lan, it is absolutely impossible to defeat him. Master Qiongqi, let alone suppressed it!"

"This kind of thing is really unbelievable, but..." Xu's face was serious, and there was horror on his face: "But no matter how unbelievable, the fact is the fact. This is what we have seen with our own eyes. That Xia Lan is so powerful. beyond imagination!"

The Three Souls were silent. In fact, they also understood the truthfulness of these words, because Master Qiongqi himself had warned them, but it was a bit unbelievable for them to hear it.

Will the invincible Master Qiongqi be defeated?

Even if Master Qiongqi was defeated, if they were against each other, it would not be as easy as killing a little chicken.

"The plan is cancelled, withdraw!"

You decisively gave the order to retreat, without any signs of muddle-headedness.

However, just as they were preparing to evacuate, a huge roar suddenly sounded outside the house, which was accompanied by screams and exclamations!

With such a movement, the faces of the three souls and others changed drastically: "Damn, this zero force is-fake leaves! He actually exposed our whereabouts on purpose!"

Tidy looked fiercely and glared at Qipu and others: "Didn't you say that fake leaves have already escaped? Why does it still appear in the town?"

"This...this...we don't know!" Rattail's face was panicked. After they made a small report, they searched the whereabouts of the fake leaves as soon as possible, but the information they got at the time was indeed that the fake leaves had fled. To Qinghe Town.

"He even deceived your three souls, not to mention us!"

Of course, Rattail dared not say such a thought.

Only now, the three souls don't have time to care about these.


The three souls of You, Shuang, and Tai directly jumped up, smashed through the roof in an instant, rushed out, glaring at the fake leaf with a faint smile in front of them, with fierce eyes showing, and wishing to eat him in one bite.

"Fake leaves!!!"

These two words were almost squeezed out of Tai's teeth, full of roar.

However, Fake Ye's face is maddeningly calm: "Haha~~ Are you angry? Or are you afraid?"

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?" You two eyes released an astonishing killing intent.

"Of course I know." Fake Ye smiled slyly: "Anyway, it's impossible to survive. It's better to pull a few backs, you say, right?"

"You fellow!" You have never felt so angry, and the killing intent is cold, making Jiaye tremble slightly, and she is shocked: "You deserve to be the head of the three souls, so Its strength is simply terrifying!"

Just as Fake Ye was secretly shocked, Yu's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of him, poked out one hand, and grabbed his throat...

False Leaf's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he instinctively took a step back, and the huge zero force condensed in both hands, suddenly pushed forward, and flew towards You.

"Humph~ the power of ants!"

You disdain and snorted coldly, with zero force surging in his hand, and Qiongqi's pupils tightened as he watched: "That is... Qiongqi's power?!!!"


The next moment, the fake leaf's zero-force wave was easily split into two halves by You's hand, and his right hand remained undiminished. He pinched the fake leaf's throat and lifted it up in the air!


False Leaf struggled in shock and fear, dancing with her hands and feet trying to resist, but don't pinch her throat, as if all her power had been taken away, she couldn't do anything.

"A maggot like you, let me quickly disappear!" You's left hand suddenly pierced Fake Ye's heart, Fake Ye's eyes instantly widened, revealing fear and unwillingness to death...

And just at this time, an untimely voice also sounded: "Is this... an internal conflict?"

Hearing the movement, Yi Henxi and others had already arrived at the scene, and the person who spoke was naturally a mountain ghost.

"Yi Henxi!"

Rat Tail almost gritted his teeth and glared at Yi Hen Xi, and he was also present when he was robbing Yi Hen Xi Shen Pendant together with Fake Ye. He was almost killed at that time, but he did not forget Yi Hen Xi Shen's thoughts that he must report.

"Damn it, did you really attract them!" You looked extremely ugly, sucking all the zero force of the fake leaf into her body, and the fake leaf's body gradually disappeared as it broke down into zero force.

Looking at the four of Yi Henxi, Shuang breathed a sigh of relief: "The red-haired Xia Lan is not here!"

"This is an opportunity, don't be held back by them, withdraw!" You decisively ordered.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Shan Gui Yao coldly snorted, just about to take action, but suddenly felt that a light circle flashed under his feet...

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