The small golden ancient sword, with its sword aura, exudes immortal sword intent!Cut everything!But in the same way, it is burning Yun Yun's life at an astonishing speed!

"Tear the sky!!"

Accompanied by Yun Yun's soft drink, the tiny golden ancient sword trembles suddenly, and the sword energy that rushes into the sky is like a giant pillar!The space along the way is shattered, and the earth is cracking under the terrifying pressure!

The bloody qi blades all over the sky shattered together with the space at the moment when this monstrous sword qi slashed down!Turned into bloody energy in the sky, dissipated in the sky!

"Damn it!!..." The blood-robed old man and others were startled and angry, and his breath grew stronger.I saw a weird tool appeared in each of them, with a gushing force, directly shattering the tool in their hands, and tens of thousands of souls flying out of it!Cover the sky here!Screams of fear and fleeing everywhere!

However, the blood-robed Lao Tzu and the others were cold and ruthless, and murderous. The seven formed the same seal, and the horrible and cold black martial arts broke out all over the sky, covering all the fleeing souls above the sky. As the seal in their hands changed, countless souls and screams of fear began to merge strangely under the sky of black martial arts!A huge black skull was condensed soon!The thick black smoke on it, resentment rushing into the sky, it exudes a monstrous bloody atmosphere, terrifying and intimidating!A screaming scream was issued, and it bombarded the sword energy that was slashing down!

But how could this sword with Emperor Wu's will be so easy to stop!The sword aura that rushed into the sky collided with the black skulls that the blood-clothed elders showed together, and there was an astonishing sound of strikes!The space here was also shattered, and the rocky house burst into pieces...


The black skull suddenly let out a howl like pain, resentment soared, and roaring constantly!However, under this shocking sword aura, everything is in vain!Accompanied by a crisp sound, the skull cracked a thin slit, and it was out of control. In just a moment, the entire skull was densely covered, and it burst into pieces!


At the same time, the blood-clothed old man and the others spewed a large mouthful of blood, pale and bloodless!The skulls connected to their minds burst into pieces, which also caused them to be seriously injured at the same time, and their breath became wilted!At the same time, their complexion changed greatly, because they could no longer stop the monstrous sword aura. If the barrier was broken, they would not even dare to imagine the consequences!When the underside looks paler!

The monstrous sword spirit remained undiminished, and he still slashed down with the attitude of cutting everything!


The monstrous sword energy slashed above the space barrier, and a terrifying energy storm burst out, sweeping in all directions. The surrounding houses were destroyed in an instant, and some Yunlanzong disciples exploded in fear of screams. It's bloody fog!


Suddenly, the space enchantment cracked a little under the horrified eyes of the blood-clothed old man and others, and immediately burst into pieces like glass!Suddenly, the wind blew up and energy danced wildly!The sword aura still carried the surplus of horror, and suddenly slashed on the main peak of Yunlanzong!In the explosion, the gravel flew!Leaving a dark and bottomless thousand-meter gap!

"No! The barrier is broken! Everyone! Prepare the last resort!" The blood-clothed old man immediately shouted loudly as his expression changed dramatically.I saw all the martial energy in his body burned, and a strange seal was struck out in his hand. Countless black chains shot out from his body, and under his control, shot in all directions like life, piercing through. The chest of a disciple of Yunlanzong directly shattered their souls!

The other six people are also in accordance with Yan, blasting black chains in their bodies, piercing through the bodies of those Yunlanzong disciples, shattering their souls, and carrying out a merciless slaughter, leaving no room for the Yunlanzong disciples to fly away!They are trying to erase all evidence!

The massacre of four nine-star Wu Zun, one half saint, and two Wu Sheng!In the eyes of a few people, the disciples of the martial arts realm of Yunlanzong are as weak as ants, and there is no possibility of escape!This is a one-sided slaughter!

"Stop! You guys stop!" Yun Yun was so angry that she could see that!However, she just displayed the power that surpassed her limit. Now she is extremely weak, and her life is fading rapidly, and she can't do it even with a single stroke of strength!Consciousness has become more and more blurred!

In the past, she, who had always been aloof, seemed so powerless at this moment!Obviously obtained the inheritance of Emperor Wu, why is he still so weak?Even his own sect cannot be protected!Can only watch others slaughter their own sect disciples and can do nothing!You... why don't you show up...

Seeing the sect disciples one by one fell in front of her, Yun Yun shed tears for the first time!Her life was rapidly draining, and her consciousness became more and more blurred: "Is it...I'm about to...die?...It's really ironic...just got the inheritance of Emperor Wu...Is it about to...die?... Goku... Sorry... It seems... I I'm going to disappoint you..." In a daze, she seemed to see the tall figure again!Immediately, she smiled, her unwillingness and worry completely let go, and she closed her eyes in peace: "You...finally...come..."

"Hey, it's not time to sleep now!" In the blur, she heard the very familiar voice!Immediately I felt something was stuffed in my mouth: "Eat it and you will be fine!" Yun Yun said, exhausting the last bit of strength, swallowing the thing in his mouth!

For a moment, the surging life force emerged from her body like a flood, and in an instant, her lost life and martial energy were replenished!Consciousness immediately returned to the body, Yun Yun suddenly opened his eyes!What caught the eye was the caring and gentle face of Monkey King!Yun Yun's heart throbbed inexplicably, and her face flushed inexplicably!

"It's okay!" Monkey King rubbed Yun Yun's hair and helped her up from the ground.

"En! Thank you!" Yun Yun blushed, and she seemed a little uncomfortable with Sun Wukong's intimacy.Although she was very moved in her heart, but she who has always been high above her can't express it for a while!

However, it was only a moment, Yun Yun's complexion still recovered as usual, and she immediately looked at the blood-clothed old man and others who were slaughtering the disciple of Yun Lanzong, her complexion was cold and murderous!

"You'd better take a rest first! Leave the rest to me!" Monkey King gently smiled at Yun Yun.Seeing Yun Yun nodded, Monkey King suddenly turned to look at the blood-clothed old man and the others. With a smile on his face, he suddenly became murderous, and his horror aura was rising!The earth began to shake!Wanzhangjufeng couldn't bear his monstrous atmosphere of terror!Start to crack and collapse!

"You dare to move my sister paper, you are so courageous!" The light tone, such as the death god from Jiuyou, made the blood-robed old man and the others fearful and frightened!They know that when this person comes out, everything is over!Their plan failed!Only death awaits them!..

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