"Okay! Come to the square for me who want to sign up!" Monkey King took a few steps forward, glanced at the crowd, and said lightly.Although the voice was very soft, it reached everyone's ears.

"Who is this? What a powerful method! The voice is very soft, but we can hear it clearly! It's amazing!"

"Is he also a mentor? But depending on his age, it doesn't seem to be much better than us!"...

Amidst the whispering exclamations, the boys and girls all came to the center of the square, and Monkey King swept away, more than hundreds!A faint voice came to everyone's ears again: "I will select the admission criteria here this year. I don't care about your talent or strength! As long as you persist in my test, you can Become a student of Canaan College!"

"What test? This year's enrollment seems to be different!"

"It sounds pretty good..." The boys and girls suddenly started talking.

"Is it pretty good? Hey~~ My test is simple, but how many people will stick to it!" Monkey King smiled faintly, waved his hand, and a mask immediately covered all the people on the square: " Later I will increase the gravity in the enchantment you are in! The longer you hold on, the better the results! Those who can hold on for 30 seconds, even if they barely pass! So! Are you ready?"

"It's very simple! Come on! Let's get started!"...

"I'm really lucky, this year's test seems to be easier than previous years..."

"Canaan College...I am enrolled this year..."

"What does this guy want to do? Such a test is really useful?" Lei Yu turned his head to Ruo Lin and asked in confusion.

"We're just waiting for the result! Wukong's doing this, naturally has his reason!" Ruolin smiled faintly, her voice soft and almost intoxicating.

"Hey~~Then, I'm going to start!" Monkey King smiled maliciously, his mind moved, and the gravity in the barrier instantly increased!This kind of ability is a kind of ability he has mastered after absorbing Weiss.

"Puff and puff~~"

In an instant, the gravity suddenly increased, and all those who were not ready were overwhelmed to the ground, wailing everywhere!And the reflection is sensitive.Some talented people reflected it for the first time, struggling to support them, but they still fell one by one...Before ten seconds have passed, most of the people have fallen!

"Hey! Wukong, did you do too much? The person who was eliminated more than half of the time before these ten seconds passed!" Lei Yu looked at the scene in front of her, a little dissatisfied, she felt that such a test was a failure. fair.Because among those people, there are different ages, and there are strengths and weaknesses. Such a test is very unfair to those who are talented but young.

"Hey hey hey~~ Didn’t you say that it’s easy? How come most of the people fell down after a while! Get up! Get me up! As long as you can stand up again and hold on for 30 seconds, it will be considered a pass! Of course, those who can't afford to fall to the ground for ten seconds will be treated as failure!" Monkey King ignored Lei Yu and said lightly to the young girls.

After listening to Monkey King's words, the fallen man suddenly struggled hard to stand up!But once you fall down, it will be extremely difficult to get up!This is like weighing a tens of thousands of pounds on the body, how can it be so easy!Moreover, this is not only a test of the physical body, but also a test of the spirit, endurance, and psychological endurance.

Monkey King looked at those who fell on the ground still complaining about unfairness, with a look of disdain. With this kind of gravity, as long as those who practice martial arts gritted their teeth, they can basically stick to it!If you can't hold on to this level, what use is this waste?

Monkey King was indifferent to other people's complaints, the stars in his eyes flashed strangely, and the young girls in the field suddenly screamed in horror!Some were scared to pee in their pants, some foamed at the mouth, and some wanted to run around like a nerve, but under the action of gravity, it was impossible to move at all, and they could only fall on the ground and wailing in fear... Some were even more simply. , Turned his head and fainted directly... I don't know what terrifying scene they saw, but they were so frightened like this!But for a while, countless people couldn't hold on, and fell one after another...The huge square, wailing constantly!

"This is... an illusion?" Ruo Lin looked at the young girls who suddenly seemed to see something extremely terrifying and screamed, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and it was immediately obvious: "The test of the body, the temper of the mind... ...However, such hallucinations seem terrible...for people their age... Goku, is your test a bit too severe?"

The people in the field are just over a decade old. What kind of experience can they have?Monkey King, this is gravity and illusion, it is indeed stricter than the test in their school.The gravity test is okay, especially the illusion test, many people with good talents were scared and fainted!The talent is good, but unfortunately, the mind is not good!However, if you can persevere in this process, all are talented and mentally superior!

"Hey! Goku, don't play too far! We are here to recruit students, not to recruit peerless geniuses! You mess around like this and scare people crazy. How do we clean up the mess?" Seeing the scene in the field, Lei Yu suddenly became a little worried, because obviously many people in the field were scared and lost, hehe giggled, okay, some people were scared stupid!

"It's okay, I can make them resurrected if they are scared to death! What's to worry about!" Monkey King waved his hand, his face didn't matter.

"That's right! What's to worry about! This situation seems very exciting!" Xue Ni looked at the people in the field with bright eyes, and there was excitement in her eyes.

"You are a pervert!" Lei Yu gave Xueni a white glance, not talking, and staying quietly aside.Since Sun Wukong said so, she had nothing to worry about.

"Wukong! Is it really okay? If there are some accidents, it will be difficult for us to explain!" Ruolin looked at the scene, her eyes flashed with unbearableness, some of the students were scared to tears, and they hugged her hands. Head, fell to the ground and called mother!

The parents onlookers couldn't stand it and started yelling!Abstaining loudly!And some people in large families show such a bird-like appearance to the leaders of their own clan!His face is so hot, I can’t wait to find a hole in it.The scene is terrible!

"A bunch of scum! Let me be quiet!" Monkey King shouted angrily, and the sound shook the whole field. Everyone suddenly felt pain in their eardrums, buzzing in their brains, and those with poor strength were directly stunned!Suddenly, everyone present was shocked, and the eyes of Monkey King were full of shock!Suddenly, the noisy square immediately became silent!The terrifying power of Monkey King made the people present even take a breath!Just a low drink, there is such a prestige, this is terrible!..

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