The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 136 The Ice Dragon Breaks

"A dead end?" The Soul Heaven Emperor whispered.The Sun Wukong who was watching the world flashed through his mind, and his heart trembled!Then there was a ruthless and icy meaning in his eyes.It was him, it was his appearance that disrupted all his plans!After implementing the plan for many years, it was so dead!

"The ancient emperor Tuoshe... or... In this case, you can lend his hand to find the legendary ancient emperor cave..." The Emperor Soul said to himself again, silent for a long time, cold and merciless The words once again spread to every corner of the hall: "Give me speed up that plan! Even if it is blood. Wash the entire Zhongzhou, I will never allow failure! Let us bet once! This is our last chance …We are completely on the opposite side of that person! This time, if we fail, we will be benevolent!..."

Canaan College, five days have passed since Sun Wukong brought new students here.The new semester has already begun.

In Vanilla House, in the courtyard, the daughters sat hugging each other, looking at Monkey King and Ruolin who were holding each other not far away, all with serious faces.

Ruo Lin looked at Monkey King, smiled and nodded, her plump and exquisite figure, swaying, she released a mature fascination, humanity and sentiment: "Wukong, you have to be merciful!" she said, The bare hand slowly raised, a green ring on the slender finger flashed slightly, and a roll of blue long whip glowed with strange light, flashing abruptly.

The long whip is blue, and there is a strong energy wave on it. The handshaking part of the long whip is carefully carved into a huge Shekou. In the Shekou, a blue magic core the size of a baby's fist is deeply embedded. Inside, on the long whip, there are some strange martial arts inscriptions, and the lines are faintly light.

Just by looking at the shape of the long whip, you can know that Ruolin’s hand is a carefully crafted magic nuclear weapon, and looking at the gentle energy contained in the weapon, the attributes of this magic nuclear weapon are still the same as Ruolin. And the magic core embedded on the weapon was a Tier 8 water magic core given to her by Monkey King.With this kind of weapon, the latter's strength can almost double.

Having nothing to do, Ruolin has just practiced a heavenly water martial art, and is looking for Monkey King to try its power.

"Come on! You don't need to keep your hands, just attack with all your strength!" Monkey King smiled faintly, and stepped forward.

Ruolin nodded, she also knew something about the strength of Monkey King. With her strength, it was impossible to hurt her at all, so she did not hesitate at all.While the aqua-blue martial energy was in motion, he slammed it out and slammed straight towards Monkey King like a snake!

Monkey King's figure was slightly on one side, flashing to the side, and the long whip carried a trace of water, bombarding the rockery on the side, and suddenly burst into rubble.

Monkey King nodded slightly, the power of this blow was good.

Ruolin waved her hand lightly, and the long whip suddenly struck him again like a blue water dragon.

"The speed is too slow!" Monkey King shook his head slightly, his figure flashed, and he was already ten meters away from Ruolin!The long whip of the water dragon bombarded the ground, and suddenly the debris splashed, and a huge hole was bombarded!

However, if the long whip was alive, it suddenly stretched out, spanning a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and it could be pierced by Monkey King's ears!

This attack was quick and strange. If someone was in the same realm, he would have suffered a lot, and Monkey King nodded secretly.

Ruo Lin also knew that with Monkey King's skill, no matter how she attacked, she would not be able to get a piece of his clothes, so she was not swimming martial arts, and directly used her newly accomplished intermediate martial skill: Ice Dragon Break. !In this competition, she just wanted to see how powerful this martial skill was.

The blue martial energy is wrapped around the long whip, turning it into a winding blue ice dragon, surpassing the void!The temperature here dropped suddenly, but for a moment, blue frost had already condensed on the ground.

The horrible energy fluctuations radiated from it, causing the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth to start a riot. The ice dragon roared, the cold air was pressing, and the frost formed, but for a moment, it had become a frozen world.

Monkey King waved his hand, and an energy barrier immediately separated them from the girls watching outside. In this way, the cold here would not hurt them.

"It deserves to be a heavenly martial skill! Even if there is a barrier blocking it, it seems that you can feel the biting chill!" Kongzi's face was serious, with a look of surprise.It is a pity that she is not a water attribute, otherwise she would also like to learn this gorgeous and powerful martial arts.

"Ice Dragon Broken!"

With Ruolin's sweet drink, the blue ice dragon in the sky uttered waves of dragons, hovering in the sky, carrying an unparalleled horror aura and crashing down towards Monkey King!The sky is cold, the world is frozen!In the enchantment, in an instant, it became a world of ice!

This martial art does not have a terrifying energy explosion, and some is just the absolute ice that freezes everything!Once frozen, he swore the end of the war!

"Wow! This pose of Wukong is really good!" Looking at the frozen Monkey in the enchantment, Bulma could not help but let out a tut.

I saw that Monkey King looked up at the sky at this time, with deep eyes and Lei Suo from his back, a posture that life is really lonely and lonely as snow.However, his tickling hand stretched out behind the crotch completely destroyed the entire artistic conception of this picture.

Looking at the Monkey King who had been completely frozen in the barrier, Lei Mei, who had just mixed up with the girls, said with some worry: "That...Is this really all right?"

"Don't worry! An attack of this level can't hurt Goku the slightest!" Yuriko smiled slightly and said.

Sure enough, Sun Wukong's body shook slightly, and the icy ice on his body instantly disappeared and scattered to the ground!

Looking at Ruolin, whose face was a little blue and blue, Sun Wukong faintly smiled: "Yes, at least you can kill the strong below Wuhuang in one blow! However, you were actually injured by your own martial arts, which is too shameful. Let's go!" Said Monkey King walked to Ruolin's side, took her cold hand, and a trace of martial energy was injected into her body, making Ruolin's cold body warm up for a moment.

Ruo Lin's face turned red, and she gave him a helpless look: "Who told you to suddenly plant an enchantment? I don't even have room to escape. If it weren't for the same martial arts and my attributes, I'm afraid that I would have been It's freezing!"

At this time, the Hong Ri girls who were out to play walked in from the door, and in a moment, they had already arrived in front of Monkey King.Hongri said with a happy face: "Brother Wukong! Have you heard? In half a month, it will be the Academy's promotion competition! At that time, you can go to the inner courtyard to study with me!"

"Rank competition?" Monkey King was slightly surprised, and immediately smiled, Falling Heart Yan, and the cave mansion of the ancient emperor Na Tuo She, he had long wanted to see it!..

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