Xia Lu looked disdainful: "Helping you eliminate zero power? It helps you become zero. Do you really think that King Zero likes you? After all, you are just a favorite toy in her eyes, since It’s her favorite toy, so she doesn’t allow you to leave her.”

"Playing...toys..." Hearing these words, it was a big blow to the girl. Judging from her appearance, she respected Xiao Luo, because Xiao Luo once saved her life, and when she is zeroing, she will soon be killed. When Lan killed.

"Seeing that you are the toy that Xiao Luo likes, I won't be embarrassed by you, lest she break you up, she will be unhappy, but in order for you to stop doing bad things, you have to follow before you see Xiao Luo. I."

The girl stared and snorted: "If you want to kill, then kill, why should I talk to you?"

Xia Lu stepped forward and cut the big axe in her hand into the ground under the girl's feet. While frightening the other party, she also coldly snorted: "It seems that you don't know the identity of Brother Wukong. To put it simply, you are Xiao Luo. The toy is equivalent to Xiao Luo's pet, and Xiao Luo is Wukong's pet, that is to say, you are also Wukong's pet."

The girl looked angry: "How could the owner be someone else's pet! She is a great zero king! You rude people dare to humiliate my lord, I can't spare you!"

Because of the anger, the zero force that had just dissipated unexpectedly emerged from her body again, and her bright eyes gradually blackened.

"Unexpectedly, you are still loyal to Xiao Luo. I appreciate you a little bit." Monkey King said, flicking at the center of her eyebrows, the girl who gradually became zero, the strong zero force instantly collapsed and returned to normal: "Tell me, what's your name?"

"Hmph!" The girl snorted coldly, turning her head to one side, but she was shocked. The person in front of her could control the zero force in her body as she pleased. Could it be true that what he said was true?impossible!How could the great Zero King be someone else's pet!

"Oh~it's pretty hard~" The fifth smiled: "But it's very rude~, it seems that you really need to be trained, um~ I think about it, girls are scared What? Ah~ By the way, how about just taking you off the street?"

When the girl heard the words, her pupils shrank in fright: "Are you...Are you a demon?!!!"

The fifth is a cute expression: "No, they are cute Xia Lan~"

"How can you guys be Xia Lan! Are you cute?"

The fifth stepped forward, the little head stuck to the girl very close: "Do you have any comments?"

"No...No..." The girl subconsciously shook her head like a rattle.

"What is your name?"

"Su...Su Xi..."

The fifth turned around and smiled sweetly at Monkey King: "Look, Brother Wukong, if you want to know what you want, be fierce~"

"You still have a set." Monkey King stretched out his hand and touched the fifth head. The latter immediately narrowed his eyes, enjoying his face. Only a moment later, he suddenly remembered something and said, "Don't touch others." I’m not a kid.”

Monkey King carefully looked at the fifth, and said very seriously: "I think you look like a child from head to toe, and you are still very cute."


If this is replaced by someone else, I really want a puppet to slap it over.

Playing the fifth ridiculously, Monkey King turned his gaze on Su Xi again: "Su Xi, right? Don't blame Xiao Luo for deceiving you, that is also a kind of affection for you."

Su Xi's expressionless face: "It's the love of pets, I don't want it!"

"You are called the owner of the house, so surely you can accept the identity of a pet?"

"..." Su Xi was speechless for a while.

Monkey King: "That girl is darkened because of Qiongqi's zero strength, and she has a strong possessive desire for things she loves. As for what she promises you, I will help her realize it."

"Hey??" Su Xi heard the words and looked at Monkey King in amazement: "You mean?..."

Sun Wukong pointed at the ditch on Su Xi's chest, and a flash of fluorescence followed her fingertips into her body, and instantly spread to her body. The moment the zero force in her body touched the fluorescence, it melted like snow. , Being purified.

"This...this is?!!!" Feeling the changes in his body, Su Xi's eyes widened in shock, with an incredible expression on his face.

"The zero force in your body has been cleared by me. Now you are an ordinary person."

"I...I...I...I really become an ordinary person? Am I really an ordinary person?!..." Su Xi flushed in front of her excited face, looking at her hands in disbelief.

Xia Lu coldly snorted: "Don't patronize and be happy, don't hurry to thank you."

Su Xi heard this, and knelt in front of Monkey King: "Thank you! Thank you so much! I...I...I am so happy that I don't know what to say! What is the name of the benefactor?"

The fifth hum lightly said: "What kind of benefactor is to be called the master."


The fifth naturally said: "Hey what~ You are the pet of King Zero, and of course you are also the pet of Brother Wukong. What should you call the owner?"

Su Xi stirred her fingers, and said with a weak face: "That...can you not be a pet?" She said, covering her face with both hands: "I am a girl, pets or something, so shameful!"

Xia Lu snorted coldly, "I still want to be a good seller if I get a bargain. I still want to be."

"Huh?!!!" Fifth, they all looked at Xia Lu in astonishment.

Xia Lu pretty blushed, and suddenly pulled the big axe from the ground: "What do you look at? Any comments?"

The fifth waved his hands again and again: "No...no...you are just happy."

"My name is Monkey King." Monkey King looked at Su Xi and said, "But since you call Xiao Luo the master, naturally you have to call me the master. Just follow me for now, don't think about leaving, or you will be caught by Xiao Luo. , But it will completely turn you into zero."

Su Xi swallowed her saliva with a look of fear. She has a deep understanding of the power of King Zero. Not to mention King Zero, the three souls and seven souls around her are enough to make her feel cold.

Immediately bowed and saluted Monkey King: "I see, Master."

Xia Lu once again focused on the spinning top in Sun Wukong's hands: "Brother Wukong, this gluttonous soul is also a scourge, or else, destroy it?"

"It is useless to destroy it now. Only by resurrecting the gluttony can it be completely wiped out and the future troubles will be eliminated forever."

Hearing the words on the fifth, his eyes widened: "Brother Wukong, you...you...you want to resurrect the gluttonous?"

Xia Lu glanced at the fifth one: "Didn't you hear, it can be destroyed by resurrection, just like Qiongqi!"

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