After a while, Fifth Blushed and stood behind Monkey King with his little ass.

And a beautiful shadow also appeared at the door of Mei Ran's house from far and near, kneeling in front of Monkey King: "Master."

Biting put her hands around her chest and snorted coldly, "You are so embarrassed to call the master? Didn't you run with Xiao Luo? Why come back?"

"As Zero, I can't resist Master Zero's orders. I'm sorry for the trouble that has caused you all the time."

Biting curled her lips: "A word of sorry can offset your sin?"

Mo Yi tugged at Biting's clothes, and said softly, "Forget it, Biting, she also saved us several times without telling Xiao Luo..."

Biting snorted coldly and looked at Shuang: "Since we have all left, why bother to come back?"

Shuang's complexion was calm: "I left because I am Zero, so naturally I want to follow Master Zero, not betray the master. Now that the master returns, I will naturally follow the master again."

Xia Lu snorted softly, "Speaking is better than singing. Teacher Yun Dan said it is Brother Wukong's wife. If you abandon Teacher Yundan, it is equivalent to abandon Brother Wukong. What else can you quibble about?"

"I didn't know that Yundan had become the mistress. When I learned that, I had been controlled by Lord Zero and couldn't leave, but secretly, I also saved you several times, didn't I?"

"Okay, you guys don't have to fight." Monkey King interrupted them at the right time, looking at Shuang, with a calm expression: "Shuang, who are you loyal to?"

Shuangtou touched the ground: "The only thing that subordinates are loyal to is the master, but sometimes, I can't act on my own will..."

"I know that, as Zero, Xiao Luo, who is the King of Zero, wants to control you is just a matter of one thought, but you seem to be contradictory in your heart."


"You are born with emotion, which makes me very happy, but if this emotion is not used for me, it makes me very unhappy."

"!!!" Shuang trembled all over, full of fear, raised her head slightly, glanced at Monkey King, looking at his indifferent eyes, and at the moment of fear, she lowered her head again, and the fear was more intense, those plain eyes, It seems that she has already seen through her heart.

With a'bang', Shuang's forehead touched the ground again: "The feelings of the subordinates are born of the master, and all emotions are naturally owned by the master, but... the subordinates can apologize with death, but please... forgive Lord Zero for his betrayal. She was only affected by Qiongqi's zero force, and she forgot her feelings for us, but the miss for the master has not changed!"

Monkey King looked at Shuang with interest: "Your emotions have reached the point where you can sacrifice for Xiao Luo? It seems that Xiao Luo is very important to you."

Shuang trembled in fear: "The subordinates know that to show affection to life other than you is a blasphemous oath of allegiance to you, but Xiao Luo is like my sister, and the subordinates really cannot abandon her..."

"Sister...interesting, interesting." Monkey King stood up and walked over to Chaoshuang...

Shuang was trembling with fear, and when she felt Monkey King's hand resting on her head, she closed her eyes as if resigning.

"Get up."

"Hey??" The sudden gentleness made Deshuang startled slightly.

"Xiao Luo is not an outsider, and I never said I would kill her, did I? What are you trying to make up for alone?"

"Huh?" Shuang looked astonished: "Master...isn't you angry with Lord Zero?"

"It's natural to be angry, but before you kill her, how terrible do you imagine me?"


Are you making up for everything?

Hearing that Monkey King didn’t mean to kill Xiao Luo, Shuang relaxed all over her body, and told her whole body: “Although Master Zero’s feelings for his master have not changed, his feelings for us have been wiped out, and , Master Zero King is very possessive. She does not allow anyone besides herself to stay by your side. Therefore, her purpose is only to destroy all the women around her master, but she knows that your existence makes her unable to To accomplish this goal, Master Zero King obeyed Fake Ye's advice and hit the target on the ancient four fierce beasts..."

Biting frowned: "Has Fake Ye told her about the Four Fierce Beasts, what a cunning fellow."

Monkey King: "It turns out that Xiao Luo collected the Four Beasts to deal with me. No wonder you are worried that I will kill her."

"Master, Master Zero cares about you so much that he would do this..."

Monkey King glanced at Shuang: "You don't need to talk about this kind of thing."

Mei Ran on the side was stunned. It could be said that the three views were completely ruined. The King of Zero was jealous of Xia Lan, and Xia Lan was getting along with Zero?What the hell is this!

Mei Ran pulled La Langming quietly, and said in a low voice, "I said Langming, or else, you should stop being Xia Lan. I think their business is so complicated!"

Lang Ming: "It's really complicated, it makes me a little confused."

Although the two mothers and sons whispered softly, they were completely heard by Mo Yi. They were afraid that they might have misunderstood Xia Lan, so they explained patiently: "Things are not as complicated as you think, Xiao Luo, who is now Zero King originally was Our companion only absorbed Qiongqi's zero force when she got rid of Qiongqi, and became the current King of Zero."

"So it's like this..." Mei Ran suddenly realized, and looked at Shuang again: "Then what's the matter with her?"

"She, it was Wukong who conquered a zero when he dealt with Qiongqi. In fact, zero is just like us human beings. It is just for survival. It's just a different position. As long as you don't do harm to the world, zero can coexist with us of."

Mei Ran looked shocked: "Zero... can coexist with us? What a joke!"

Mo Yi pointed to the roast chicken on the table, and said seriously: "Then you say, what do we look like in the eyes of the eaten chicken?"

"..." Mei Ran was stunned by the question for a while, covering his head with both hands, and wailing: "My mother! Please don't tell me, I'm saying that my old lady's outlook on life is about to collapse!"

It's bright and thoughtful.

Biting and the others rolled their eyes together. This stalk has also caused them pain for a long time.

Mo Yi smiled, not saying much.

Su Xi was stunned: "Human and it okay?"

Monkey King patted Su Xi, let her recover, and said: "Let's do this first, Lang Ming, after we have resolved everything, someone will pick you up."

"Okay, I will definitely work hard to practice the wind curse!"

Monkey King waved his hand and walked outside the house first...

Chenyue and the others quickly followed...

Seeing this, the ugly girl hurriedly grabbed the roast chicken on the table in her hands, smiled at the mother and son, and ran out the door quickly...

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