"Don't you mean to say that this place is the land of gluttonous seals?" Fifth jumped off Monkey King's back and looked at the cave in front of him. Dai's eyebrows wrinkled slightly and looked at Su Xi.

"I...I am not very clear. It's just that the rakshas are all locked here. I think, since the rakshas are here, they must not be far from the gluttonous soul?"

"Isn't it clear? Should?" The fifth yelled exaggeratedly after hearing the words, "Is there any mistake, we have been on the road for three days, so you just tell me this? We still have to deal with zero The king! Not much time is wasted!"

Su Xi wringed her fingers, lowered her head, and looked apologetic.

Monkey King touched the fifth head and said, "Su Xi is right. Since the rakshas are all locked here, it means that the gluttonous seal is nearby. As long as the rakshas inside are released, they will naturally fight for themselves. Ran to the sealed land of gluttonous food. After all, the meaning of their existence is gluttonous food."

With that said, a small ball of light appeared in Monkey King's hand.

Su Xi hurriedly hugged Sun Wukong's right hand that was about to reach out: "You...you don't want to release these rakshas? These rakshas are all human beings. If you do this, don't you let them? Did it hurt them by throwing yourself into the net?"

"Oh~ can't you see that you still have a kind person?" Monkey King looked at Su Xi with a joking expression: "You have done bad things."

Su Xi's face turned red: "I... I was... I was forced to..."

"Don't say anything compelling, just do it, want to shirk responsibility, but a cowardly behavior." After saying that, the light ball from Monkey King's fingertips has already shot into the hole...

After a while, there was a bang of a giant image, and the whole cave began to shake and collapse violently...

With a roar, heavy footsteps also sounded...

With a thought, Monkey King led Su Xi and the others directly into the air, watching the Rakshasa rushing out of the collapsed and broken cave like a tide, and said with a slight emotion: "This picture is really spectacular. You say, right?"

"Oh! It's not spectacular, it's terrible! A lot of monsters!" Xiaoya was already screaming out of fright, and her little head was buried in Monkey King's arms.

"You...you lunatic, if you do this, don't you really want to release the gluttony?" Su Xi looked at the group of gluttony rushing forward like a wave of beasts, and stared at Monkey King in surprise.

Xia Lu turned her head and stared at Su Xi: "You shut up, instead of worrying about when it will burst out, you might as well release it to resurrection and completely wipe it out. In the world, only Wukong brother can do it. With such a thing, this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of the ancient four fierce beasts, how could this be wrong!"

"That's right, but..." Su Xi looked at the Raksha who was swarming to death below with a bit of unbearable expression. "You obviously have the means to save them, but why do you still watch them become gluttonous food? …"

Xiaoya tilted her head and said, "What do you know, no sacrifice, where is peace."

When Monkey King heard the words, he touched Xiaoya's head and smiled, "Even Xiaoya understands such a simple truth, why don't you understand it."

"Okay! What you said is right." Su Xi looked helpless, she was not a mother bitch, just seeing these gluttons throw themselves into the snare and send them to death one after another. It was a little bit unbearable, but it was nothing more. Forget, many of these rakshas were instigated by her to become, although at that time more of the reason was the blackening caused by her being controlled by zero force.

But just as Sun Wukong said, doing is doing. She can't look back anymore. Only by following Sun Wukong and destroying this gluttonous gluttonous world can she get a little comfort in her recovery.

Fifth: "The direction of Rakshasa is Gange Valley. It seems that the sealed land of gluttony should be in Gange Valley. Brother Wukong, let's follow!"

Monkey King nodded, then took the four girls and flew in the direction of Gan Ge Valley...

After a while, except for Monkey King, Su Xi's expressions were full of shock.

The endless wave of Rakshasa beasts jumped into the bottomless gorge, which was shocking and mighty.

As the last Rakshasa jumped in, Monkey King also took out the spinning top he had prepared, and threw it towards the abyss gorge below...

Seeing that the top gradually fell into the abyss and disappeared, Xia Lu and the others held their breath, their eyes widened, expecting and afraid of waiting for the picture of the gluttonous world.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no movement under the abyss.

Three little loli plus one Su Xi, you look at me, I look at you, with a dazed expression: "Could it be... failed, right?"

Monkey King smiled and shook his head: "Couldn't you just throw things out and they just broke the seal, right? At least wait for it to board for a while."

"Is this... this way?"

The four girls nodded seemingly, and the next moment later, the entire abyss gorge suddenly shook violently. It could be described as shaking the mountains and bursting magma. An incomparable and terrifying aura resembling a wild beast suddenly awakened, making the sky. All became discolored and roared, dark clouds rolled.

Seeing that giant palm made up of earth magma broke through the ground, Xia Lu and the others were shocked and nervous and uttered in shock and amazement: "Come out!

Xiaoya's eyes were even more rounded, and her mouth opened into an O shape: "Mom~ Can such a monster really fight?"

Su Xi grumbled, swallowed saliva, and looked at Monkey King: "Master, are you sure... have you ever beaten it?"

It's no wonder that Su Xi asked questions like this, only that the way gluttonous appeared was too horrible, the giant hand of magma came out of the ground, covering the sky, the picture was too impactful.

"This breath... is not inferior to Qiongqi!" Compared to Su Xi and the others, Xia Lu is much calmer. After all, she is a person who has beaten Qiongqi: "Since only Qiongqi's level is available, it is not for Wukong brother. In other words, there will be no problem."

As he said, he grabbed Su Xi and Xiaoya with both hands, and flung down in the air, away from here: "Hurry up, there is nothing for us next, don't trouble Wukong brother!"

Fifth, I heard the words and looked at Monkey King: "Brother Wukong, I will leave it to you next, and they will cheer for you."

At the foot of Yunya Peak, Yun Dan and others who were fighting with Zero suddenly stopped their hands and looked in the direction of Gan Ge Valley.

"What a strong aura! Has Taotie...resurrected?" ..

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