The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 48: Underground Palace

After listening to Monkey King’s words, Ye Yang’s complexion was very ugly: “To create zero, you must have zero power as a medium. No wonder Pei Zuo will actively approach me to cooperate. It turns out that he wants to use the zero power in our body. It's so calculating!"

Sun Wukong sneered: "Aren't you also a good calculation? Until now, Pei Zuo still thinks that you have been controlled by him. It is really a dog biting a dog."

Ye Yang's complexion turned dark when he heard the words. He was described as a dog. He naturally couldn't be happy anymore. If it hadn't been for him to move now, he would have done it long ago.

Sun Wukong said calmly: "It seems that you have finally understood a little bit now, so do you know again, whose zero force is currently being used by Pei Zuo to create zero?"

Wen Qi frowned slightly when Wen Qi heard the words, obviously thinking of something.

Ye Yang said solemnly: "Could it be Xin Yuan? I said why she has been on a mission for so long and hasn't returned. Did she suffer from Pei Zuo's poisonous hand?!"

"Who knows." Monkey King looked at Wen Qi: "Little sister, if you want to know the answer, just come and have a look with me." Then he got up and stood up and walked towards the inner hall...

Wen Qi heard this, but turned his head to look at Yeyang.

Yeyang's complexion was uncertain, and after a moment of meditation, he finally made up his mind: "Follow him, if you really find that Pei Zuo is experimenting with our people, kill him!"

In fact, what he wanted to see in person, but he has been scrapped by Monkey King, his bones are broken, and he wants to stand up, it is no longer possible, unless Monkey King is treated, otherwise he can only spend his life in bed. pass.

Wen Qi said nothing, looking at Yeyang, a trace of worry emerged in his indifferent eyes.

Ye Yang immediately said solemnly: "Don't worry about me, you can't die, hurry up and follow him!"

Wen Qi nodded silently and trot to follow in the footsteps of Monkey King...

In the aisle, he glanced at the girl behind him, and Monkey King looked curious: "Speaking of which, can you not talk or don't want to talk?"

Wen Qi just followed quietly, as if he hadn't heard, and just ignored it.

"The look of you suddenly reminded me of someone who was the same as you before, can't talk..."

Wen Qi heard this, and finally his indifferent expression fluctuated.

"Actually, I can see that the hatred in your heart is far less deep than Yeyang, and even the justice of being a Xia Lan still remains. Then, knowing that Pei Zuo is not a good person, why should he follow Yeyang? ?"

The silent Fumizaki finally fixed his gaze on Monkey King.

"Are you saying, did he save you? Well, it has nothing to do with righteousness and evil. It is interesting and interesting. What I admire most is someone like you." Monkey King stopped and looked seriously. Wen Qi, blatantly digging up Yeyang's corner: "How about it, do you want to come to my hand?"

Wen Qi just looked at Monkey King with no expression.

"Is this rejection?" Monkey King smiled faintly: "You don't have to refuse so quickly. I will give you one day to consider. You know, being my subordinate has many benefits. First, I can achieve anything for you. A wish that is not too excessive for me, remember, it's anything!"

"..." Wen Qi lowered his eyes and ignored Monkey King.

Monkey King smiled and didn't say much. The seeds had been planted. He knew very well that Wen Qi would deliver it to the door himself in a short time.

The two of them were silent all the way and did not speak, but Wen Qi looked at Monkey King's familiar road opening various hidden mechanisms, but a trace of doubt emerged in his eyes.

In the end, Monkey King stopped on a closed wall and said, "This is it, you should have learned the earth escape technique?... Forget it, there is a kind of prohibition on the absorption of Yuan Qi on this wall. In other words, the consumption is too high. I am afraid I will be tired before reaching the destination. I will have to carry you back then."

With that said, regardless of whether Wen Qi agreed or not, Monkey King reached out and grabbed her slender hand, then went straight through the wall and walked in...

In the dark space, Wen Qi allowed Monkey King to walk and stop holding her hand, but her heart was full of surprise, because she clearly sensed that Monkey King used to penetrate this wall, not a knight. Lan Shu is not a zero technique, this person really still possesses a power that ordinary people don't know.

About ten minutes later, the dark space suddenly lit up. Wen Qi had already discovered that she and Monkey King were already deep in a narrow tunnel, with torches stuck in the walls on both sides, extending all the way forward, full of weirdness and mysterious.

But it’s not important. What’s important is that she now clearly perceives that there are countless zero powers here, walking around everywhere, in the deepest part, and there is even a zero power she is very familiar with, definitely Xin Yuan There is nothing wrong with the zero force.

Wen Qidai frowned, looking at Monkey King, obviously urging him to move forward.

"Unexpectedly, Pei Zuo has already produced so many zeros. The hidden ones are really deep enough." After Sun Wukong sighed with emotion, he walked down the deepest part of the tunnel...

It's just their intrusion, which obviously attracted the attention of zero hidden in this tunnel, and they besieged them from all directions...

"I'm not interested in playing with you now, just get out of here." Monkey King screamed, with unquestionable majesty, the original hostile Chongruers, one by one, seemed to be greatly frightened. Blended into the ground and walls, disappeared.

Wen Qi glanced at Monkey King in amazement, but was not shocked. Isn't it natural to be the master of King Zero?

Along the way, looking at the group of heavy zeros who made detours, Wen Qi secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, she followed Sun Wukong, otherwise a fierce battle would be inevitable.

Although the zeros here are just heavy zeros, but the most important thing is the quantity, the place is narrow, and there is a prohibition on absorbing Yuanqi, even if the Tai Chi Xia Lan is here, it will be life and death.

In the original book, Pei Zuo didn’t make such a big deal. It seems that because of Monkey King’s relationship, Pei Zuo felt a lot of pressure, so he came up with such a big deal. The pen is not so big. Where is his confidence? Contend with Yundan and others?

Unimpeded, Wen Qi followed Monkey King to the deepest part of the underground palace, looking at the figure of the woman tied up on the altar, a trace of anger flashed in his indifferent eyes... ..

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