"Are you kidding too? Icarus?" Mikako seemed to be really nervous right now, or is this expression just a pretend?

Because Mikako's feeling itself is gentle, dark-bellied, calm, calm and crazy and dangerous, nervous, scared, and so on. It really hasn't appeared in her.

Icarus replied blankly: "In my database, there is no joking about this command. Now I will execute the master's command immediately."

The flashing light of the card in his hand is getting brighter.

Mikako immediately grabbed Icarus' slender hand: "Wait, Icarus and Goku have asked you to stop this order. Don't you listen to him? How can you disobey his order?"

She didn't want to become an X slave or something.

Chu Yuan was also helping out, "That's right, how can I violate his master's order."

Icarus thinks about it, it seems right, but there is indeed no order to stop the order in her database, which makes her seem a little tangled.

Mei Xiangzi looked at Monkey King, her gentle gesture showing a dangerous warning: "Don't you say anything? You don't really want me to be an X slave, do you?"

Monkey King smiled: "This idea is also pretty good."

"You, you... I didn't expect you to be a pervert."

"When I dare to call me a big pervert, I really don't care."

Mikako's expression became softer when she heard the words: "I know you are the best. I won't be really angry, right?"

"I didn't see that you were really scared." Monkey King glanced at Mikako with a deep meaning, and touched Icarus's head: "You are now a living being, and you have your own independent thinking. Ability, you don’t need to be obsessed with the commands set in the database. Do whatever you want. Do you want to stop this command or not."

When Mikako heard the words, she also looked at Icarus with curiosity. Icarus, as an artificial angel, is like a robot. It will act according to the program set by the owner. She is curious as to what Icarus will choose to do. Is it dependent on the procedure, or dependent on my own thoughts.

When Icarus heard the words, his expressionless face seemed to show some thoughts, and his heart seemed to be struggling and entangled, but after a period of entanglement, it seemed that there was no result. He tilted his head and looked at Monkey King for help. :"the host…"

Monkey King said indifferently; "Don't ask me, it's your own choice. Just do what you want. I won't bother."

Chu Yuan suggested from the side: "I still need to think about it? Since your master wants you to suspend the order, of course you have to suspend the order. Didn't you say that any wish can be realized for your master? Then this'suspend order' It's what your master wants."

"Stopping the order...is the master's wish..." Icarus seemed to be stunned when he heard the words, and the original entanglement suddenly became clear: "I know, since this is also the master's wish, I will stop this order."

The light of the card dissipated, and Icarus took it away.

Mikako looked at Chu Yuan with a smile: "Not bad, Chu Yuan, I didn't expect you to have such a quick wit."

Chu Yuan's face turned red: "No, I just talked casually."

"You talk casually, but it saves me from being an X slave. I can't help but report this great favor. If you have time, do you want to visit my house?"

"Huh?~ Go to the president's house as a guest?" Chu Yuan seemed surprised.

"Yeah, or else, just today, as a welcome banquet for you to join the "Discover New World Society"."

"Banquet? Don't be so exaggerated?" As a child of ordinary people, opening a welcome banquet for such a small thing is really exaggerated for her.

"Well~ it's settled." Mikako said, looking at Feng Yin Rihe not far away, narrowing her eyes slightly, and looking at Monkey King: "Should I invite her over too?"

Monkey King looked at her: "Can you do it?"

Mikako slammed the paper fan in her hand with a confident expression: "Don't forget that I am the president of the student council."

"Forget it now." Monkey King waved his hand and didn't say much. It's not time to get in touch with Fengyin Rihe.

After school, at the school gate.

"Zhishu, I'm going to the president's house today, you should go back by yourself first."

"What? Chu Yuan, are you going to play at the president's house?" Zhishu's eyes widened in shock: "I...may I go?"

"No~" Mikako also walked out of the school gracefully at this time: "This is our "Discover New World News" club activity. Outsiders are not allowed to participate."

Zhishu was even more shocked: "Chu Yuan, you...you joined that...that club?!!!"

"Right, you don't need this expression, right?"

Zhishu very quietly said, "Don't you know... the senior Shouxing?"

In Zhishu's view, Shou Xing is definitely an abnormal human, a flying mad, this kind of person is the existence he avoids, and joining a society with this kind of person is definitely the most troublesome thing.

"Okay, that's all for this topic, and..." Chu Yuan said, raising his hand knife, and the expression on his face suddenly became extremely scary: "You must not tell anyone about what you saw today. ,otherwise…"

"I won't tell you if I kill you, you perverted swordswoman!" Zhishu was scared and ran away.

After a while, Shougata also appeared at the school gate.

Mikako: "Shougata, do you want to be together?"

Morigata Eishiro helped put his glasses down, and said without thinking, "For your house, forget it..."

Mikako was a little unbearable watching Morigata leave alone. In fact, she wanted to have a banquet at Morigata's house. If this way, there would be no need to isolate him. After all, Morigata Eishiro was also a member of the "Discover New Great World Society". A member, but if Sun Wukong doesn't go, she doesn't make a mistake.

Because for this banquet, Mikako went to Monkey King's food, what once a week, who has the patience to wait for so long? How could this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed.

"Well, it will be here. Why does Senior Moromito seem unwilling to go to your house?"

"Well~ this is a matter between our two families, let's not talk about it, let's go."

Chu Yuan: "By the way, what about that person?"

"You mean Monkey King? He should have already gone back during our class. Let’s not say anything. Let’s go back. Let me tell you. That guy has a lot of weird abilities, especially good food. Describe it in words!"

"Yes, how do I think that you are hosting this banquet for other people's food?" ..

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