The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 16 Nimf vs. Icarus

"Ahhh~ If you know something wrong, if you recognize me as the master, forgive you~" Mikako said with a gentle expression.

"Huh~ I want me to recognize the smell on the ground..."

"Huh?" Mikako looked at Nimf with a smile, and was so scared that Nimf instinctively changed her words: "It is impossible to recognize the human beings on the ground as masters. I am not as bad as Icarus's head. ."

When Mikako heard the words, she looked regretful: "That's really a pity, but I really want an all-purpose artificial angel, what should I do?"

Nimf looked angry: "What do you want, what does it matter to me? Anyway, I will never recognize the human beings on the ground as the master, so you die!"

"That's really disappointing."

Nimf looked at Sun Wukong pitifully everywhere, begging: "Please let me go, I won't be attacking you anymore."

I have to say that Nimf's cute expression is indeed very lethal. Monkey King just persisted for a few seconds before he was defeated: "Forget it, since I know it's wrong, I will spare you this time. "

After taking a slap, Monkey King let go of Nimf after feeling the touch again.

Once he was free, Nimf flashed into the sky, looking at Monkey King with sarcasm, and several people laughed and laughed: "The bed bugs on the ground are really innocent~ The master's order is to kill, how can I be? I will let you go, but since people say they won’t attack you, they will naturally fulfill their promises. Now, let’s change someone to be your opponent~"

As he said, Nimf’s gaze was already fixed on Icarus: "Your betrayal should be related to the protection of memory? I am an artificial angel for electronic warfare. I use my hacker system to help you solve it. The protection of the memory area allows you to understand what your mission is and who is your real master!"

Nimf said, her eyes rippling with electronic ripples, intruding from Icarus's eyes...

Meixiangzi met, and immediately looked at Monkey King: "This looks a bit bad, Wukong, stop her now!"

"No, this is also an opportunity."

Monkey King allowed Nimf to help Icarus open the protection of memory. After a while, countless protected memories poured into Icarus's brain in vain, flashing one by one in her brain like a movie...

Sinapus, the Lord of the Sky, surrounded by a group of angels, looked forward to the following world:

"Those grubs... are building huge towers."

"It seems to be building a tower that reaches the sky and attacking us Sinaps."


A group of angels heard this, as if they heard a big joke, they all laughed unscrupulously.

And the Lord of Sora sat on the main seat, surrounded by the beauty, holding a knife and fork, and elegantly eating the food in front of him, with a playful disdain at the corner of his mouth: "Hehe~~ Want to come to Sinaps? It’s really hard for the insects crawling on the ground to come to such a distant sky! There seem to be millions of grubs in that country, how about it? Can you bet?"

The beautiful angels started talking again: "Hey~ the opponent is the Queen of Sora? How can you bet?"

Sora Master: " bet they can last a few minutes."

"Just do it, Icarus."

The angel who had been kneeling down at the head replied, "Yes."

The Lord of Sora issued a ruthless order: "Go and trample them, and leave none!"


As soon as the memory picture in his brain turned, it was the picture of Icarus carrying out the merciless massacre of people on the ground. Together with the current Icarus himself, I was a little scared: "This memory?!"

Gradually, Icarus began to be in a daze, and two lines of tears appeared in his eyes without emotional fluctuations...

This made Mikako Dai's eyebrows slightly frowned, her gentle expression still, but there was a hint of terrible danger hidden: "Ah~~ People who can't express their feelings will also cry. What a terrible picture is this? "

When Nimf saw this picture, he burst into laughter: "Ah~hahaha~~!!! Are you so excited to cry? Senior Icarus, now you, should you remember who you are? Who is your master, right? Senior Icarus, be the queen of the sky that is terrifying, yearning and admiring! Then fulfill the command given to you by the master, and trample on the ground that is useless and dirty The bug!"

After laughing wildly, Nimf suddenly realized something. The whole body felt a bitter cold, with a cold sweat: "Hey, hey, hey~~ Wait a minute, why...can you cry?!!! I just unlocked the memory area. The protection of thinking does not unlock the protection of thinking control..."

The answer to Nimf was the violent aura bursting out of Icarus, and the surrounding houses were tossed down and flattened. With the sound of electronic sounds and circuits, Icarus’s mechanical interpretation was set. The program: "Think about the 100% release of control protection, and the release of variable flying wing protection is in progress...80%...90...100%...starting the self-repair program..."

Seeing such a scene, Nimf's complexion changed drastically, with a look of panic and fear: "Oh... oh... the pupils have turned red... the guy is about to awaken... But why... the hostility is locked on me?!!! Senior Carlos, you have to figure it out~~ We are companions! The bugs on the ground are the ones we should clean up!"


The gorgeous wings opened in vain, and Icarus instantly turned into a flash of light and flashed into the sky, his eyes staring indifferently at Nimf ahead, and electronic messages flashed in his pupils: "Self-repair-complete! Goal-capture, artemis, launch!"

A dazzling aperture appeared above Icarus's head, and countless light beams condensed in front of her and emitted...

"But... Damn!! Why treat me as an enemy? And why is the protection unlocked? Did she use the hacking system I entered in turn? There can be no such thing! Bad...bad!!"

Just as Nimf fled in the air, the beam of light was flanking back and forth, making her inevitable. With a loud roar, Nimf was flooded by countless beams and fell to the ground in a booming explosion.

"Hey hey hey~~~ This is a bit... too far!!"

Mikako looked at the surrounding scene, her gentle expression was replaced by incomparable horror, and even excited.

Her home has been turned into ruins during this bombing.

Seeing that Mikako was about to rush to join the battle group, Monkey King stopped her in time to move: "Although your combat power is good, you should not participate in this kind of black technology contest..." ..

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